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作者:Dina Rahayu Suhenda
作者(英文):Dina Rahayu Suhenda
論文名稱(英文):Parents’ Perspective on Multicultural Education in Early Childhood
Yeni Rachmawati
指導教授(英文):Hui-Hua Chen
Yeni Rachmawati
口試委員(英文):Chuan-Cheng Kao
Yu-Tai Su
關鍵詞(英文):MulticulturalismMulticultural EducationEarly ChildhoodTeacher
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Indonesia is one of the biggest multicultural countries in the world, where multicultural issues arise and leave negative impacts on society, including children. To prevent the negative impact on the children, they should develop an understanding of multiculturalism through multicultural education. Because of that, the role of teachers is needed to educate the children, however, it would not be complete if the parents did not take part. Moreover, the role of parents is needed to introduce and educate their children about multiculturalism at home. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the parents’ perspectives on multicultural education due to the importance of implementation. To achieve the purpose of this study, three research questions were developed: 1) How do parents think about multiculturalism and multicultural education? 2) What are the challenges or issues of multiculturalism faced by parents? and 3) How do parents respond to the challenges or issues?. Using a qualitative method with a case study approach, data were collected through a video calling interview from two participants of early childhood students who have different kinds of backgrounds such as religion, race, ethnicities, and social class. The results revealed parents’ understanding of multiculturalism is similar to the multiculturalism concept; the Concept of difference, the concept of equality, and the concept of national identity. Another result shows that parents understand the importance of multicultural education and it should be taught to their children not only at the school but also at their home. The parents understand that they have important roles in introducing and implementing multicultural education, and it shows that they are willing to collaborate with the school for their children to acknowledge a better understanding of multiculturalism. This study also revealed their experiences on multicultural issues that have given them a positive lesson to educate their children about multiculturalism to prevent the negative issues and live together in harmony.
1.1. Background of the study 1
1.2. Purpose of the study 3
1.3. The significances of the study 3
1.4. Definitions of key terms 4
2.1. Multiculturalism 7
2.2. Multiculturalism concept 8
2.3. Multicultural education 10
2.4. The implementation of multicultural education in ECE 11
2.5. Multicultural education starts early at home 13
2.6. Empowering multicultural education through school and parents collaboration 16
3.1. Research design 21
3.2. Participants 21
3.3. Data collection 23
3.4. Data analysis process 25
3.5. Validity and reliability 27
3.6. Ethics issues 27
4.1. Multiculturalism Understanding 29
4.1.1. Diversities 29
4.1.2. Tolerance 30
4.1.3 Citizenship 32
4.2. Multicultural Education Perspectives 33
4.2.1 The importance of Multicultural Education 33
4.2.2 School Responsibilities 35
4.2.3. Parents Support 37
4.3. Multicultural Issues and Challenges 39
4.3.1 Multicultural Issues 39
4.3.2 Multicultural Education Challenges 41
5.1. Conclusion 43
5.2. Limitation 44
5.3. Recommendation 45

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