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作者(英文):Xiu-Lin Xu
論文名稱(英文):Impacts of Implementing Student-Designed Games on Students' Basic Psychological Needs, Novelty, Enjoyment, and Motivation in Elementary School Physical Education
指導教授(英文):Wei-Ting Hsu
口試委員(英文):Szu-Yu Chen
I-Wei Shang
關鍵詞(英文):Quasi-experimental designPhysical educationLearning motivation
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The positive impacts of Student-Designed Games (SDG) in physical education have been examined and proofed in many countries but not in Taiwan. Hence, the study attempted fill this gap. Purpose: examining the impacts of implementing SDG on students' basic psychological needs, novelty, enjoyment, and motivation in elementary school physical education. Methods: research participants were elementary school high-level graders in Hualien. SDG was implemented in nine classes throughout six weeks. Students’ basic psychological needs, novelty, enjoyment, and motivation were measured before and after implementing SDG. Data collected were processed with two-way ANOVA. Results: 1. No significant differences were found on the improvements of basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) between experimental and control group; 2. No significant differences were found on novelty improvement between experimental and control group; 3. No significant differences were found on enjoyment improvement between experimental and control group; 4. No significant differences were found on motivation improvement between experimental and control group. Conclusions: The research is first empirical study focusing the implementation of SDG Student-Designed Games in elementary school PE in Taiwan higher grade student. The intervention duration was cut short due to covid-19 pandemic which might be the main reason why the learning outcomes were not supported quantitatively. Nonetheless, the study had found the potential of implementing SDG in PE. It is suggested that teacher might choose sports that are familiarized by the student and instruct them make alternations or modifications on the existing rules to implement SDG more effectively.
摘要 III
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的與問題 5
第三節、研究範圍 6
第四節、研究限制 7
第五節、名詞解釋 8
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節、學生設計遊戲模式 9
第二節、學生設計遊戲模式之相關研究 12
第三節、自我決定理論與應用於體育課相關研究 13
第四節、新奇感需求與應用於體育課相關研究 16
第參章 研究方法 19
第一節、研究架構 19
第二節、研究對象 20
第三節、研究流程 21
第四節、研究步驟 22
第五節、研究工具 25
第六節、資料分析與處理 27
第肆章 結果與討論 29
第一節、不同教學法對國小高年級學生基本心理需求之分析及討論 29
第二節、不同教學法對國小高年級學生新奇感需求之分析及討論 35
第三節、不同教學法對國小高年級學生樂趣之分析及討論 38
第四節、不同教學法對國小高年級學生動機之分析及討論 40
第伍章 結論與建議 43
第一節、結論 43
第二節、建議 45
參考文獻 47
附錄一、研究參與者與家長同意書 56
附錄二、學生設計遊戲模式教案 57
附錄三、學生設計遊戲模式設計學習單 62
附錄四、教師教學檢核表 63
附錄五、量表 64
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