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作者:Kevin Pranata Ginting
作者(英文):Kevin Pranata Ginting
論文名稱:西北太平洋區秋刀魚(Cololabis saira) 之海蝨(Caligus macarovi)寄生研究
論文名稱(英文):A study of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) parasitized by sea lice (Caligus macarovi) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
指導教授(英文):Wen-Bin Huang
口試委員(英文):Chih-Shin Chen
Chun-Yao Chen
關鍵詞:太平洋秋刀魚Caligus macarovi寄生西北太平洋
關鍵詞(英文):Pacific sauryCaligus macaroviParasitismNorhwestern Pacific Ocean
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本論文研究海蝨Caligus macarrovi) 寄生太平洋秋刀魚Cololabis saira之感染指標(盛行率、平均強度和豐度)年度變化及此寄生對此魚之成長影響。秋刀魚為西北太平洋重要經濟物種之一。研究資料期間為2008-2021年,並且秋刀魚樣本數量為每年202至502尾。在2008年C. macarovi寄生秋刀魚之盛行率、平均強度和豐度分別為11.71%、1.07和0.12,至2021年則分別大幅增加至83.16%、2.25和1.87。與未被C. macarovi寄生之秋刀魚體重和肥滿度(124.46 ± 29.29 g, 0.471 ± 0.05)相比,被C. macarovi寄生之秋刀魚具有顯著較小的體重和較低的肥滿度(115.63 ± 0.57 g, 0.458 ± 0.05)(p < 0.001)。透過以海面溫度、秋刀魚體重、肥滿度和年齡為主要特徵之主成分分析法,可將研究期間之14年歸類為三個寄生年組,分別為第1年組、第2年組和第3年組。寄生蟲豐度在此三個寄生年組間存在顯著差異(p < 0.001),其中以第1年組最低(0.85 ± 0.03),第2年組(1.69 ± 0.06)次之,第3年組(1.89 ± 0.05)最高。秋刀魚體重和肥滿度在此三個寄生年組間均存在顯著差異(p < 0.001)。寄生年組之秋刀魚體重,以第2年組最小(102.59 ± 2.00g),第3年組次之(117.27 ± 1.42g),第1年組最大(126.99 ± 1.12g)。寄生年組之秋刀魚肥滿度,以第3年組(0.440 ± 0.002)最小且顯著低於第2年組(0.470 ± 0.002)與第1年組(0.473 ± 0.002)。寄生蟲豐度對秋刀魚體長和年齡間皆呈正相關。秋刀魚生物量與寄生蟲豐度間呈負相關,顯示秋刀魚族群量越小、寄生蟲數量越多。
This study examined the annual variation of Caligus macarovi infection metrics (prevalence, mean intensity, and abundance) and the effect of the parasite infection on the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, one of the economically important species in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. The saury samples caught from 2008-2021 with sample size ranged from 202 to 502 saury. The prevalence, mean intensity, and abundance were 11.71%, 1.07, and 0.12 in 2008, and increased largely to 83.16%, 2.25, and 1.87 in 2021, respectively. Saury infected by C. macarovi had a smaller body weight and condition factor (115.63 ± 0.57 g, 0.458 ± 0.05) compared to the non-infected saury (124.46 ± 29.29 g, 0.471 ± 0.05) (p < 0.001). Three infection year groups, namely group 1, group 2, and group 3, were identified from the 14 years and characterized majorly by sea surface temperature, saury body weight, condition factor (CF), and age using the principal component analysis. The three infection year groups had a significantly different C. macarovi abundance (p < 0.001) with group 1 being the lowest (0.85 ± 0.03), followed by group 2 (1.69 ± 0.06), and group 3 (1.89 ± 0.05). The body weight (p < 0.001) and CF (p < 0.001) was varied significantly among the infection year groups. The body weight in group 2 (102.59 ± 2.00 g) was significantly smaller than that in group 3 (117.27 ± 1.42 g), and group 1 had the largest body weight (126.99 ± 1.12 g). The saury CF in group 3 (0.440 ± 0.002) was significantly smaller than those in group 2 (0.470 ± 0.002) and group 1 (0.473 ± 0.002). The variables saury body length and saury age had a positive relationship with the parasite abundance. Saury biomass had a negative relationship with parasite abundance, implying smaller saury population would have more parasite number.
1.1. Parasitism 1
1.1.1. Definition 1
1.1.2. Parasite-host interaction 3
1.2. Pacific saury in the North Pacific Ocean. 4
1.2.1 Biology 5
1.2.2 Migration 5
1.2.3. Pacific saury fishery 6
1.2.4 Pacific saury research in Taiwan 7
1.3. Parasites on the Pacific saury 8
1.3.1. Caligus macarovi on Pacific saury 9
1.4 Objectives of this study 10
1.4.1 Research questions: 10
1.4.2 Hypothesis 10
2.1. Pacific saury samples and environmental data 13
2.2. Measurement of fish samples 13
2.3. Infection metrics of the parasite 14
2.3.1. Parasite identification 14
2.3.2. C. macarovi infection metrics 14
2.4. Data analysis 15
2.4.1. The effect of C. macarovi infection on Pacific saury 15
2.4.2. Yearly groups determination 16
2.4.3. Variation in saury body weight and CF 17
2.4.4. Variation of C. macarovi abundance 17
2.4.5. Diagnostic of model assumptions 18
3.1 Annual variation of biological and environmental condition 19
3.1.1 Biological condition 19
3.1.2 Parasite number 19
3.1.3 C. macarovi infection metrics 20
3.1.4 Environmental condition 20
3.2. Variation of saury growth between infected and non-infected group 21
3.2.1 Saury growth in the infected and non-infected group 21
3.2.2 Length-weight relationship on the infected and non-infected group 21
3.3. Characteristics of the yearly group. 22
3.3.1. Biological conditions among the group 23
3.3.2. Environmental conditions 23
3.4 Variation of saury growth 24
3.4.1. Variation in saury body weight 24
3.4.2. Variation in saury CF 25
3.5. The effect of saury biological condition and environmental factors on the parasite number variation 27
3.5.1. Diagnostic of model assumptions 27
3.5.2. The effect of host’s biological condition and environmental factors on the parasite number variation 27
4.1. C. macarovi identification 29
4.2. C.macarovi infection metrics variation 29
4.3. C.macarovi infection among the yearly group 30
4.4. Potential effect of C. macarovi infection on Pacific saury 32
4.5. The effect of host biological and environmental factors on the variation of parasite number 34
APPENDICES Data obtained from other resources 69

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