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作者(英文):Ying-Sheng Lai
論文名稱(英文):Research on Self-talk in College Tennis Players Competition
指導教授(英文):Ju-Han Lin
口試委員(英文):Chia-Yao Lee
Chien-chang Chiu
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前言:近年台灣網球在世界大學運動會成績表現優異,也使得選手的心理表現受到關注。依據研究者選手背景的經驗,看到比賽輸贏之外,發現選手們在每一分結束、接近局點、賽末點或是失誤了,常有自我對話的行為與表現出現。目的:本研究旨探討大專網球運動選手,在比賽中自我對話上的使用與內容,並嘗試分析出自我對話在網球選手中的專項特性。方法:8名大專網球選手為參與對象,透過賽後訪談的方式,理解網球運動員在自我對話的運用方式,並闡述專項特徵。結論:除了原本運動心理學自我對話的正向、負向、指導、動機四個向度之外,根據其他領域的研究旁徵,在自我對談的過程更可以細分為角色、情緒、價值、批評等類目,正向激勵性自我對話會幫助網球選手提升士氣以及讓選手有繼續堅持在場上比賽,正向指導性的自我對話能幫助網球選手對於比賽中進行即時的指導或修正; 角色自我對話在不專心或恍神時及時地透過自我對話來提醒自己角色的職責; 情緒自我對話能適時的穩定網球選手的情緒; 網球選手對比賽價值的自我對話會影響選手的意志; 批評的自我對話可以歸類在負面自我對話中,失誤責備自己的方式表現,增加網球選手在比賽中的壓力以及提出對比賽表現不好的部分來去做檢討與改進。建議:在訓練上教練可以以角色、情緒、價值、批評,教導選手進行自我對話的; 亦可透過探討不同層級、不同性別、不同年齡網球選手來分析網球比賽中自我對話的內涵、運用及影響。

Introduction: In recent years, Taiwanese tennis players has well performed in the Universiade, and the players’ psychological performance has also attracted attention to researcher. Based on the experience of the researcher’s on tennis athletes ‘backgrounds, in addition to looking at the win and lose of the game, the players was found that the players often have self-talking behaviors and performances at the end of each point, near the game point, at the end of the game, or after make a mistake. The past research founded when more frequently the athlete performs self-talk, the stronger the self-efficacy will also affect its skill performance (Deng, Jhang, & Hong, 2018). Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore the use and content of self-talk in tennis players of college tennis players, and try to analyze the special characteristics of self-talk in tennis players. Method: Eight college tennis players were the participants. Through post-match interviews, they understood how tennis players used self-talk, and explained their special characteristics. Result: It was found that in addition to the four dimensions of positive, negative, instruct and motivation in the original self-talk of sports psychology, according the interview the process of self-talk can also find four new ones include character, emotions, values, and criticism. Positive motivational self-talk will help players improve morale and allow tennis players to continue to play on the court, and positive guiding self-talk can help tennis players make immediate guidance or corrections in the game. Character self-talk timely reminds oneself of the role's responsibilities through self-talk when inattentive or distracted; emotional self-talk can stabilize the emotions of tennis players in a timely manner; tennis players' self-talk about the value of the game will affect the tennis players' will; critical self-talk It can be classified as negative self-talk, the way to blame yourself for mistakes, increase the pressure on the tennis players in the game, and put forward the bad parts of the game for review and improvement. Suggesting:Future coaches can teach players self-talk in 1. Character, 2. Emotion, 3. Value, 4. Criticism. Explore self-talk in tennis matches by exploring different levels of players, genders, and ages.

Keywords: self-talk, character, emotion, value, criticism
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究背景...............................................01
第二節 研究目的...............................................02
第三節 待答問題...............................................03
第四節 研究範圍與限制.........................................03
第五節 名詞釋義...............................................03
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 自我對話...............................................05
第二節 自我對話對運動員之影響.................................09
第三節 網球場上的自我對話.....................................18
第四節 文獻總結...............................................23
第參章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構...............................................24
第二節 研究對象...............................................25
第三節 研究編碼...............................................28
第四節 研究工具...............................................29
第五節 研究流程...............................................30
第六節 資料處理與分析.........................................32
第肆章 結果與討論
第一節 正面自我對話....................................... ...33
第二節 角色自我對話....................................... ...36
第三節 情緒自我對話....................................... ...37
第四節 價值自我對話....................................... ...41
第五節 批判自我對話....................................... ...44
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論....................................... ... .... ...48
第二節 研究者省思................................ ... .... ...50
第三節 建議.................................. ............. ...50



表一 研究參與者編號....... ........................................28


圖一 自我對話與運動表現模型...................................................11
圖二 研究流程圖...................................................31
圖三 大專網球選手自我對話階層模式圖................................49
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