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論文名稱(英文):Understanding Farmers’ Adaptation Behaviour towards Climate-Smart Agriculture Adoption in Chiradzulu District, Malawi
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Chun-Fu Hong
Yi-Hsing Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Climate-Smart AgricultureAdaptive Capacityadaptationmitigationfood security
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Climate-Smart Agriculture is a holistic tool fighting the adverse impacts of climate change in the agriculture sector bearing in mind that climate change is a global issue. Cognizant of the fact that agriculture, as one of the sectors of the economy, is not only the victim of the impact of weather-related events but a contributor too, the CSA aims at addressing three fundamental issues in the agriculture sector in apparent response to climate change: 1) sustainable crop and animal production (food security); 2) strengthening agricultural system against climate change (adaptation); and (3) reducing greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation). Chiradzulu is one of the districts in the southern part of Malawi facing climate change-related disasters, and being an agrarian economy, the consequences are more pronounced in the agriculture sector. Despite the efforts by the government and different organizations to promote CSA, the adoption rate is quite low. This calls for a thorough understanding of the adaptation behaviour of the farmers in the face of climate change. This study used the adaptive capacity framework to understand the farmers’ adaptation behaviour towards CSA. The adaptive strategies formulated from the facets of adaptive capacity i.e. Assets, Flexibility, Organization, Knowledge, and Agency, were evaluated based on farmers’ preferences using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Choice Experiment (CE). This study reveals that farmers support 1) policy provision of subsidized inputs for CSA, 2) formation of cooperatives to improve farmers’ access to tools and agricultural services, 3) strengthening of common national platform for CSA, 4) harmonized approach in extension delivery and implementation by government and NGOs, 5) enhance agricultural extension services and 6) strengthening community agriculture structures. The study also finds that farmers’ preferences were influenced by socio-demographic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, farm size, education, income, type of farming, and years of farming experience. The younger population, females, married people, subsistence farmers, low income earners, less educated, less experienced, and those owning small farm land showed higher willingness to participate in CSA adoption solutions.

Key words: Climate-Smart Agriculture, Adaptive Capacity, adaptation, mitigation, food security
Table of Contents
Acknowledgment vii
Abstract ix
List of Tables xvii
List of Figures xix
List of Abbreviations xxi
1. Chapter One: INTRODUCTION - 1 -
1.1 Background of the study - 1 -
1.2 Problem statement - 3 -
1.3 Significance of the study - 5 -
1.4 Ethical consideration - 5 -
2. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW - 7 -
2.1 Climate change impact on the agricultural system in Malawi - 7 -
2.2 Climate change and agricultural adaptation - 9 -
2.3 Conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of CSA - 11 -
2.3.1 Climate-Smart Agriculture practices in Malawi - 12 -
2.3.2 Policy situation for CSA in Malawi - 13 -
2.4 Adaptive capacity and CSA adoption - 14 -
2.4.1 Assets and CSA in Malawi - 15 -
2.4.2 Learning and CSA in Malawi - 16 -
2.4.3 Flexibility and CSA in Malawi - 17 -
2.4.4 Social organization and CSA in Malawi - 17 -
2.4.5 Agency and CSA in Malawi - 18 -
3. Chapter 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS - 19 -
3.1 Study area - 19 -
3.2 Conceptual framework and theoretical thinking - 21 -
3.2.1 Research design - 22 -
3.2.2 Questionnaire and survey design - 27 -
3.3 Preference models - 29 -
3.3.1 Hypothetical Scenarios for future planning and implementation of CSA - 32 -
3.3.2 Sample size and sampling technique - 32 -
3.4 Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) - 34 -
4. Chapter 4: RESULTS - 37 -
4.1 Social demographic characteristics of the respondents - 37 -
4.2 Importance Performance Analysis results - 42 -
4.2.1 Matrix of I-P level of CSA adoption and adaptation behavior by farmers - 42 -
4.2.2 Importance-Performance analysis matrix for all respondent - 44 -
4.3 Choice Experiment Results - 46 -
4.3.1 Estimating farmers’ preference for CSA adoption strategies - 46 -
4.3.2 Welfare Analysis - 48 -
4.3.3 Effects of Preference Heterogeneity - 49 -
4.3.4 Welfare Estimation under Different Scenarios for adaptive CSA Adoption Program - 52 -
5. Chapter 5: DISCUSSION OF RESULTS - 55 -
5.1 Farmers’ evaluation of CSA adoption solutions from IPA approach - 55 -
5.2 Farmers’ evaluation of CSA adoption strategies from CE approach - 58 -
References - 65 -
APPENDIX I: Letter of authorization to conduct research in Mbulumbuzi EPA, Chiradzulu District - 71 -
APPENDIX II: Key stakeholders’ interview questionnaire - 72 -
APPENDIX III: Pretest questionnaire - 74 -
APPENDIX IV: Formal questionnaire version 1 - 79 -
APPENDIX V: Removal of unreasonable cards - 87 -
APPENDIX VI: Versions of the questionnaire with choice sets - 89 -
APPENDIX VII: Pictures of enumerators doing formal survey - 90 -

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