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作者(英文):Zong-Bo Lee
論文名稱(英文):LPCVD synthesis and structure analyze of gallium sulfide thin film
指導教授(英文):Yi-Jia Chen
口試委員(英文):Yen-Pei Fu
Tien-Syh Yang
Yi-Jia Chen
關鍵詞(英文):LPCVDgallium(Ⅲ) sulfidegallium(Ⅱ) sulfide
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我們以低壓化學氣相沉積法合成硫化鎵薄膜。藉由 XRD 我們可以得知上游薄膜主要成分為α相與α’相的Ga2S3且含有少量平躺於基板與朝特定方向傾斜於基板的 GaS。透過改變載流氣體與 EDS 得知薄膜下游為 GaS。改變鎵蒸氣比的實驗知道就算提高鎵的分壓比仍然沒辦法使他更傾向長出 GaS,反而要在鎵的分壓低的下游才長得出來。XPS讓我們更確定薄膜上游為Ga2S3,下游為 GaS。且薄膜是先在基板上長出 GaS,成長到一定厚度後底部會開始變為Ga2S3。由量測薄膜厚度的實驗我們可以推算出薄膜下游成長 GaS 時鎵的分壓。
We synthesize gallium sulfide thin films by low pressure chemical vapor deposition. XRD analysis revealed that the predominant phases on the film surface were the α-phase and α'-phase of Ga2S3, with a small amount of GaS present. EDS analysis revealed that the downstream region of the film consisted of GaS. Moreover, it was observed that even increasing the concentration of Ga vapor did not promote the preferential growth of GaS. Instead, GaS was found to grow in the downstream region with lower gallium vapor concentration. XPS confirmed that the upstream region of the film was composed of Ga2S3, while the downstream region consisted of GaS. Additionally, our findings indicated that the growth of the film initially started with the formation of GaS on the substrate, and as it reached a certain thickness, it gradually transformed into Ga2S3 at the bottom. From experimental measurements of film thickness, we were able to infer the gallium partial pressure during the growth of GaS in the downstream region.
致謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XV
第一章.緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
第二章.文獻回顧 3
2.1. GaS 基本性質與發展 3
2.2. GaS 的製程方法 5
2.3. Ga2S3的基本性質 6
2.4. Ga2S3的發展與應用 8
第三章.實驗方法 9
3.1. 實驗流程 9
3.2. 實驗步驟與參數 10
3.3. 分析方法 13
3.3.1. X 光繞射儀(XRD) 14
3.3.2. 場發射型掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 16
3.3.3. 能量色散光譜儀(EDS) 17
3.3.4. X 射線光電子能譜儀(XPS) 18
3.3.5. 紫外光-可見光分光光譜儀(UV-Vis) 19
3.3.6. 三維表面輪廓儀 20
第四章.結果與討論 21
4.1. 試片外觀 21
4.2. XRD-θ/2θ 法分析 24
4.2.1. 使用 θ/2θ 量測試片之 XRD 光譜 24
4.3. XRD 極圖掃描 34
4.4. FE-SEM 影像與 EDS 數據分析 36
4.4.1. 參數一的試片 36
4.4.2. 參數二的試片 39
4.4.3. 參數三的試片 43
4.4.4. 參數四的試片 46
4.5. XPS分析 49
4.6. 漫反射光譜 56
4.7. 三維輪廓儀數據 58
4.8. 薄膜成長機制 62
第五章.結論 65
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