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作者:Muhammad Naufal Fairuzillah
作者(英文):Muhammad Naufal Fairuzillah
論文名稱(英文):Parents' Experiences in Educating their Children to Memorize the Qur'an since Early Childhood
指導教授(英文):Chien-Heng Lin
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Cheng Kao
Yu-Tai Su
Chien-Heng Lin
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Al-Qur’an is the Holy Book of the Islamic religion as the guidance for mankind. Indonesia, as the largest Muslim population countries, has many numbers of Hafiz (Qur’an memorizer). Globally the number of Qur’an memorizers around the world also increases. The public interest of Muslim parents in educating their children to memorize the Qur’an seems to be highly large. The aims of this research is to explore the parents’ experiences who educate their children to memorize the Qur'an since early childhood in terms of the reasons, the methods and strategies, as well as the challenges. This is a qualitative study which used grounded theory analysis. There were four parents who involved in this study, those parents have been educating their children to memorize the Qur’an since early childhood in different backgrounds and domiciles in Indonesia. Based on this research, the reasons why the parents educate their children to memorize the Qur’an since early childhood because the parents optimize the children’s capability and golden period of early childhood; they also aware of the glories of the Qur’an and the wisdom of being Hafiz; the parents’ principle on Al-Qur’an and educational background; an inspirational figure or program; and the benefits of memorizing the Qur’an toward the children’s development. The parents have their own method how their children memorize the Qur’an which they think that it is the effective and proper method applied for the children including talaqqi (face to face with teacher), supervision, watching Qur’an recitation videos, and blended methods. The strategies in educating the children to memorize the Qur’an since early childhood education are trying to understand the characteristics of the children, applying habituation toward Al-Qur’an, motivating them and giving rewards, showing good example, and then consistency and discipline. While, the challenges are the children’s mood, lack of cooperation, the use of certain electronic devices, busy parents, people criticism, and conducting muraja’ah (repeating the rote) routinely.
1. Background 1
2. Research Aims 5
3. Research Questions 5
4. Research Benefits 5
1. Definition and Concept of Hafiz-ul-Qur’an (a Qur’an Memorizer) 7
2. The Islamic Law and the Urgency of Memorizing the Qur’an 8
3. The Glories and Wisdom of Memorizing the Qur’an 11
4. The Positive Impact of Memorizing Al-Qur’an on Various Intelligences 13
5. Memorizing Qur’an for Early Childhood 16
6. Strategies for Educating Children to Memorize the Qur’an 18
1. Research Approach 25
2. Data Analysis Technique 25
3. Data Sources 25
4. Data Collection Technique 26
5. Ethical Considerations 27
6. Trustworthiness 27
7. Demographics of the Research Subjects 29
1. Findings 31
1.1. The Parents’ Reasons in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an since Early Childhood 31
1.2. The Methods Used in Memorizing the Qur’an 37
1.3. The Parents’ Strategies in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an since Early Childhood 39
1.4. The Challenges in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an 46
2. Discussion 51
2.1. The Parents’ Reasons in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an since Early Childhood 51
2.2. The Methods Used in Memorizing the Qur’an 54
2.3. The Parents’ Strategies in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an since Early Childhood 55
2.4. The Challenges in Educating the Children to Memorize the Qur’an 57

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