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作者(英文):Yun-Hsuan Lo
論文名稱:不同風化條件的醫療口罩之微塑膠釋出及其對中南美白對蝦(Litopenaeus vannamei)之行為影響
論文名稱(英文):Microplastics released from surgical masks with different weathering conditions and their behavioral effects to whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
指導教授(英文):Te-Hao Chen
口試委員(英文):Te-Hao Chen
Fung-Chi Ko
Chia-Wei Lin
關鍵詞(英文):COVID-19surgical maskmicrofiberswhiteleg shrimpbehavior
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醫療口罩(Surgical masks)是常見的個人防護用品,在嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)大流行期間,全球對口罩的需求急遽增加。口罩的結構通常有內、中、外三層,材質主要為聚丙烯(PP),是一種常見的塑膠材質。隨著口罩的大量生產與使用,已有研究顯示,口罩會釋放出大量的微塑膠,可能成為海洋中新的塑膠汙染來源。當陸地上被拋棄的口罩進到海洋時,首當其衝的就是河口沿岸地區。廢棄的口罩在海洋中經過長時間的風化及微生物附著,將沉降在海底,影響底棲的海洋生物,例如甲殼類等。中南美白對蝦(Litopenaeus vannamei),簡稱白蝦,原棲地是沿海的沙底質,屬於雜食性生物,且是現有養殖蝦類排名第一的蝦種,因此選用白蝦作為實驗生物。本實驗室之前的研究顯示白蝦會攝入微纖維,本研究想進一步了解廢棄醫療口罩釋出的微纖維對白蝦的影響,以全新的口罩、陽光照射兩個月的口罩及浸泡在戶外海水池兩個月的口罩為實驗材料,探討(1)不同風化條件下口罩的物理變化與釋放出的微塑膠、(2)白蝦對不同風化條件的口罩之行為反應(3)白蝦長期暴露於口罩的生長與行為影響(4)口罩釋放的微塑膠在白蝦組織內的生物累積。我們假設口罩在戶外日曬或浸泡在戶外海水池中一段時間後,會釋放更多微塑膠。而白蝦長期暴露於有不同風化條件的口罩本體的水體中,可能影響白蝦的生長與行為,且導致微塑膠透過生物累積出現在蝦子的組織中。結果顯示,日曬組口罩的表面結構較鬆散,釋出的微纖維量最多。白蝦在第一次接觸到醫療口罩時,海水組白蝦的總移動時間顯著較低,總移動距離則有降低的趨勢,可能跟海水組口罩上附著生物所散發出的氣味有關。長期暴露於不同風化條件的口罩4週後,日曬組白蝦的總移動距離及總移動時間皆顯著低於新口罩組,可能因為日曬組釋出的微纖維較多,長期暴露之下影響了白蝦的運動行為;海水組白蝦的攝食行為則較為遲緩,推測為長期受口罩上附著的氣味所影響。而在生物累積上,不論是鰓、消化道或是肌肉組織,各組別都沒有顯著的差異。生長方面,各組間也無顯著差異。顯示在暴露於廢棄醫療口罩時,白蝦的行為改變比生理反應敏感。
Surgical masks (SMs) are common personal protective equipment. Since the outbreak of the pandemic of COVID-19, the global demand for masks has been increasing. The structure of the mask usually consists of inner, middle, and outer layers, and the material is mainly polypropylene (PP), which is a common plastic material. With the mass production and use of masks, studies have shown that masks can release a large number of microplastics, which may become a new source of plastic pollution in the ocean. When the masks discarded on land enter the ocean, it is the estuary and coastal areas that bear the brunt. After a long time of weathering and microbial attachment in the ocean, the discarded masks will settle on the seabed and affect benthic marine life, such as crustaceans. Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei), are widely farmed worldwide. Their original habitats are coastal areas, which are prone to plastic pollution. Therefore, whiteleg shrimp was selected as the experimental organism in this study. Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that whiteleg shrimp would ingest microfibers, so this study aims to further address the impact of microfibers released from discarded masks on whiteleg shrimp. The shrimp were exposed to brand new SMs, SMs chronically exposed to sunlight, and SMs chronically immersed in an outdoor seawater pond. We specifically aim to characterize (1) physical alteration and microplastic release from SMs of different weathering conditions, (2) behavioral interaction between shrimp and SMs, (3) growth and behavioral effects of chronic exposure to SMs, and (4) bioaccumulation of microplastics released from SMs in shrimp tissues. We hypothesize that SMs exposed to sunlight or soaked in an outdoor seawater pool would release more microplastics. Also, chronic exposure to SMs may affect shrimp growth and behavior, and cause microplastic bioaccumulation in tissues. The results showed that the surface structure of the masks in the sun-exposed group was relatively loose, and released more microfibers. When the shrimp contact with the surgical mask for the first time, the active time of the white shrimp in the seawater group was significantly lower. The total distance moved tended to decrease, which may be related to the attached organisms on the masks in the seawater group. After long-term exposure to masks under different weathering conditions for four weeks, the total moving distance and total moving time of the shrimp in the sun-exposed group were significantly lower than those in the new mask group. The feeding behavior of the shrimp in the seawater group was slower. The behavioral effects observed after the long-term exposure may be related to higher release levels of microplastics from SMs of sun-exposed group. In terms of bioaccumulation in the gill, digestive tract, or muscle tissues, there was no significant difference among the groups. There was also no significant difference among the groups for growth. Our results suggest that the behavioral changes of whiteleg shrimps were more sensitive than the physiological responses when exposed to discarded surgical masks.
第一章 前言 1
1.1 微纖維汙染 1
1.2 COVID-19大流行產生醫療口罩汙染問題 3
1.2.1 野外醫療口罩數量及分布 3
1.2.2 目前實驗室對醫療口罩之相關研究 5
1.3 微纖維對甲殼類的生態毒理研究 8
1.4 行為生態毒理學 9
1.5 實驗物種 10
1.6 實驗目標 11
第二章 研究材料與方法 13
2.1 實驗動物飼養與照顧 13
2.2 實驗設計 14
2.3 實驗用口罩製備 15
2.3.1 品牌選擇與材質鑑定 15
2.3.2 不同風化條件的口罩 15
2.4 口罩表面結構與釋出微塑膠 17
2.5 白蝦第一次接觸不同風化條件口罩的行為反應 18
2.5.1 實驗動物準備 18
2.5.2 實驗設置與前處理 19
2.5.3 白蝦與醫療口罩交互作用及泳動行為拍攝 19
2.6 長期暴露實驗 21
2.6.1 暴露實驗設計 21
2.6.2 拍攝攝食行為使用之食物凍製作 22
2.6.3 攝食及泳動行為拍攝 22
2.6.4 生長參數測量 23
2.7 行為分析 24
2.8 生物累積 26
2.8.1 實驗動物解剖 26
2.8.2 器官組織消化、過濾 27
2.9 微塑膠染色 27
2.10 微塑膠計數 28
2.11 汙染物控制 29
2.12 統計分析 30
第三章 結果 31
3.1 實驗動物 31
3.2 口罩材質 31
3.3 不同風化條件下的醫療口罩 33
3.3.1 風化條件 33
3.3.2 表面結構 35
3.3.3 微纖維釋出量 37
3.4 白蝦第一次接觸到不同風化條件醫療口罩的行為 40
3.5 長期暴露下不同風化條件醫療口罩對白蝦的亞致死效應 43
3.5.1 行為分析 43
3.5.2 生長 46
3.5.3 各部位微纖維累積量 48
第四章 討論 51
4.1 醫療口罩在不同風化條件下釋出的微塑膠 51
4.1.1 不同方法使醫療口罩產生微塑膠的量不同 51
4.1.2 經日曬後的醫療口罩釋出較多塑膠 54
4.2 白蝦第一次接觸不同風化條件口罩之行為表現 55
4.2.1 探索行為 55
4.2.2 泳動行為 56
4.3 長期暴露微塑膠對甲殼類的影響 57
4.3.1 攝食行為 57
4.3.2 活動力 58
4.3.3 生長 59
4.4 微塑膠在生物體的累積 60
4.5 白蝦與甲殼類動物如何因應微塑膠汙染 61
第五章 結論與未來展望 63
參考文獻 65
附錄 75
附錄一、白蝦第一次接觸不同風化口罩之行為表現 75
附錄二、長期暴露於不同風化條件口罩4週後白蝦之行為表現 79
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吳芷吟, 2022. 比較塑膠微纖維及天然微纖維攝入在中南美白對蝦之累積及對行為影響. 國立東華大學海洋生物研究所碩士論文.
童一軒, 2021. 聚丙烯微塑膠纖維於中南美白對蝦(Penaeus vannamei)攝入後之宿命及對行為影響. 國立東華大學海洋生物研究所碩士論文.
臺灣海洋保育與漁業永續基金會, 2023. 臺灣海鮮選擇指南 第六版.
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