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作者(英文):Chieh-Yu Chang
論文名稱(英文):Interactive Experiences with the Elderly —Using Dance Movement Classes to Connect.
指導教授(英文):Shiau-Hua Liu
口試委員(英文):Shu-Chung Chen
Yin-Hui Hong
關鍵詞(英文):ElderlyMental healthInteractive Experiences
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台灣社會邁入高齡化與超高齡化趨勢,並且正在學習如何在此趨勢下開始重視老人的健康議題,本研究從研究者的學習背景—諮商心理學系在學碩士生的身份,於C級長照站招募研究對象10位,課程前以成人心理健康量表(AMHS)進行前測;8次課程後,在進行一次成人心理健康量表後測,並與參與者進行半結構式個別訪談,訪談逐字稿紀錄與編碼後使用主題式分析法(thematic analysis)對編碼資料進行分析,了解老年族群主觀健康狀況、生命經驗與對課程之回饋,比對參與者所進行之成人心理健康量表(AMHS)前、後測數據使用成對樣本t檢定,發現課程前與課程後的心理健康有顯著提升,並且在訪談過程後針對三個研究問題提出以下結論。

從老年族群身心健康狀態中分為三個主題1. 主觀身體健康狀態中分為身體健康、身體稍有疾病與退化,整體而論,皆能與身體狀況共處,不致生活困擾;2. 人際互動與情緒調適情形方面,長輩提到環境包容度高能感到較自在,機構中的人際關係和諧,像是朋友、姊妹般的互動,當有彼此誤會時也能進行溝通與調解;3. 自主規劃生活之能力是從長者日常活動分享中觀察其為自己規劃豐富課程、朋友聚會、出遊等行程,生活多采多姿。

從老年族群生命經驗分為四個主題1. 人際關係與社會角色轉換經驗,長者提到子女會擔心家中長輩一個人無聊、孤單,所以給予長輩一些生活規劃建議,同時長輩自己要適應從家庭中主要決策者角色退下的角色轉換;2. 生命喚起與整合經驗方面,則是長輩自主性地談論過去經驗,包含受教育階段、工作、婚姻、退休等,從過去經驗中找到意義,並為自己整合一生的經歷;3. 課程參與後的身心經驗是長者表示課程富變化性,並感到有趣、愉快、輕鬆等;4. 幫助延緩退化的主觀經驗方面,長者提到本課程可能會因心情變得愉快,所以也連帶讓身體變好,長輩對於活動身體及分享情緒、感受的設計中,認為對腦部退化有幫助,另外也有長輩認為對身體沒有什麼變化。

從參與課程回饋分成四個主題1. 分享生命故事的邀請對於長輩來說是很棒的活動,可以分享內心的想法、感受;2. 帶領者的態度上,長輩表示會受帶領者的情緒狀態影響,若帶領者有活力、正向,長輩也會感到心情好;3. 課程有變化性會讓長輩覺得自己變年輕、生活充滿樂趣;4. 其他建議是長輩希望課程堂數可以延長,並多規劃能維持身體功能之課程。
Taiwanese society is experiencing the trends of population aging and super-aging, and it is starting to pay attention to the health issues of the elderly. This study, conducted by a master's student in counseling psychology, recruited 10 participants from a day care center. Before the course, the Adult Mental Health Scale (AMHS) was used for pre-test measurement. After 8 sessions of the course, a post-test was conducted using the AMHS, and semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with the participants. The interview transcripts were recorded and coded, and thematic analysis was used to analyze the coded data to understand the subjective health status, life experiences, and feedback on the course from the elderly population. Paired samples t-tests were conducted on the pre-test and post-test data of the AMHS to compare the participants' mental health. The results showed a significant improvement in mental health from before to after the course. After the interview process, the following conclusions were drawn regarding the three research questions.

From the perspective of the elderly's physical and mental health status, three themes were identified: 1) Subjective physical health, which was categorized into good physical health or slight illness. Overall, participants were able to coexist with their physical conditions without significant life difficulties. 2) Interpersonal interaction and emotional adjustment, where the elderly mentioned feeling more at ease in an inclusive environment, experiencing harmonious interpersonal relationships within the day care center, and engaging in interactions similar to friendship or siblinghood. They were able to communicate and mediate misunderstandings when they occurred. 3) The ability to autonomously plan their lives was observed from the sharing of daily activities by the elderly, such as organizing enriching courses, gatherings with friends, and trips, making their lives vibrant and diverse.

Regarding the life experiences of the elderly population, four themes were identified: 1) Experience of interpersonal relationships and social role transitions. The elderly mentioned that their children would worry about their loneliness and boredom, providing suggestions for life planning. At the same time, the elderly themselves needed to adapt to the transition from being the primary decision-makers within the family. 2) Experience of life awakening and integration, where the elderly autonomously discussed their past experiences, including education, work, marriage, and retirement. They found meaning in their past experiences and integrated their life journey. 3) Physical and mental experiences after participating in the dance movement classes were described by the elderly as varied, interesting, enjoyable, and relaxing. 4) Subjective experiences of helping delay deterioration. The elderly stated that the course could improve their mood, which, in turn, positively affected their physical well-being. They believed that activities targeting the body and emotional sharing and experiences could help with cognitive decline. Some participants did not notice any significant changes in their physical condition.

Regarding feedback on the course participation, four themes were identified: 1) The invitation to share life stories was considered a great activity by the elderly, allowing them to share their inner thoughts and feelings. 2) The attitude of the facilitator influenced the elderly participants. If the facilitator displayed energy and positivity, the elderly also felt good. 3) The variability of the course made the elderly feel younger and brought fun into their lives. 4) Other suggestions included extending the number of course sessions and planning more activities to maintain physical functionality.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
壹、緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與背景 1
第二節 老化現象與老年族群心理特性 3
第三節 舞動課程設計基礎 7
第四節 舞動課程設計 11
第五節 研究問題與假設 13
貳、研究方法 15
第一節 研究參與者與研究場域 15
第二節 研究設計 16
第三節 舞動課程帶領過程 18
第四節 研究工具 21
第五節 研究程序與實施 22
第六節 資料整理與分析 23
第七節 研究倫理 24
參、研究結果 27
第一節 量化結果 27
第二節 質化結果 28
肆、結論 47
參考文獻 55
中文文獻 55
英文文獻 58
附錄 69
附件一 研究倫理委員會研究計畫許可書 69
附件二 受試者同意書 70

圖一 課程前後之心理困擾/健康程度分佈圖 48

表一 舞動課程方案設計 19
表二 半結構式訪談大綱 23
表三 編碼範例 25
表四 研究對象之背景資料 17
表五 成人心理健康量表之統計分析摘要表 28
表六 課程前後心理健康程度人數分佈表 47

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