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作者(英文):Po-Hsuan Tseng
論文名稱(英文):Research on Design Trends for Marketing Product Cover Images - Taking Shopee Shopping platform as an Example
指導教授(英文):Cheng-Yong Huang
口試委員(英文):Ming-Hsuan Hsieh
Chin-Ling Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Shopee e-commercecommercial designlayout designKJ methodquantitative I-type analysis
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蒐集175個形容詞感性語彙,透過六位平面設計師的 5 階李克尺度法專家問卷調查,按問卷回覆取前42個得分較高的設計習慣常用形容詞語彙,將KJ法篩選出的35張代表性樣本與42個形容詞語彙製作感性意象問卷,問卷發放32份,回收數總共32份為有效問卷。綜合35個圖片樣本對42個感性語彙評分之平均數作為本研究的目的變數,並將文字、文字占比、標題、主體、背景占比、背景顏色,再細分出的25個類目作為說明變項,應用數量化I類分析求得42個感性語彙與具體項目間的數據。再使用KJ法作為說明變項,對42個感性語彙評分之平均數進行數量化I類。
依據分析結果使用數量化I類分析商品首圖與設計習慣形容詞語彙可將本研究研究結果分為三大項:一、由數量化I類分析結果得知,7個項目中以「背景占比」(0.318)、「文字占比」(0.333)、「文字」(0.332)對『年輕的』設計常用參考之形容詞語彙的相關程度較大,以「背景顏色」(0.116)之相關程度最小,餘此類推。二、其中「文字」對所有42個設計常用參考之形容詞語彙之偏相關係數都很高,顯示「文字」這一項要素對蝦皮電商首圖影響程度很大;「背景顏色」、「主體數量」所有 42個感性語彙之偏相關係數之偏相關係數普遍皆低,顯示「背景顏色」這項要素對蝦皮電商首圖影響程度最低。三、由42個設計常用參考形容詞語彙數量化I類之類目分析,得知蝦皮電商首圖給人以『年輕的』感覺要素如下:背景占比-背景占比少;文字占比-三分之一;文字-產品名稱很大的;主體-單一主體;主標題副標題-小主標小副標;背景顏色-冷色系,餘此類推。
This research applies sensory ergonomics theory and methods to analyze the design imagery of top-selling product images on the Shopee e-commerce platform. The study explores the associations between elements in these images and the commonly used adjectives that describe them. A sample of 100 top-selling products was selected from the Shopee platform in Taiwan and classified into five categories: Home Appliances, Lifestyle Products, Circular Elements, Aromatic Foods, and Mordant Tones. Each category was represented by seven samples, making a total of 35 samples.
Six repeated layout elements were identified among the 35 samples, encompassing 25 descriptors: Text Design Aesthetics, Discount Indication, Sales-oriented Language, Large Product Names, Text Proportions (1/3, 1/4, 1/5), Main and Subtitles (Large/Small, Small/Small, Small/Large), Single, Double, and Multiple Subjects, Background Proportions (Small, Moderate, Large), and Background Colors (Grayscale, Cool-toned, Warm-toned). After statistical analysis, the prevailing design elements for top-selling product images on e-commerce platforms were determined as follows: Warm-colored backgrounds, smaller background proportions, multiple subjects, large main titles with small subtitles, text occupying one-fifth of the image, and the presence of discount indications.
175 adjectives related to sensory attributes were collected and evaluated by six graphic designers using the 5-point Likert scale method. The top 42 adjectives were then chosen for the sensory imagery questionnaire. Combining the 35 representative image samples with the 42 adjectives, a total of 32 valid questionnaires were collected. The mean scores of the 35 samples for each adjective were used as the dependent variable, while the 25 subdivided elements were utilized as explanatory variables. The Quantitative Type I analysis method was employed to determine the data between the 42 adjectives and specific design elements.
Based on the analysis results, this research classified its findings into three main aspects. First, "Background Proportions," "Text Proportions," and "Text Design Aesthetics" showed the most significant correlations with commonly used adjectives for design references, while "Background Colors" exhibited the weakest correlation. Second, "Text" displayed high correlation coefficients with all 42 adjectives, indicating its substantial impact on Shopee e-commerce product images. Conversely, "Background Colors" and "Number of Subjects" had generally low correlation coefficients, suggesting their minimal influence on the images. Third, the Quantitative Type I analysis revealed that Shopee e-commerce product images evoke a "youthful" perception, characterized by features such as smaller background proportions, one-third text proportions, prominent product names, single subjects, small main titles with small subtitles, and cool-toned backgrounds, among others.
The research conclusions consolidate the prevailing design elements for top-selling product images on the Shopee platform. Designers can refer to these findings to enhance the visual appeal of product images and captivate consumers through first impressions. This study aims to serve as a reference for designers in their future efforts to create compelling Shopee e-commerce product images.
摘 要 I
Abstract: III
圖目次 VII
表目次 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 2
第二節 研究目的與方法 4
第三節 研究架構與流程 5
第四節 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 視覺設計 9
第二節 商業廣告設計 13
第三節 商業廣告設計之編排要素 18
第四節 電子商務 21
第五節 蝦皮電商 23
第六節 感性工學與數量化I類 25
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節 樣本篩選與分類 28
第二節 分類調整與意象語彙篩選 39
第四章 數量化I類與分析 47
第一節 數量化I類分析結果 47
第二節 數量化I類彙整 93
第三節 研究驗證 96
第五章 結論與未來研究建議 105
第一節 研究結果 106
第二節 未來研究建議 109
參考文獻 111
附錄一、設計習慣形容詞語彙專家問卷得分 113
附錄二、感性意象問卷 119
附錄三、感性意象問卷平均數 189
附錄四、數量化I類分析-25個類目 197
附錄五、數量化I類分析-KJ法 218
附錄六、感性意象研究結果驗證問卷 239
附錄七、感性意象研究結果驗證問卷回復平均數 244
附錄八、數量化I類分析-感性意象研究結果驗證修改前後對比 245
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