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作者:Vania Dian Gunawan
作者(英文):Vania Dian Gunawan
論文名稱:整合在地居民調適性策略發展永續海洋生態旅遊-以峇厘 Menjangan 島為例
論文名稱(英文):Integrating Local People’s Perspective on Adaptive Strategies for Sustainable Marine Ecotourism Development in Menjangan Island, Bali
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Chun-Fu Hong
Yi-Hsing Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Marine EcotourismAdaptive CapacityLocal People’s PreferencesWillingness to Participate
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海洋生態旅遊(Marine ecotourism)為一種保護環境並維護沿海或海洋資源下,兼顧在地生計、社區參與和文化探尋之旅遊方式。印度巴厘島國家公園 (West Bali National Park)的Menjangan島,是國際著名的海洋生態旅遊景點,然而至今仍存在一些問題和各類衝擊問題(如珊瑚白化、入侵種、低環境意識、缺乏資源...等)。因此,在地民眾因應海洋生態旅遊發展調適能力(adaptive capacity)之探究,即為相當重要之問題。本研究使用重要表現程度分析(Importance Performance Analysis)和選擇實驗法(Choice Experiment)評估了當地人對參與生態旅遊發展的「資產、靈活性、組織、學習和機構」等五項適應能力策略屬性的偏好。研究發現,受訪居民對以下六項方案有較為顯著的偏好:一、將當地文化和傳統知識作為生態旅遊管理的基礎;二、強化與當地權益關係人的聯繫;三、改善基礎設施;四、將環境意識融入當地學校課程;五、提升生態旅遊曝光度的同時保持環境承載能力;六、利用數位技術監測在地環境。此外,在社會經濟背景中,較了解生態旅遊的當地民眾、加入保育團體、參與保護計劃與培訓、經常向公園諮詢生態旅遊方面的回饋、從事與生態旅遊相關的工作、收入較高、教育水平較高以及年輕人,會更願意參與(或支持)海洋生態旅遊屬性的發展。本研究結果將能夠為管理與決策制定單位提供有用的資訊。
Marine ecotourism is an alternative to tourism while also protecting the environment, minding the local people's economy, society, and culture in coastal or marine areas. Menjangan Island is a part of West Bali National Park, Indonesia and one of the most famous sites to visit with the most common activities are snorkeling and diving. Despite being part of a national park, some problems and threats can be found such as coral bleaching, invasive species, low awareness, lack of resources, etc. So this is where the local’s adaptive capacity is important to cope with these problems. This study evaluated local people's preferences for various adaptive strategies formed from 5 attributes related to ecotourism development using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Choice Experiment (CE). The 5 attributes of adaptive capacity that are used in this study are “Asset, Flexibility, Organisation, Learning, and Agency”. This study finds that people support: 1.) Using local culture and wisdom as the base for ecotourism management, 2.) Increase the connection between local stakeholders, 3.) Improving infrastructure, 4.) Incorporating environmental awareness into the local school curriculum, 5.) Promotion to increase ecotourism exposure while maintaining carrying capacity, and 6.) Using digital technology to monitor the environment. Moreover, local people that know about ecotourism, are members of conservation groups, participate in conservation programs/training, often/always asked feedback about ecotourism from the park, have a job related to ecotourism, have a higher income, higher education, and younger people are more willing to participate or support attributes to develop ecotourism. These outcomes are expected to be useful input for management or policy-making.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
摘要 vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
List of Abbreviations xi
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 4
1.3 Justification of Study 4
2.1 Socio-Ecological Problems and Threats on Menjangan Island 6
2.2 Marine Ecotourism Development 7
2.3 The Theory of Adaptive Capacity 9
2.3.1 Assets & Ecotourism in Bali 13
2.3.2 Flexibility & Ecotourism in Bali 14
2.3.3 Organisation & Ecotourism in Bali 14
2.3.4 Learning & Ecotourism in Bali 15
2.3.5 Agency & Ecotourism in Bali 15
2.4 Adaptation Program on Sustainable Marine Ecotourism 16
3.1 Study Area 18
3.2 The Application of IPA in Marine Ecotourism 21
3.3 The Application of CE in Marine Ecotourism 23
3.4 Conceptual Framework 24
3.4.1 Research Design 25
3.4.2 Questionnaire and Survey Design 33
3.4.3 Preference Models 36
3.5 Sampling Method And Demographic Statistics 38
Chapter 4: RESULTS 41
4.1 Social Demographic Characteristics of The Respondents 41
4.2 Results of IPA 44
4.2.1 Matrix of I-P Level of Marine Ecotourism Development Adaptation & Management by Overall Respondents 44
4.2.2 Matrix of I-P Level of Marine Ecotourism Development Adaptation & Management by JR and JU groups 45
4.2.3 IPA of The JR Group and The JU Group’s Perspective on Marine Ecotourism Development Adaptation & Management 46
4.2.4 Local Perspective for Marine Ecotouris Development Management and Adaptation Behaviour 48
4.3 Results of CE 51
4.3.1 Local People’s Preference Estimation 51
4.3.2 Welfare Analysis 52
4.3.3 Effects of Preference Heterogeneity 53
4.3.4 Welfare Estimation for The Scenarios of Marine Ecotourism Development 57
Chapter 5: DISCUSSION 59
5.1 Local People’s Awareness, Knowledge, and Behaviour about Marine Ecotourism 59
5.2 Local People's Perception of Adaptation and Management for Marine Ecotourism Development from IPA Analysis 62
5.3 Local People's Perception of Adaptation and Management for Marine Ecotourism Development from CE Analysis 65
6.1 Conclusion 70
6.2 Proposed Adaptive Strategies for Management and Policy-Making Recommendations to Develop Ecotourism 71
References 73
APPENDIX I - Letter of Authorization to Conduct Research in West Bali National Park (Menjangan Island as a Part of WBNP) 82
APPENDIX II - Key Stakeholders’ Interview Questionnaire 83
APPENDIX III - Key Stakeholders’ Interview Answers 88
APPENDIX IV - Pretest Questionnaire 100
APPENDIX V- Formal Questionnaire 104
APPENDIX VI – Removal of Unreasonable Alternatives 110
APPENDIX VII – Version of Choice Sets 111
APPENDIX VIII- Enumerator Conducted an On-Site Survey 112

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