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作者(英文):Man-Ting Xu
論文名稱(英文):Multi-stage medication automatic identification method based on decomposable bilinear layer arbitration network
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Chin Chiang
口試委員(英文):Der-Lor Way
Shin-Feng Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Deep LearningMedication DetectionMedication RecognitionYOLODenseNetDecomposed Bilenear Layer Arbitration Network
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本研究提出一套自動藥品識別系統的設計。系統使用網路攝影機、伺服器以及固定攝影機高度的支架作為硬體工具。軟體方面,我們利用 PyTorch 實現藥品檢測和識別模型。資料集則由臺灣基督教門諾會醫療財團法人門諾醫院提供,院內使用透明包裝共215種膠囊和藥錠。
According to a report by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the proportion of medication use among the Taiwanese population has been increasing in recent years, with annual medication expenditure reaching billions of pills. Consequently, pharmacists are facing a higher volume of prescriptions to handle. Verifying medications not only requires significant time and effort, but also carries the risk of errors, which can pose a potential and concern for patients. Due to the extended duration spent on medication verification, The physical and mental burden on pharmacists is enormous. Additionally, if patients have insufficient knowledge and understanding of the medications they are taking, they may not receive appropriate treatment or, in severe cases, face life-threatening risks. Therefore, this study aims to develop a medication recognition system using deep learning, a widely used technology, to assist pharmacists in quickly and accurately verifying medications, reducing the risk of medication errors, and alleviating the verification pressure on pharmacists.
This study proposes a design for an automatic drug identification system. The system utilizes a network camera, a server, and a stand with a fixed camera height as hardware tools. In terms of software, we implemented drug detection and identification models using PyTorch. The dataset was provided by the Mennonite Christian Hospital, and it includes 215 types of capsules and tablets with transparent packaging used within the hospital.
In this study, we propose a multi-stage drug identification method. In the first stage, we employ a highly accurate YOLO model to detect and roughly classify the pills in the images, achieving a recognition accuracy of 98.6%. In the second stage, we utilize the DenseNet model to further categorize the drugs. For capsule-type drugs, the Top-1 accuracy reaches 99.27%, and the Top-3 accuracy is 100%. For tablet-type drugs, the Top-1 accuracy reaches 97.65%, the Top-3 accuracy is 99.55%, and the Top-5 accuracy is 99.66%. Finally, in the third stage, we introduce our designed DBL module for arbitration among the Top-N candidate drugs. The DBL module extracts arbitration features between candidate categories and integrates them into a comprehensive arbitration feature. Through our designed DBLAN neural network model, we accomplish the arbitration of the Top-N candidate drug categories and output the final first candidate drug category. Experimental results demonstrate that DBLAN indeed improves the Top-1 recognition accuracy of the DenseNet model in the second stage for capsule-type drugs, achieving 100% accuracy, while the Top-1 recognition accuracy for tablet-type drugs is improved to 98.3%. Ultimately, our experiments confirm that the multi-stage drug identification method achieves higher recognition accuracy compared to the single-stage drug identification method.
謝誌 I
摘要 III
目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第 2 章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 相關文獻 3
2.2 使用技術 9
2.2.1 深度學習 10
2.2.2 物件偵測 12
2.2.3 卷積神經網路 13
2.2.4 孿生神經網路 17
第 3 章 研究方法與系統設計 19
3.1 研究方法 19
3.1.1 YOLO藥品偵測與第一階段概略分類 19
3.1.2 DenseNet第二階段細分類 21
3.1.3 分解式雙線性層仲裁網路第三階段Top-N仲裁 22
3.2 系統設計 29
3.2.1 系統環境 29
3.2.2 系統流程 30
第 4 章 實驗結果與討論 35
4.1 藥品偵測與第一階段概略分類 35
4.1.1 藥品資料蒐集 35
4.1.2 藥品偵測與概略分類效能 36
4.2 第二階段藥品細分類 40
4.2.1 藥品辨識系統限制 40
4.2.2 藥品辨識模型之選擇 41
4.2.3 藥品資料擴增及像素標準化 41
4.2.4 膠囊類藥品第二階段細分類 46
4.2.5 藥錠類藥品第二階段細分類 47
4.3 第三階段TOP-N候選仲裁 50
4.3.1 DBLAN訓練資料集擴增 50
4.3.2 膠囊類藥品的第三階段仲裁 51
4.3.3 藥錠類藥品的第三階段仲裁 51
4.4 單階段藥品辨識與多階段藥品辨識比較 53
4.5 分解式雙線性層效果驗證 54
第 5 章 結論與未來方向 57
參考文獻 59
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