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作者:Ridha Marissa El Seira
作者(英文):Ridha Marissa El Seira
論文名稱(英文):Resilience in Young Children during the Covid-19 Pandemic about the Gender Issues from Parents' Perspective
指導教授(英文):Yu-Tai Su
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Cheng Kao
Chien-Heng Lin
Yu-Tai Su
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This study aims to explore resilience in young children from parents' perspective using gender lens during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using the post-developmentalism paradigm, this research tries to explore hidden issues in the context of a pandemic. Furthermore, this study uses constructivist grounded theory to explore issues that were not revealed during home quarantine from the perspective of parents. This study was conducted during a pandemic, so that data collection was carried out online by involving eight participants who took part in the FGD and two participants who took part in the interviews. Participants are parents who have children aged four to six years who are facing the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The results showed that children are active agents who are not only active in building resilience during the pandemic but also actively deconstructing stereotypes about children that many people commonly believe. Children can also negotiate their resilience and negotiate their power with their environment. However, parents' fears and perceptions of children's incompatibility with prevailing norms and discourses drive their children to obey developmental discourses considered 'ideal' and 'standard'. This finding is expected to help parents, institutions, curriculum developers, and further researchers to become more sensitive to children's resilience and pay attention to the binary in everyday life, especially during the pandemic. This study also invites parents and stakeholders to pay more attention and listen to children in negotiating their agency.
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Research Objectives 3
1.3. Research Questions 3
1.4. Benefits of Research 3
1.5. Thesis Organizational Structure 3
2.1. A Brief Story of Post-Developmentalism 5
2.2. Post-Developmentalism: A Nexus with Gender Lens 11
2.3. Resilience from the Post-Developmentalism Frame 17
2.4. Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia 21
3.1. Research Design 24
3.2. Participants and Research Places 24
3.3. Data Collection 29
3.4. Data Analysis 30
3.5. Data Validity and Reliability 33
3.6. Ethical Considerations 35
4.1. Agentic Child 37
3.2 Child Negotiations 42
4.1 Conclusion 47
4.2 Recommendations 48
4.3 Limitations 50



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