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作者(英文):Shu-Chun Kuo
論文名稱(英文):Composition of zooplankton and content of heavy metals in the waters surrounding the Taiwan Bank
指導教授(英文):Hung-Yen Hsieh
Pei-Jie Meng
口試委員(英文):Chih-Wei Chang
Pei-Jie Meng
Hsiu-Chin Lin
關鍵詞(英文):ZooplanktonMetalsTaiwan BankBioaccumulationBAF
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本研究利用新海研三號研究船2022年3月8日至11日的航次,於臺灣淺灘暨週邊海域設置10個測站採集浮游動物及海水樣本,除了分析浮游動物類群組成和分布情形,同時檢測海水與浮游動物體內鎘、銅、鉻、鈷、鐵、鎳、錳等七種常見重金屬之濃度,以了解臺灣淺灘暨週邊海域水中重金屬濃度及其浮游動物體內的重金屬累積能力與關聯。根據分析結果,浮游動物共鑑定出27種主要類群,其平均豐度最高的三大類群依序為哲水蚤(Calanoida) 299.92 ind./m3、劍水蚤(Cyclopoida) 213.48 ind./m3、有孔蟲(Foraminifera) 115.6 ind./m3,為最優勢類群。臺灣淺灘暨週邊海域水體中重金屬平均濃度最高為鐵(Fe) 113.48 μg/L、平均濃度最低的為鎘(Cd) 0.0031 μg/L。浮游動物體內重金屬平均濃度最高為鐵(Fe) 2681.37 mg/kg,平均濃度最低為鈷(Co) 1.95 mg/kg。生物濃縮因子(BAF)範圍為2.7-7.1,從高到低依次為:錳(Mn)> 鐵(Fe)> 鉻(Cr)> 鎘(Cd)> 鎳(Ni)> 鈷(Co)> 銅(Cu),表明錳(Mn)在浮游動物中的累積顯著,且累積能力較高。發現在浮游動物體內的重金屬濃度間,鐵(Fe)與大多重金屬有相關性,而海水中重金屬濃度之間並無任何關聯性。而本次研究期間浮游動物體內重金屬的累積無一致性,與周遭水文環境變化、浮游動物豐度及組成並無太大關聯。
Zooplankton samples and seawater samples were collected at 10 stations in the waters surrounding the Taiwan Bank using RV New Ocean Researcher III in 8-11 March 2022. In addition to analyze the composition and distribution of zooplankton assemblage, the concentrations of nine common heavy metals (including cadmium, copper, chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, and nickel) in seawater and zooplankton were also examined. The results showed that a total of 27 main zooplankton taxa were identified. The three most dominant taxa were calanoida, cyclopoida, and foraminifera, with the mean abundance of 299.92, 213.48, and 115.6 ind./m3, respectively. The highest average value at each station in the waters surrounding the Taiwan Bank was iron with a value of 113.482 μg/L, and the lowest average value was cadmium with a value of 0.0031 μg/L. The highest average value in zooplankton was iron with a value of 2681.37 μg/L, and the lowest average value was cobalt with a value of 1.95 μg/L. BAF ranges from 2.7 to 7.1, and the values from high to low are: Mn (6.6) > Fe (6.2) > Cr (6.1) > Cd (6.1) > Ni (5.2) > Co (4.6) > Cu (4.1). The accumulation capacity of Mn in zooplankton is high. The heavy metal concentrations of Fe in zooplankton was found to be correlated with most heavy metals, but there was no correlation between heavy metal concentrations in seawater. However, the accumulations of heavy metals in zooplankton during this study were not consistent, and there were no significant correlations with hydrographic conditions and abundance and community of zooplankton.
謝辭 I
摘要 III
目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
壹、前言 1
1.1金屬污染環境 1
1.2浮游動物 1
1.3研究區域概述 3
1.4臺灣地區文獻回顧 3
1.5研究目的 5
貳、研究材料與方法 7
2.1採樣時間、地點及方法 7
2.2 浮游動物鑑定及計數 7
2.3海水之微量金屬分析處理 8
2.4浮游動物之重金屬分析處理 9
2.5品保/品管 10
2.6統計分析 11
參、結果 13
3.1浮游動物群聚組成 13
3.2重金屬濃度 15
3.3浮游動物組成與重金屬含量之關聯性 19
肆、討論 21
4.1浮游動物群聚組成 21
4.2重金屬濃度 23
4.3浮游動物組成與重金屬含量之關聯性 25
伍、結論 27
參考文獻 29

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