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作者(英文):Yu-Sheng Li
論文名稱:使用簡單模除運算的 Base64 資料分享機制
論文名稱(英文):Secret Base64 Data Sharing Scheme by Simple Modular Arithmetic
指導教授(英文):Ching-Nung Yang
口試委員(英文):Wen-Chung Kuo
Tao-Ku Chang
關鍵詞:秘密分享有限域模運算拉格朗日插值法Base64 編碼霍夫曼編碼
關鍵詞(英文):Secret sharingFinite fieldModular arithmeticLagrange interpolationBase64 codeHuffman code
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(k, n) 秘密分享(Secret Sharing; SS)是一種將秘密數據分為n個子秘密的方法,其中k表示重建秘密時所需要的最少子秘密數量也就是門檻值、n則是所有子秘密的數目。(k, n)-SS只需要k個子秘密就能使用Lagrange interpolation多項式插值的方法恢復原始數據達到保護秘密的功能。但是,任何(k 1)個或更少的子秘密都無法解回原始秘密數據。(k, n)-SS最初的目的是保護密碼系統中的秘密鑰,現在它已被擴展並廣泛應用於許多應用情境,例如秘密影像分享(Secret Image Sharing; SIS)、和秘密文件分享(Secret Document Sharing; SIS)。把SS擴展至SIS、和SDS時,並不只是簡單地把秘密替換成影像、文件。而是要考慮秘密的樣式(隨機或有意義)、有限域的選擇、嵌入秘密的多項式係數位置、以及子影像和子文件的樣式。
A (k, n) Secret Sharing (SS) is a threshold scheme to share secret data into n sub secrets (referred to as shares). The value of k is the minimum number of shares required to reconstruct the secret and n represents the total number of share. For recovery, (k, n)-SS could k shares to recover secret via Lagrange interpolation. However, any (k 1) or fewer shares cannot be used for recovering secret data. The (k, n)-SS is first presented to safeguard a key in cryptosystem. Now, the approach of SS is extended to the secret image sharing (SIS) and secret document sharing. The extension of SS to SIS (or SDS) is not trivial and just using “image” and “document” as secret. We should carefully think about some key issues of extending SS to SIS, e.g., type of secret (random or meaningful), choice of finite field, positions of coefficients in a polynomial for embedding secret, and patterns on shares.
When we want to share secret data in a distributed network using SS approach, it is not suitable to use the files of shares directly. Because some applications and communication protocols (for example using ciphertext, e-mail and HTML) may have control character or non-printing character, and this will result in interruption. Base on this notion, we take the lead to study secret Base64 data sharing (SBS) scheme. Same as designing SIS and SDS, when extending SS to SBS some critical issues should be carefully addressed. In this thesis, we propose a (k, n)-SBS by using simple modular arithmetic instead of complicated finite field instead GF(2N), where N is a multiple of 6. For N=6, 12, 18 and 24, we choose various modular arithmetic operations. Consider the case “data at rest, we also design a Huffman code based low-complexity and high-compress compressing method for SBS. Three type of secrets: document, image and encrypted image, are used for testing SBS. Experiments our SBS performs correctly.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Organization of The Thesis 3
Chapter 2 Previous Works 7
2.1 Shamir’s (k, n)-SS 7
2.2 The (k, n)-SIS 8
2.3 Base64 Codes 9
Chapter 3 The Proposed (k, n)-SBS 11
3.1 Design Concept 11
3.2 Generation and Recovery of (k, n)-SBS 24
Chapter 4 Experiment and Discussion 35
4.1 The (k, n)-SBS using (mod PG) 35
4.2 Comparison of using (mod PG) and (mod PS) for N = 6~24 41
4.3 Discussion 44
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 49
References 53
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