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作者(英文):Meng-Sheng Yeh
論文名稱:綠色金融對金融業影響之個案探討- 制度理論觀點
論文名稱(英文):A Case Study of the Impact of Green Finance on the Financial Industry - Institutional Theory Viewpoint.
指導教授(英文):Chien-Nan Chen
口試委員(英文):Shu-Ling Chen
Yu-Ming Kuo
關鍵詞(英文):Green FinanceInstitutional TheorySDGsESGGrounded Theory
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From the 18th century, industrial and technological development get tremendous improvements. However, the conception of environmental protection and green energy doesn't simultaneously establish. Scientists research found that the greenhouse-gas emissions from factories had already harmed the earth and caused the extensive impact since a long time ago. In recent years, extreme weather has been occurring worldwide, causing all kinds of disasters directly or indirectly. More and more data has made all countries pay attention to this problem. Governments realize that this should not only be dealing at the national level and in specific domains but also be focusing on enterprises and individuals. They should discuss and deal with those subjects through various conferences and formulating relevant regulations.
Taiwan's government has conducted relevant regulatory discussions in response to international trends in recent years. The ESG (environmental, social, and corporate governance) issues have gradually gained attention. These ESG factors had required in corporate governance reports (abbreviated as CSR) for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies in Taiwan since 2015.The Green Financial Action Plan has launched for the financial industry and encourages various businesses to get international certifications. However, due to the differences between national conditions, industry type, and financial characteristics, those relevant matters can only be stipulated in general guidelines, and there is no unified discourse.
This thesis is to research the impact of green finance on the financial industry by interviewing professional experts inside Mega Financial Bank. According to those interviews, we expected to understand the valuable practical experience, which included the organizing adjustments in response to CSR and the financing/loan cases of the green financial-related project hosted by Mega Financial Bank in recent years. Those summarized experiences will benefit the banking industry. Banks themselves have the characteristics of dominating the direction of corporate operations with huge funds, strict loan process criteria, and cross-industry analysis capabilities. This thesis aims to seek the theoretical framework from research and analysis of the interview information. This framework will provide a reference for the continuous development of green finance and shows a positive influence on promoting sustainable development.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的與問題 6
第四節 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 制度理論 9
第二節 國外相關文獻探討 11
第三節 綠色金融 16
第四節 國內永續發展與ESG探討 17
第五節 綠色金融行動方案 22
第六節 金融業授信5P原則 28
第三章 研究方法 31
第一節 研究方法選用 31
第二節 紮根理論之基本原理 31
第三節 紮根理論的資料分析 32
第四節 深度訪談法 33
第五節 研究方法選用-紮根理論結合個案研究深度訪談法 35
第六節 田野選定及簡述原因 36
第七節 受訪對象背景說明與預訪安排 38
第四章 研究結果與討論 39
第一節 內部因子面向 39
第二節 外部因子面向 49
第三節 競爭者、先行者面向 51
第四節 企業界面向 54
第五章 研究結論與建議 57
第一節 研究結論 57
第二節 後續研究與建議 59
參考文獻 61
附 錄 65
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