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作者:Ina Winangsih
作者(英文):Ina Winangsih
論文名稱(英文):Identifying Children's Role in Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts in Bandung City, Indonesia
指導教授(英文):Hui-Hua Chen
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Cheng Kao
Chunn-Ying Lin
關鍵詞(英文):children constructiondisaster risk reductioncommunity-based education
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The notion that “children are innocent” has led society to view children as a vulnerable group when the moment of a disaster strikes. This thought often makes the child’s role in disaster mitigation to be overlooked since society deems them as incapable of contributing anything significant in these matters. However, there are researchers that have shown that children are resilient during critical situations. The government's efforts to involve children in disaster risk reduction in Indonesia have also been carried out with several government regulations and disaster curricula in early childhood education units. In addition, there are also Non-Government Organizations that take the initiative to assist the government in efforts to reduce disaster risk. With these efforts, This research aimed to identify which role the children can take in disaster risk reduction. This was done by analysing each aspect or factor that affects the role of the children. By utilizing the grounded theory method, the data gained from the interviews with five participants was analysed. By using post developmentalism perspective, result shows that the children are constructed as a vulnerable group, determined from psychological, physical, and educational dimensions. However, the children also have their role and agency in disaster risk reduction efforts. It determined by increasing their awareness on disaster, taking voice and being a communicator, which led them to participate in disaster risk reduction efforts. Also, the discourse of religion and local beliefs, social economic background of the children, and the learning strategy in promoting resilience has a significant importance in affecting the children’s role in disaster risk reduction.
Chapter I: Introduction 1
1.1. Background and Motivation of the Study 1
1.2. Formulation of Research Background 3
1.3. Purpose of the Research 3
1.4. Significance of the Research 3
1.5. Thesis Structure 4
Chapter II: Literature Review 7
2.1. Post-Developmentalism 7
2.2. Children’s Role in Society 9
2.3. Disaster Risk Reduction in Indonesia 11
Chapter III: Methodology 17
3.1. Research Design 17
3.2. Participants 17
3.3. Data Collection 19
3.4. Analysis Process 20
3.5. Ethics Issues 23
Chapter IV: Finding and Discussion 25
4.1. The Construction of Children’s Vulnerability in Disaster Risk Reduction 25
4.2. Children’s Agency in Disaster Risk Reduction 27
4.3. Aspects Effecting Children’s Role in Disaster Risk Reduction 29
4.3.1. The Discourse of Religion 30
4.3.2. Social Economic Background 31
4.3.3. Learning Strategy 33
Chapter V: Conclusion, Limitation, and Recommendation 35
5.1. Conclusion 35
5.2. Limitation 36
5.3. Recommendation 37
Appendix I. 50
Appendix II. 51

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