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作者(英文):Po-Han Lin
論文名稱(英文):Iron supplementation improves the survival rate of coral reef fish larvae cultured by inorganic fertilization method
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Jimmy Kuo
Kang-Ning Shen
Kwee-Siong Tew
關鍵詞(英文):Inorganic fertilizationmarine ornamental fish aquacultureiron
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珊瑚礁觀賞魚受到許多水族愛好者青睞,據估計目前有90%的海水觀賞魚來源主要來自於野外捕撈,但大多數個體會在採集及運輸過程中死亡,因此海水觀賞魚養殖是減輕野外捕撈壓力的解決方法。先前研究顯示,使用無機鹽取代有機肥料施肥並將氮磷營養鹽濃度維持在N: 700 μg L-1 及P:100 μg L-1可增加水體中小型浮游植物及浮游動物的密度,因此可提供仔魚更多種類的餌料生物並提升仔魚存活率。而鐵是植物生長及生理上重要的微量元素,有助於提升養殖環境中的浮游植物量,從而提高生產力。本次實驗目的為優化前人研究的無機營養鹽施肥法,將實驗組營養鹽濃度維持在N: 700 μg L-1 及P:100 μg L-1並每日額外添加10 μg L-1的鐵,而對照組之營養鹽濃度則維持在N: 700 μg L-1 及P:100 μg L-1。結果顯示,添加鐵可顯著提高浮游植物量,進而產生更多的浮游動物,且不影響水質,最終使得仔魚存活率較對照組高了近3倍。本實驗證明無機營養鹽施肥法中添加鐵是提升仔魚存活的有效方法,將有利於海水觀賞魚養殖。
Coral reef ornamental fish are favored by many aquarium enthusiasts. It is estimated that 90% of marine ornamental fish are sourced from wild fishing. Most individuals die during the collection and transportation process. To alleviate the pressure of wild fishing, marine ornamental fish farming is a viable solution. Previous studies have shown that using inorganic nutrients instead of organic fertilizers for fertilization and maintaining the nutrient concentrations at N: 700 μg L-1, P: 100 μg L-1 can increase the growth of small-sized phytoplankton and zooplankton. This, in turn, provide a wider range of food sources for larvae fish, leading to increased survival rates. Iron, as an essential trace element for plant growth and physiology, plays a crucial role in promoting phytoplankton abundance in the culture environment. The objective of this experiment was to optimize the previous studied inorganic fertilization method. Two experiments were conducted with the experimental group maintained a nutrient concentration at N: 700 μg L-1 and P: 100 μg L-1 with a daily addition of 10 μg L-1 of iron, The control group maintained a nutrient concentration of N: 700 μg L-1 and P: 100 μg L-1. The results showed that the addition of iron increased phytoplankton abundance as compared to the control group, subsequently leading to higher zooplankton production without adversely affecting water quality. Ultimately the survival rate of larvae fish in the experimental group was nearly three times higher than that of the control group. These findings confirm that incorporating iron through inorganic fertilization is an effective approach to enhance larval survival, thus benefiting the cultivation of marine ornamental fish.
摘要 I
Abstract III
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 前言 1
1.1海水觀賞魚市場與來源 1
1.2海水觀賞魚養殖瓶頸 2
1.3浮游植物 3
1.4有機施肥法 4
1.5無機施肥法 4
1.6微量元素—鐵 6
1.7研究目的 7
第二章 材料與方法 9
2.1實驗地點 9
2.2實驗設計 9
2.3實驗流程 10
2.4魚卵來源 10
2.5魚卵孵化率計算 10
2.6基本水質測定 11
2.7營養鹽測定 11
2.8葉綠素a測定 12
2.9浮游動物計數 13
2.10仔稚魚存活率計算 13
2.11次世代定序(NGS)樣本製備 13
2.12 OTU(operational taxonomic units)分析 14
2.13統計分析 14
第三章 結果 17
3.1第一次實驗 17
3.1.1孵化率 17
3.1.2基本水質 17
3.1.3營養鹽濃度 19
3.1.4浮游植物之葉綠素a濃度 20
3.1.5浮游動物密度 21
3.1.6存活仔魚數與仔魚存活率 22
3.1.7存活仔魚組成 22
3.2第二次實驗 26
3.2.1孵化率 26
3.2.2基本水質 26
3.2.3營養鹽濃度 27
3.2.4浮游植物之葉綠素a濃度 29
3.2.5浮游動物密度 30
3.2.6存活仔魚數與仔魚存活率 30
3.2.7存活仔魚組成 31
3.2.8水體及仔魚胃內容物之生物組成 31
第四章 討論 35
第五章 結論 43
參考文獻 45
附錄 79
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