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作者(英文):Firdaus Golam
論文名稱:Effective Distributed Optimization for the Reliability of Cellular V2V Broadcast Communications by Federated Reinforcement Learning
論文名稱(英文):Effective Distributed Optimization for the Reliability of Cellular V2V Broadcast Communications by Federated Reinforcement Learning
指導教授(英文):Jen-Yeu Chen
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Ming Liu
Wei-Che Chien
關鍵詞(英文):cellular V2V communicationsdeep learningfederated learningin-band full-duplexradio resource allocationmixed cooperative-competitive multi-agent systemout-band full-duplexreinforcement learning
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Ensuring communication reliability is critical in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, in particular, to guarantee driving safety. To achieve this, designing an appropriate radio resource allocation (RRA) scheme to reduce channel interference is essential. A centralized RRA scheme in cellular V2V communications usually causes computation and signaling bottlenecks at the Base Station; on the other hand, pure distributed RRA that lacks information exchange often induces too much interference. In this research, an effective distributed RRA scheme by Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL) is proposed to optimize the communication reliability in periodic message broadcasting service of 3GPP cellular V2V communications, which could largely improve driving safety. In the proposed scheme, each vehicle is regarded as a self-determining agent in a mixed cooperative-competitive multi-agent system, and it can find the best sub-channel via in-band full-duplex to broadcast messages according to the surrounding information learned through the FRL mechanism. Our simulation results show that the performance of the proposed method approximates the centralized optimal solution solved by the brute-force search with zero signaling unless added federated learning. We add out-band full-duplex system to be the comparison.
Ensuring communication reliability is critical in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications, in particular, to guarantee driving safety. To achieve this, designing an appropriate radio resource allocation (RRA) scheme to reduce channel interference is essential. A centralized RRA scheme in cellular V2V communications usually causes computation and signaling bottlenecks at the Base Station; on the other hand, pure distributed RRA that lacks information exchange often induces too much interference. In this research, an effective distributed RRA scheme by Federated Reinforcement Learning (FRL) is proposed to optimize the communication reliability in periodic message broadcasting service of 3GPP cellular V2V communications, which could largely improve driving safety. In the proposed scheme, each vehicle is regarded as a self-determining agent in a mixed cooperative-competitive multi-agent system, and it can find the best sub-channel via in-band full-duplex to broadcast messages according to the surrounding information learned through the FRL mechanism. Our simulation results show that the performance of the proposed method approximates the centralized optimal solution solved by the brute-force search with zero signaling unless added federated learning. We add out-band full-duplex system to be the comparison.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Related Technology 5
Chapter 3. System Model 27
Chapter 4. Federated Learning Based Resource Allocation 33
Chapter 5. Simulation Result and Discussion 45
Chapter 6. Conclusion 73
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