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作者(英文):Shyh-Ing Chen
論文名稱(英文):A Preservice Preschool Teacher's Transformation and Personal Growth of Cross-cultural Self Conflict
指導教授(英文):Ming-Li Chang
口試委員(英文):Horn-Fay Cherng
Yu-Tai Su
關鍵詞(英文):preservice preschool teacherself-conflicttransformation personal growthErikson’s stages of psychosocial development
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My life experience is similar to that of the Ugly Duckling. I grew up in a loveless environment. At the age of 7, I cried and begged my mother to buy me a doll, only to receive a severe beating, which was when I felt aggrieved for the first time. When I was 8 years old, I attended a tutoring class, where I suffered physical punishment from the teacher for lagging behind in my studies. For the first time, I experienced low self-esteem. At 9 years old, I was having fun with my older siblings in the wrong way, which caused them to be unexpectedly and undeservedly scolded by my mother. Ever since then, they have been turning away from me, which made me feel lonely for the first time. When I was 14 years old, I was bullied by my cousin, and I first developed a fear of boys. These events put me in the mental states of aggrievement, loneliness, low self-esteem, and fear, which further intertwined into self-conflict. After growing up, I tried to resolve my inner conflicts in order to achieve self-identification and to become a person of internal and external conformity. Therefore, I developed my standpoints through Erikson (1963)’s Stages of Psychosocial Development, which states that the identity formation at each stage is a reintegration of the previous stage, and if it is not successfully developed, a psychological crisis will arise and unconsciously continue to affect the development at the next stage.
I still remember the incident when I handed in a blank examination paper at the age of 10, which caused my mother to give up raising my brother and me. I suffered terribly. In the same year, I returned to Taiwan and my grandmother took over the responsibility to raise me. Under her authoritative education, I was unable to fight against her, and had to suppress my emotions. Feeling aggrieved, along with the sense of low self-esteem and loneliness, I started to show symptoms of depression at the age of 13. I was unable to vent my emotions. At 16 years old, I felt lonely while selecting a Five-year Junior College Program with my grandmother. When I was 20 years old, my mother returned to Taiwan and had conflicts with my grandmother, which led me to feel frightened, aggrieved, self-abased, and lonely. In addition, my 21-year-old cousin’s aggressive language made me feel inferior, burdening me with me with the same despair and emotions. These stories all originated from my lack of love, with the unresolved problems from the previous stage continuing to persist and intertwining with those at the next stage to develop into conflicts. However, as I grew up, I took the opportunity of self-narrative to gradually heal and transform the wounds of the past. I still need to untie the knot in my heart to get rid of the conflict with my mother. Through self-narrative, I unraveled the shackles within and tried to transform these wounds into personal growth, so that I, as a future preschool educator, can become a model for the children. Finally, I hope that all preschool teachers and myself will face up to our childhood trauma and resolve the internal conflicts, because only by becoming a physically and mentally healthy person will we be able to raise children with positive personalities
第一章 自我衝突的楔子 1
第二章 苦不堪言的委屈 13
第一節 響起掌聲的委屈 13
第二節 酸甜苦辣的滋味 23
第三節 病從心來 34
第四節 小屈大伸 42
第三章 自慚形穢的自卑 47
第一節 學習如夢魘 47
第二節 赤口白舌的言語 63
第三節 化卑昇華之路 69
第四章 無知之下的孤獨 73
第一節 行為的背後 73
第二節 吊形弔影的行為 80
第三節 主宰的人生 86
第四節 煢煢中曙光乍現 95
第五章 寒心鼻酸的恐懼 101
第一節 被隱藏的種子 101
第二節 願母親不再出現 109
第三節 解開內心的囹圄 117
第六章 自我敘說的力量 123
第一節 成長之路 123
第二節 自我衝突的反省 130
後記 137
參考書目 143
一、中文部分 143
二、英文部分 146

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