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作者(英文):Kwok-Wai Lam
論文名稱:同批銳枝鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora acuta)在兩個不同養殖系統中連續每月放苗一年
論文名稱(英文):One year of consistent monthly reproduction in a cohort of Pocillopora acuta colonies within two distinct aquaculture systems
指導教授(英文):Tung-Yung Fan
Pi-Jen Liu
口試委員(英文):Li-Lian Liu
Tung-Yung Fan
Pi-Jen Liu
關鍵詞(英文):aquacultureflow-through systemrecirculating aquaculture systemreproductionPocillopora acutaArtemia
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由於人為干擾和氣候變遷的衝擊持續上升,珊瑚的自然補充機制已經無法彌補珊瑚礁退化的速度。以現在的海洋環境狀況來說,原地直接移植珊瑚或原地珊瑚苗圃等主動復育方法的成功性有限。這裡,我們將餵食滋養豐年蝦的技術結合至長期珊瑚養殖,並比較兩個不同異地水產養殖系統的潛力: 流水式系統(Flow-through system, FTS)、再循環式系統(Recirculating aquaculture system, RAS)。我們量化了同批孵育型銳枝鹿角珊瑚(Pocillopora acuta)在室內養殖系統下的生殖狀況(換句話說,整個實驗中珊瑚沒有被更換過),包括了放苗的數量及時間,並發現珊瑚群體連續放苗12個月,並在FTS和RAS系統中各別累積了5457 ± 5229 和 6435 ± 10297(mean ± SD)隻珊瑚幼苗。同時發現兩個系統的放苗週期剛好相反。這連續的長期生殖和生殖上的變化可能與珊瑚群體的能量和餵食的效應有關。其他因素像是壓力相關事件或是不同的水溫亦可能造成此生殖變化。為了保護健康的珊瑚礁,減緩氣候變遷所造成的壓力固然重要,但異地水產養殖系統亦能夠為珊瑚保育及復育、珊瑚基因庫、或與珊瑚幼生、跨世代、生物醫學等相關的研究做出貢獻。
As the impact of anthropogenic disturbances and climate change increases, natural coral recruitment alone may not be able to mitigate reef degradation. Further, under current marine environmental conditions, active restoration efforts such as direct transplantation or cultivation with in situ nurseries may be met with limited success. Here, we assessed an alternative approach by comparing the capacity for long-term coral cultivation in two distinct ex situ aquaculture systems: a flow-through system (FTS) and a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS); corals in each system were fed enriched Artemia. We quantified monthly reproduction (output and timing) for a fixed cohort of colonies (i.e., no colonies were replaced throughout the experiment), using brooding coral Pocillopora acuta. We found that colonies were able to reproduce consistently each month over the course of our 12-month study, with 5457 ± 5229 and 6435 ± 10297 (mean ± SD) larvae produced in the FTS and in the RAS, respectively. The two systems showed opposite trends in seasonal reproductive timing. Both the variability and consistency of long-term reproduction in each aquaculture system may be related to the colonies’ energy level and the effect of feeding. Other factors such as stress-related events or different water temperature may also be responsible for the variations. While mitigating climate change pressures is paramount to safeguarding the health of coral reefs globally, ex situ cultivation in aquaculture systems can contribute to coral conservation and restoration efforts, coral gene bank stockpiles, and research related to larval life stages, cross-generational studies or even biomedical investigation.
Acknowledgements I
Abstract III
中文摘要 V
Table of Content VII
List of Tables IX
List of Figures XI
Chapter – 1 1
1. Introduction 1
Chapter – 2 5
2. Materials and methods 5
2.1 Study site & species 5
2.2 Aquaculture systems 6
2.3 Colony collection and history 8
2.4 Artemia culture and feeding 9
2.5 Larvae collection 10
2.6 Statistics 11
Chapter – 3 15
3. Results 15
3.1 Aquaculture system conditions 15
3.2 Survival rate and health of colonies 15
3.3 Reproductive output 16
3.4 Reproductive timing 19
3.5 Correlations of mean seasonal (MST), monthly (MMT) and daily temperature (MDT) with reproductive output 20
Chapter – 4 23
4. Discussion 23
4.1 Reproductive output 23
4.2 Reproductive timing 29
Chapter – 5 35
5. Conclusion 35
References 37
Tables 43
Figures 49
Supplementary materials 63
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