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作者(英文):Chian-Chian Ong
論文名稱(英文):The Journey of the Hero Within for a Malaysian Preservice Preschool Teacher
指導教授(英文):Ming-Li Chang
口試委員(英文):Horn-Fay Cherng
Chien-Yi Fu
關鍵詞(英文):preservice preschool teacherHero Withinpersonality archetype
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Jung(2013)曾言:「人需擁有完整而非完美的人生」。我秉持此信念,以自我敘說的方式,描述我從童年時期至碩士班的生命故事,並與Pearson(1986/2000) 《內在英雄:六種生活的原型》的天真者、孤兒、流浪者、鬥士、殉道者及魔法師等六種人格原型作呼應。經過自我剖析,發現:除了未呈現的魔法師,我藉由出現的天真者、孤兒、流浪者、鬥士、殉道者等五種角色,開啟內在英雄之旅。同時,體悟出:因6歲家庭出遊、7歲數學的罩門、15歲臨時保姆、19歲大學新鮮人等理想,成為幸福且樂觀的天真者;因自卑(3歲啞巴的枷鎖、6歲幼兒園的科學實驗、10歲被老師指責、19歲幼兒打巴掌事件)、恐懼(7歲料理的負面評價、13歲儀容檢查及穿錯校服)、無助(15歲心身症、19歲幼兒唱反調)等情感匱乏,成為自卑、恐懼及無助的孤兒;因20歲憂鬱症、22歲大專生科技部計劃等心靈探索,成為孤獨的流浪者;因12歲UPSR檢定考試、23歲研討會發表、24歲論文計劃審查等表現,成為勇敢的鬥士;因16歲中學愛校籌款以及小學和中學父母的期望等人際相處,成為犧牲的殉道者,但尚未發展出魔法師的原型。期許經由內在的覺察、辨識、理解、表達、調適等五個情緒探索,能成為一位正向的幼教師,未來在幼教現場,自己可以成為幼兒的領航員,同時攜帶教育部(2017)《幼兒園教保活動課程大綱》及林佩蓉(2022)《幼兒園課程與教學評估表2022版》的幼教必備指南,引領各種不同原型的幼兒,成為樂觀信念的天真者、表達自己感受的孤兒、認識自己的流浪者、克服內心恐懼的鬥士、心懷感恩的殉道者,最終成為富有創造力的魔法師。目前,我停留於殉道者的角色,盼望自己和所有幼教師,在教學旅程經過持續學習及摸索,皆可邁向原型最高的境界,成為英雄的英雄,及點亮自己和幼兒的心燈。


Jung (2013) once stated, “Life calls not for perfection, but for completeness.” With this philosophy in mind, I described the life story from my childhood to my master’s degree program through a self-narrative, echoing the six personality archetypes of the Innocent, the Orphan, the Wanderer, the Warrior, the Martyr, and the Magician in Pearson’s (1986/2000) The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By. After self-analysis, I discovered that except for the absent magician, I started the journey of finding my hero within through the five roles that emerged, including the innocent, the orphan, the wanderer, the warrior, and the martyr. At the same time, I realized that I became a happy, optimistic, ‘innocent’ because of my ideals and experiences, including going on a family trip at the age of 6, knowing my weakness in math at the age of 7, being a temporary babysitter at the age of 15, and being a freshman in college at the age of 19. I became an ‘orphan’ with low self-esteem (the shackle of being mute at age of 3, science experiments in kindergarten at 6, accusations by teachers at 10, and slap incidents by young children at 19), fear (negative comments on cooking at the age of 7, grooming check, and wrong school uniform at age 13) and helplessness (psychosomatic disorder at 15 years old, being opposed by young children at 19) due to emotional deprivation. I became a lonely ‘wanderer’ due to my spiritual explorations, including having depression at the age of 20, and participating in a research project for college students by the Ministry of Science and Technology at 22. I became a brave ‘warrior’ because of my performances, including taking the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) at the age of 12, presenting at the seminar at the age of 23, and having my thesis plan reviewed at the age of 24. I also became a ‘martyr’ of sacrifice due to interpersonal dealings, such as participating in the fundraising of the middle school at the age of 16, and striving to fulfill the expectations of my parents in elementary and middle school. However, I have not yet developed the archetype of the ‘wizard.’ I hope that through the five emotional explorations of inner awareness, recognition, understanding, expression, and adjustment, I can become a positive preschool teacher, and a navigator for children in the preschool education field in the future. With the guidelines for preschool education, such as the “Preschool Educare Activity and Curriculum” promulgated by the Ministry of Education (2017) and “Assessing Quality: Preschool Curriculum and Instruction Rating Scale–2022 Edition” by Peirong Lin (2022), I intend to lead young children of all archetypes to become ‘innocents’ with optimistic faith, ‘orphans’ who express their feelings, ‘wanderers’ who know themselves, ‘warriors’ who overcome their inner fears, ‘martyrs’ who are grateful, and ultimately creative ‘magicians.’ At present, I am remaining in the role of a martyr. It is hoped that all early preschool teachers and myself, through continuous learning and exploration in our teaching journey, will be able to move to the highest level of the archetype, become the heroes of heroes, and light up our own hearts and the hearts of our young children.

Keywords: preservice preschool teacher, Hero Within, personality archetype
謝誌 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iii
目次 v
圖次 vii
第一章 成為自己的內在英雄 1
第二章 天真者的天堂 11
第一節 幸福時光機 11
第二節 樂觀的烙印 16
第三節 信念的力量 28
第三章 等待救援的孤兒 35
第一節 自卑的靈魂 35
第二節 茫然的恐懼 54
第三節 迷茫無助 62
第四節 老師是幼兒求救的雷達 68
第四章 流浪者之旅 73
第一節 孤獨探索 73
第二節 老師是幼兒的領航員 89
第五章 英勇的鬥士 93
第一節 勇敢前行 93
第二節 老師是幼兒的陪伴者 106
第六章 無私奉獻的殉道者 109
第一節 社區及家的守護者 109
第二節 老師是幼兒的典範 118
第七章 再出發 121
第一節 探索內在英雄旅程途徑 121
第二節 探索幼教師旅程途徑 126
後記 147
參考書目 157
一、中文部分 157
二、英文部分 160
【附錄一】幼兒園師資職前教育學程 165
【附錄二】人格面具 166
【附錄三】自畫像作品 167
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