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作者(英文):Chia-Ying Lin
論文名稱(英文):Chia-Ying Lin Master Degree Recital and Graduation Recital
指導教授(英文):Kuang-Hao Wei
口試委員(英文):Siou-Hua Su
Wei-jhong Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Phrase InterpretationImprovisationJazz Composition and Arrangement
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This essay is an interpretation of tunes in Chia-Ying, Lin’s master's degree recital and graduation recital. The concept of the tune’s choice hopes to cover different genres in jazz. As time goes by, although jazz only develops within one hundred years, we can easily see jazz becoming special sound in different areas on the internet due to the technology. A variety of genre’s music will create new sounds when they counter with jazz. Hoping I can open my mind to listening and learning from distinct music. Being a musician, it’s important to play the characteristic of many music genres. Needing to imitate and shed the music texture and phrasing, afterward, developing own style on playing. Through learning and researching these tune’s material, I not only gain more understanding and ideas on improvisation, but obtain lots of learning material on culture, history, composition, and arrangement technic. I wish I can contribute my share to Taiwan’s jazz society through these two recitals and interpretations.

目錄 9
譜目錄 11
壹、 學位音樂會演奏曲目之樂曲介紹和分析 13
一、I’ll Close My Eyes 13
二、Invitation 16
三、Gentle Piece 20
四、Father and Sun 24
五、Minha Saudade 26
六、Clockwise 29
七、Always and Forever 34
八、Crazy Race 36
貳、畢業音樂會演奏曲目之樂曲介紹和分析 39
一、Whisper Not 39
二、Speak No Evil 42
三、I Hear A Rhapsody 45
四、Darn That Dream 47
五、Chick’s Tune 49
六、Summer Samba 54
七、Footprints 57
參、結語 60
肆、參考文獻 61

一、 書籍、期刊
1. 徐崇育(2021)。什麼是「爵士樂」?。Par表演藝術,340期,p.14
2. Persichetti, V. (1961). Harmony creative aspects and practice. New York, US: W.W. Norton &Company
3.Giaia, T. (2012). A guide to jazz standards. New York, US: Oxford University Press
4.Levine, M. (1995), The Jazz Theory Book, U.S.A: Sher Music Co.
5. Owens, T. (1995), Bebop the Music and Its Players, New York: Oxford University Press.
6.Humphries, A. (2009), Kenny wheeler: Melody, harmony, and structure: An analysis of the melodic, harmonic and structural techniques in the compositions of Kenny Wheeler, and the implementation of those techniques into the authors own creative process, Western Australia: Edith Cowan University.
7.Smith, A. (2007), Pat Metheny: Composing to Exploit the sound of the guitar, New Zealand: College of creative Arts, Massey University
8.Strunk, S. (2005), Notes on harmony in Wayne Shorter’s compositions, 1964-1967, Journal of Music Theory (2005) 49(2):301-332

二、 網站
1. Burlingame, S. (unknown). Origin and chart information. Jazzstandards. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from https://www.jazzstandards.com/compositions-2/invitation.htm
2. Vaartstra, B. (2012). Invitation. Learn jazz standards. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from https://www.learnjazzstandards.com/jazz-standards/invitation/
3. 官大為(2015).https://wiki.nicechord.com/index.php/很酷炫的「三全音代理」和弦!

三、 影片
1.Ant Adlibs (2023). Invitation: Harmonic Analysis. YouTube.
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1GUPA9hBaM
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