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作者:Matthew Inman
作者(英文):Matthew Inman
論文名稱(英文):Understanding Citizen’s Adaptation Preferences for Circular Economy Business Models in Taiwan (A Case Study: An Application on Single-Use Plastics)
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Hai-Yin Wu
Yun-Ju Chen
關鍵詞(英文):Circular Economyplastic waste managementwillingness to paychoice experimentcitizen preferencecommunity resilience
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近年來,在非政府組織和政府之間進行塑膠汙染相關的問題討論越來越多。塑膠汙染對我們的環境以及健康影響的證據也繼續增加。另一方面,應對這些問題的解決方案也在不斷增加。循環經濟(Circular Economy)是這些潛在的解決方案之一。雖然台灣政府通過了許多法規為遏制一次性塑料的使用,併計劃在 2030 年全面禁止使用一次性塑料,這顯然一次性塑料仍然是一個問題。此研究探討了台灣公民對利用循環經濟作為一次性塑料替代品的調適性偏好。此研究利用重要表現程度分析法(Important Performance Analysis)和選擇實驗法(Choice Experiment)來分析公民的偏好。總體而言,此研究的結果表明,公民在循環經濟取代廢塑方案中比較傾向于(並願意為此付費):1) 學校或社區工作坊以增進對議題的認識,2) 為應用循環經濟模式去減少廢塑的企業提供稅收減免,3) 提供財務或積分的獎勵於參與循環經濟模式的消費者,4) 轉變商品和循環經濟基礎設施從所有權變成用戶權,5) 針對循環經濟模式的業務提供政府資金和/或補貼,以及6) 政府指導的政策以促進企業和消費者的循環經濟應用。以建立循環經濟模式去探討當地人民減少廢塑的偏好,以上的研究結論對政府及企業大有幫助。

In recent years, the issues associated with plastic pollution have become more and more discussed amongst NGOs and governments. The evidence of plastic pollution’s effect on our environment, as well as our health, continues to mount. On the other hand, solutions to deal with these issues are also growing. One of these potential solutions is that of Circular Economies (CE). While the Taiwanese government has passed many regulations in order to curb the use of single-use plastic and has plans to totally ban single-use plastic by 2030, it is evident that single-use plastics are still a problem. This study explored the adaptation preferences of citizens and residents of Taiwan towards using Circular Economies as replacements for single-use plastics. Through Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Choice Experiment techniques, the preferences of citizens were analyzed. Overall, the results show that citizens prefer (and are willing to pay for) the following when it comes to Circular Economies to replace plastic waste: 1) school/community workshops to increase perception of the issues, 2) tax breaks for businesses who reduce waste through CE models, 3) financial and/or point incentives for consumers who participate in CE models, 4) a shift from ownership to usership of goods and widely available CE infrastructure 5) government funding and/or subsidies directed towards CE businesses, and 6) government directed policies to facilitate CE growth for businesses and consumers. These findings could be useful for both governments and businesses when considering the preferences of local people to establish CEs with the intention of mitigating plastic waste.

Keywords: Circular Economy, plastic waste management, willingness to pay, choice experiment, citizen preference, community resilience
1. Plastic Pollution 1
1.1 Circular Economy as a Solution 1
1.2 Research Gap 3
1.3 Research Questions 4
2.1 The Current Situation in Taiwan 7
2.2 Current Situation in the EU 14
2.3 Community Resilience 15
2.4 Community Resilience Towards Circular Economy 17
2.5 Circular Economy in the Field of Waste Management 18
2.6 Application of Choice Experiment 20
2.7 Potential Issues with Taiwanese Consumer Perceptions about CE 21
3.1 Attributes and Levels Design 25
3.2 Theoretical Thinking & Conceptual Framework 31
3.3 Questionnaire 34
Pre-Test Questionnaire 34
3.4 Data Collection 42
4.1 Demographic Data 45
4.2 Perceptions and Behaviors Related to Circular Economy 47
4.3 Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Results 50
4.4 Choice Experiment Model Results 55
4.5 RPL Interaction & Latent Class Model analysis 57
4.6 Heterogeneity Preferences 60
4.7 Hypothetical Scenarios to Establish Circular-Economies That Reduce Plastic Waste 63
6.1 Limitations 74
References 77
APPENDIX I- Stakeholder Interview Questionnaire for CE-based Businesses 85
APPENDIX II- Stakeholder Interview Questionnaire for NGOs Businesses 86
APPENDIX III- Stakeholder Interview Questionnaire for Taiwan EPA 87
APPENDIX IV- Formal Questionnaire 88
APPENDIX V- Removal of unreasonable alternatives 96
APPENDIX VI- Versions with Choice Set Allocation 98
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