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作者:Hesti Miranda
作者(英文):Hesti Miranda
指導教授(英文):Tsai-Wei Wang
口試委員(英文):Chia-Ling Chiang
Jun Chiang
關鍵詞(英文):Gender RolesIndonesian female doctoral studentPerceptionTaiwan
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This study aims to identify Indonesian female doctoral students’, who study in Taiwan, definitions of gender roles and to investigate their perceptions and suggestions for prospective female doctoral students. This study used the life history approach of qualitative research and invited three Indonesian female doctoral students to narrate their stories in Taiwan via semi-structured interviews. The results show three participants’ similarities in gender roles perception: that being, they believed equality in gender roles, equal rights and equal opportunities to females and males. It is also found that cultural and religious beliefs had an impact on perceptions of gender roles of Indonesian female doctoral students. Perceptively, all of the participants experienced positive perceptions during their study in Taiwan. They, however, suggest they must obtain permission from parents or family, whether married or single, to study. Based on the results, future female doctoral students ought to note the importance of mental preparation and that women must have a firm intention to study; even if it remains difficult to obtain a strong determination due to an intense positive, or negative, environment.
1. Background of the Study 1
2. Research Questions 3
3. Purpose of Study 3
4. Definition of Key Terms 3
5. Significance of the Study 4
1. Gender 5
2. Gender Roles 5
3. Gender Status in Indonesia 6
4. Women Roles 8
5. Women in Higher Education 15
6. Women’s Relationship 17
7. Negotiation Roles between Family and Education Life 18
8. Academic Performance of Women 21
9. The Important Impact of Women Pursuing Higher Education 22
10. Career Aspiration of Women 23
11. Academic Work and Career Advancement of Female Doctoral Student 27
12. Previous Studies 30
13. Theoretical Framework 32
1. Research Design 33
2. Researcher Roles 33
3. Research Participants 33
4. Technique and Instruments 34
5. Data Collection Procedures 41
6. Data Analysis 42
7. Ethical Consideration 43
8. Data Credibility 44
1. Differences in the Factors that Influence Participants’ Gender Roles 47
2. Similarities in the Factors that Influence Participants’ Gender Roles 53
3. Suggestion of Female Doctoral Student 65
5. Transformation Gender Roles 70
6. Education Impacts on Gender Roles 73
7. Gender Roles in Culture 74
8. Gender Roles in Religion 77
9. Reflection on the Study 78
1. Discussion 81
2. Conclusion 89
3. Implication of the Study 91

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