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作者(英文):Chia-Yi Wu
論文名稱(英文):The Impact of the Advent of Fuel Cell Vehicle on the Related Industries of Taiwan.
指導教授(英文):Chin-Jung Luan
口試委員(英文):Chi-Jui Huang
Cheng-Li Tien
關鍵詞(英文):Fuel cell vehiclesEnergy transitionEvent studyAbnormal returns
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國際可再生能源機構(International Renewable Energy Agency,簡稱IRENA)報告稱「氫能源」是能源議題不可或缺的一環,氫能源可廣泛運用在多領域,其中在運輸交通方面,減碳作用最為突出,更凸顯出燃料電池車將是改變再生能源與交通運輸的關鍵,現已有特定國家及汽車大廠積極佈局這項新興產業,並相繼推出「燃料電池車」作為新能源車市場的明日之星,其充能速度及行駛里程數更勝電動車,並可望成為交通工具的未來趨勢。能源轉型一直是各國極力推舉的政策,臺灣國家發展委員會於2022年3月30日公布「十二項關鍵戰略」報告中更指出氫能是臺灣邁向淨零排放路徑上的重要角色,並由經濟部成立「氫能推動小組」結合公部門與國營事業資源,共同合作規劃推動工作,燃料電池車示範便是短期重點推動工作項目之一。本研究的目的在於了解燃料電池車的問世,對臺灣相關產業的影響,其中包括了氫能源儲運、氫燃料電池、鋰電池及太陽能產業概念股。
本研究用事件研究法,以臺灣經濟新報(Taiwan Economic Journal,簡稱TEJ)的數據,驗證燃料電池車對取樣公司的異常報酬。研究發現當燃料電池車問世時對氫能源儲運、氫燃料電池及太陽能產業概念股均存有正向的異常報酬,惟鋰電池概念股並未因燃料電池車問世而產生負向的異常報酬,在部分利基市場也會各自占有優勢,兩者消費市場均有各自擁護者,並非僅偏向單一市場。
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has identified hydrogen energy as an integral part of the energy agenda, with broad applications across various sectors. In the transportation sector, hydrogen energy plays a prominent role in carbon reduction, highlighting the significance of fuel cell vehicles in transforming renewable energy and transportation. Specific countries and major automotive manufacturers have actively positioned themselves in this emerging industry and have successively introduced hydrogen-powered vehicles as the rising stars of the new energy vehicle market. These vehicles offer faster refueling speeds and longer driving ranges compared to electric vehicles, positioning them as a potential future trend in transportation. Energy transition has been a widely advocated policy globally. The National Development Council of Taiwan, in its "Twelve Key Strategies" report published on March 30, 2022, emphasized the important role of hydrogen energy in Taiwan's path towards achieving net-zero emissions. In support of this, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has established a "Hydrogen Promotion Task Force" to collaborate with public agencies and state-owned enterprises, jointly planning and promoting initiatives. The demonstration of hydrogen-powered vehicles is one of the short-term priority projects.
The objective of this study is to understand the emergence of hydrogen-powered vehicles and their impact on related industries in Taiwan, including hydrogen energy storage and transportation, hydrogen fuel cells, lithium batteries, and the solar energy industry concept stocks. Using an event study approach with data from the Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ), the research verifies the abnormal returns of sampled companies in response to the introduction of hydrogen-powered vehicles. The study found positive abnormal returns in the hydrogen energy storage and transportation, hydrogen fuel cells, and solar energy industry concept stocks upon the emergence of hydrogen-powered vehicles. However, the introduction of hydrogen-powered vehicles did not lead to negative abnormal returns for lithium battery concept stocks. Both sectors can hold advantages in specific niche markets, and there are supporters in each consumer market, indicating that the impact is not solely focused on a single market.
The findings of this study provide recommendations for enterprises interested in developing and promoting hydrogen-powered vehicles. It is suggested that continuous promotion, research, and expansion of utilization should be pursued through the formation of enterprise alliances. However, the market deployment of hydrogen-powered vehicles still requires time to catalyze the market. Investors should carefully evaluate the current status of hydrogen-powered vehicle initiatives and make appropriate investment decisions.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 3
第三節 研究流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧與假說推導 7
第一節 新能源及再生能源市場 7
第二節 臺灣碳排放量來源 9
第三節 淨零碳排及永續發展 10
第四節 能源危機及能源轉型 12
第五節 交通動力來源轉型 14
第六節 燃料電池車的問世 16
第七節 假說推導 19
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 研究方法 27
第二節 研究對象與區間 28
第三節 定義異常報酬率及檢定 30
第四章 實證結果與分析 33
第一節 燃料電池車問世後對氫能源儲運相關概念股之異常報酬實證 33
第二節 燃料電池車問世後對電池相關概念股之異常報酬實證 36
第三節 燃料電池車問世後對太陽能相關概念股之異常報酬實證 40
第五章 討論 43
第六章 結論與建議 55
第一節 研究結論 55
第二節 研究建議 57
第三節 研究限制 57
參考文獻 59
附錄 63
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