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作者:Nguyen Thi Thuy Hue
作者(英文):Nguyen Thi Thuy Hue
論文名稱:Evaluating Online Discussion Forums by the Community of Inquiry Model An examination at the University of Economics and Law in Vietnam
論文名稱(英文):Evaluating Online Discussion Forums by the Community of Inquiry Model An examination at the University of Economics and Law in Vietnam
指導教授(英文):Tai-Chien Kao
口試委員(英文):Hsin-Yih Shyu
Ming-Chou Liu
關鍵詞(英文):Online Discussion ForumCommunity of Inquiry (CoI)
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Together with the advancement of Information & Communication Technology (ICT), asynchronous communication tools such as online discussion forums (ODF) have gained popularity, facilitating in-depth and flexible educational interactions. In Vietnam's tertiary institutions, there is a significant gap in understanding the factors and impact of LMS's ODF. This study adopts the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, consisting of cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence, with another added interaction factor, to comprehensively evaluate interactions and redesign ODF toward fostering cognitive development in Vietnam's higher education. This study employed a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative research with 178 student questionnaires and qualitative research with 143 student answers to open questions and two teacher interviews at the University of Economics and Law (UEL) in Vietnam.

The research attained 16 findings for three research questions. Research findings indicate that ODF is widely used by teachers at UEL in the service of knowledge construction, with most students spending less than three hours per week on ODF. The study also discusses the effects of background factors on the performance of the CoI model. Moreover, the findings demonstrate the significant causal relationships between sub-elements of Teaching Presence (i.e., design & organization, facilitation, and direct instruction) and their impacts on other presences in the model. Noticeably, the study discusses the relationships between student-student interaction and social presence and how these social interaction factors jointly influence cognitive presence. Lastly, recommendations were provided regarding design & organization, facilitation, direct instruction, and assessment to foster cognitive presence in ODF at UEL. They were particularly setting up structured ODF, using authentic and thought-provoking discussion topics, providing clear guidance and timely notifications, assigning students as discussion moderators, implementing self-coding and peer feedback, and assessing the level of performance on ODF by score, ranking, and reward.

The study opens implications for future research into using ODF in a specific instructional design in different contexts. The research also calls for revising Social Presence in the CoI model.
1.1 Background 1
1.1.1 Asynchronous Communication in Education and Online Discussion Forums 1
1.1.2 Research on ODF in Vietnam Tertiary Institutions 2
1.1.3 Research on ODF in Higher Education using Community of Inquiry (CoI) 3
1.2 Purpose of Study 4
1.3 The Significances of Study 4
1.4 Ethics in Research 4
1.5 Definition of Key Terms 5
2.1 Collaborative Constructivist Perspective 7
2.2 Online Discussion Forums (ODF) 8
2.2.1 The Development of ODF 8
2.2.2 Four Types of Online Discussion Forums 8
2.2.3 The Implementation of ODF in Modern Learning 9
2.2.4 Social Interactions in ODF 10
2.3 Community of Inquiry (CoI) in ODF 11
2.3.1 The Community of Inquiry 11
2.3.2 The Community of Inquiry in ODF 16
2.4 Principles and Guidelines to Develop CoI in ODF 17
2.4.1 Design and Organization 18
2.4.2 Facilitation 19
2.4.3 Direct Instruction 20
2.4.4 Online Discussion Assessment 21
2.5 Research Framework 22
3.1 Research Context 25
3.2 Research Design: Mixed-Methods 26
3.3 Data Procedure 27
3.4 Data Collection 27
3.4.1 Participants 27
3.4.2 Instruments 30
3.4.3 Measurement of Quantitative Research 32
3.5 Data Analysis 37
3.5.1 Quantitative Research 37
3.5.2 Qualitative Research 37
4.1 Quantitative Analysis 41
4.1.1 Descriptive Analysis 41
4.1.2 Independent Test for Background Variables 43
4.1.3 Gender Difference in the Performance of Interval Variables 43
4.1.4 One-way ANOVA 44
4.1.5 Correlational Analysis 47
4.1.6 Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) 48
4.2 Qualitative Analysis 51
4.2.1 Students’ Qualitative Data Analysis 51
4.2.2 Teachers’ Qualitative Data Analysis 52
5.1 Research Question One 55
5.2 Research Question Two 57
5.3 Research Question Three 61
5.3.1 Design and Organization 62
5.3.2 Facilitation 65
5.3.3 Direct Instruction 67
5.3.4 Assessment 68
5.3.5 Other 69
6.1 Summary of Findings 71
6.2 Contribution of Study 73
6.3 Implications of Study 74
6.4 Limitations of Study 75
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