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作者(英文):Ting-Wei Li
論文名稱(英文):Implementation and Evaluation of Gesture-Based Mouse Control Technology
指導教授(英文):Shou-Chih Lo
口試委員(英文):Guan-Ling Lee
Yao-Chung Chang
關鍵詞:自然用戶介面MediaPipe Hands手勢辨識深度訊息校正滑鼠操控
關鍵詞(英文):natural user interfaceMediaPipe Handsgesture recognitiondepth information adjustmentmouse control
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隨著科技的不斷進步和社會的發展,計算機已成為人們生活中不可或缺的一部分。人們對於更先進、更直觀的人機互動設備的需求日益增長,尤其是在3D 多媒體系統和元宇宙等領域的應用中。然而,傳統的滑鼠和鍵盤已無法完全滿足這種需求,因此基於視覺的人機互動方式成為了研究者關注的熱門領域。
本研究旨在開發一個基於RGB 攝影機的手勢操控滑鼠系統,以提供使用者更直觀、更自然的控制方式。該系統的目標是解決傳統滑鼠和鍵盤在3D 多媒體系統中存在的操作限制,同時讓使用者能夠輕鬆體驗手勢操控的便利性,而不受深度攝影機的限制。
本研究利用MediaPipe Hands 技術捕捉手部關節點,並提出了一種基於手部特性的校正方法,以校正容易受到遮擋而產生錯誤資料的關節點。我們採用了兩種手勢辨識方法,即rule-based model 和random forest 對手勢進行辨識。同時,我們使用基於秒數的觸發方式對滑鼠進行操控。通過對實驗結果進行分析,我們證明了本研究提出的深度校正方法對手勢辨識提供了有效的幫助,並且在3D 架構的呈現上更貼合真實情況。以外,我們還比較並討論了rule-based model 和random forest 的數據,提出了他們各自的優點和限制。
with the continuous advancement of technology and the development of society,computers have become an indispensable part of people's lives. There is an increasing demand for more advanced and intuitive human-computer interaction devices, especially in the applications of 3D multimedia systems and metaverse. However, traditional mice and keyboards are no longer able to fully meet this demand, leading to a growing interest in vision-based human-computer interaction among researchers.
The objective of this study is to develop a gesture-controlled mouse system based on an RGB camera, providing users with a more intuitive and natural way of control. The system aims to address the operational limitations of traditional mice and keyboards in 3D multimedia systems, allowing users to easily experience the convenience of gesture control without being restricted by depth cameras.
In this research, we employ the MediaPipe Hands technology to capture hand joint points and propose an adjustment method based on hand features to overcome issues caused by occlusion that may result in erroneous data. We utilize two gesture recognition methods, namely rule-based model and random forest, to recognize gestures. Additionally, we employ a time-based triggering mechanism for mouse control. Through the analysis of experimental results, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed depth adjustment method in gesture recognition and its suitability for presenting 3D structures realistically. Furthermore, a comparison and discussion of the data between the rule-based model and random forest are conducted to highlight their respective advantages and limitations.
第1章 前言 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
1-3 論文綱要 2
第2章 背景知識 3
2-1 人機互動 3
2-1-1 背景 3
2-1-2 現狀與趨勢 4
2-2 手勢 7
2-2-1 手勢種類 7
2-2-2 手勢辨識 7
2-3 MediaPipe 10
2-4 相似論文 17
第3章 研究方法與步驟 21
3-1 資料獲取 21
3-2 資料處理 28
3-3 手勢辨識 33
3-3-1 Rule-Based Model 35
3-3-2 Random Forest 39
3-4 系統運行機制 43
3-4-1 誤差判斷 44
3-4-2 觸發條件 45
第4章 實驗數據與系統實作 47
4-1 實驗環境 47
4-2 實驗方法討論 48
4-2-1 Rule-Based Model實驗結果 51
4-2-2 Random Forest實驗數據 55
4-2-3 深度校正結果 57
4-2-4 實驗探討與辨識方法比較 64
4-3 系統實測討論 66
第5章 結論與未來工作 69
5-1 結論 69
5-2 未來工作 69

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