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作者(英文):Ching-Yu Wang
論文名稱(英文):The impact of ESG performance on firm value: The role of fat cat company
指導教授(英文):Chia-Hui Chen
Pei-Yi Liu
口試委員(英文):Chen-Lung Chin
I-Cheng Chang
關鍵詞(英文):ESG performancefirm valuefat cat company
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  • 評分評分:系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔系統版面圖檔
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Recently, the ESG issues have aroused wide public attention. And Taiwan was also attracted more and more attention to ESG,whether it is the consumer, investment or authorities. Enterprises must also pay attention to how to implement ESG to build international competitiveness,increase firm value,and achieve the goal of corporate sustainability. The study collects sample based on Taiwanese listed firms during 2015 to 2020. This study aims to investigate the impact of ESG performance on firm value. In further analysis, when the company is announced as a fat cat company that affect the relationship between ESG performance and firm value. The empirical results show that when the company with greater commitment of ESG performance would enhance firm value. However,when the firms have negative announcement,the impact of ESG performance on firm value will decrease.
第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與目的 1
第二節、 研究架構 4
第貳章、 文獻回顧與假說發展 5
第一節、 ESG 5
第二節、 影響公司價值之因素 13
第三節、 肥貓公司 14
第四節、 假說發展 15
第參章、 研究設計 19
第一節、 模型與變數定義 19
第二節、 樣本篩選與資料來源 25
第肆章、 實證結果與分析 27
第一節、 樣本敘述性統計 27
第二節、 相關係數分析 30
第三節、 實證結果分析 32
第伍章、 額外測試 35
第陸章、 研究結論、貢獻與限制 49
第一節、 研究結論 49
第二節、 研究貢獻 50
第三節、 研究限制與建議 50
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