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作者:Athukorala Arachchige Miyesi Dimosha Rasanjalee
作者(英文):Athukorala Arachchige Miyesi Dimosha Rasanjalee
論文名稱:以黑水虻幼蟲 (Hermita illucence)為餌料對布氏鯧鰺(Trachinotus blochii)的生長表現及皮膚粘液免疫評估
論文名稱(英文):Evaluation of Dietary Black Soldier Larvae (Hermita illucence) Meal on Growth Performance and Skin Mucus Immunity of Snub Nose Pompano (Trachinotus blochii)
指導教授(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
口試委員(英文):Kwee-Siong Tew
Jimmy Kuo
Kang-Ning Shen
關鍵詞(英文):Black soldier fly larvaeFishmealSnub nose pompanoFeed costGrowth performanceSkin mucus immunityAquaculture
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黑水虻幼蟲(Black Soldier Fly Larvae,BSFL)為新興替代水產養殖飼料中魚粉(Fishmeal,FM)之動物性蛋白來源。本研究以不同比例(0%、25%、50%及100%) 的黑水虻粉 (BSFL) 添加於飼料,餵食布氏鯧鰺 (Trachinotus blochii) 幼魚,記錄其生長並分析皮膚粘液中溶菌酶的活性,並評估每種飲食處理的飼料成本。每組使用30隻布氏鯧鰺(體長2.669±0.219 cm),於20公升養殖缸中飼養每組三重覆,為期四週。餵食試驗結束後,於每缸中隨機採取10條魚進行生長參數測量及採集皮膚粘液進行溶菌酶活性測定。結果顯示,在無添加黑水虻粉(0%)組別,布氏鯧鰺的生長(最終體重和體長、增重百分比和增長百分比、日成長率、肥滿度、飼料效率及飼料轉化率)表現最佳。添加黑水虻粉25%及50%組生長表現皆顯著高於100% 組 (p<0.05)。使用100% 黑水虻粉餌料組對布氏鯧鰺生長有顯著負面影響,其各項生長表現皆為所有組別中最低。因此,100%組消耗的飼料成本顯著高於 50組。黑水虻粉餌料不會影響布氏鯧鰺的存活率及其皮膚粘液溶菌酶的活性表現。綜合上述研究結果顯示,布氏鯧鰺的飼料中加入最高50%的黑水虻粉,並不影響其生長和皮膚免疫之表現。
Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL, Hermita illucence) is becoming an alternative source of protein to replace fishmeal (FM) in feeds in aquaculture. This study evaluated the growth performance and skin mucus immunity in snub nose pompano (Trachinotus blochii) which were fed with 0% (Control), 25%, 50%, and 100% BSFL diets replacing commercial fish feeds. Moreover, the feed cost of each diet treatment was evaluated. Thirty fish (2.669±0.219 cm in total length) were raised in a 20L tank, in triplicates per each diet treatment. After a four-weeks of feeding trial, 10 fish per tank were measured for their body parameters and skin mucus were collected and subjected to a lysozyme assay. Results showed that the growth (final body weight & length, percentage weight gain & length gain, specific growth rate, condition factor) of pompano were not significantly affected (p>0.05) by the BSFL inclusion levels up to 50%. The 100% BSFL treatment negatively affected the pompano and led them to the lowest growth among treatments. Diets with 0%, 25%, and 50% BSFL reported significantly higher feed conversion efficiency and lower feed conversion ratio (p<0.05) than 100% BSFL diet. Therefore, 100% BSFL diet treatment consumed significantly higher feed cost than the diets up to 50% BSFL. The survival and skin mucus immunity of pompano were not significantly affected by any BSFL inclusion (p>0.05). These findings suggested that BSFL can be used up to 50% in the diets of snub nose pompano without compromising in growth and immunity of fish.
Acknowledgement i
Abstract iii
摘要 v
Table of contents vii
List of tables ix
List of figures xi
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and Methods 9
2.1 Preparation of the experimental diets 9
2.2 Experimental fish 9
2.3 Experimental design 10
2.4 Water quality measurements 11
2.5 Sample collection 12
a. Skin mucus preparation 12
b. Body parameters 12
2.6 Sample analysis 13
a. Growth performance 13
b. Lysozyme concentration in skin mucus 13
c. Proximate composition of diets 14
2.7 Calculations and statistical analysis 15
3. Results 17
3.1 Growth performance 17
3.2 Feed utilization 18
3.3 Survival 19
3.4 Skin mucus immunity 19
3.5 Feed cost 20
4. Discussion 21
5. Conclusion 31
References 33
Appendix 55
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