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論文名稱(英文):Magnetic Memory and Magnetocaloric Effect of Sn0.6Cr0.1Ge0.3Te and Sn0.6Mn0.1Ge0.3Te
指導教授(英文):Sheng-Yun Wu
口試委員(英文):Meng-Chu Chen
Yue-Lin Huang
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Sn0.6Cr0.1Ge0.3Te在室溫表現出順磁性,在居里溫度Tc=182K以下表現出鐵磁性,並且在阻塞溫度TB=133K以下觀察到Super Spin-Glass狀態。在Spin-Glass狀態下可以觀察到磁記憶效應,並計算了在各種外加磁場下的磁熵變化量(-ΔSM)及最大相對冷卻效率。在60 kOe外加磁場下,在居里溫度附近有最大磁熵變-ΔSM=0.1073J/kg-k、最大相對致冷效率RCP(S)=7.52J/kg。
Sn0.6Mn0.1Ge0.3Te在室溫下表現出順磁性,在居里溫度Tc=27K處發生鐵磁相變,磁性轉變為鐵磁性,低溫下不存在Spin-Glass狀態及磁記憶效應。計算各種外加磁場下的磁熵變化量(-ΔSM)及最大相對冷卻效率。在60 kOe外加磁場下,在居里溫度附近有最大磁熵變-ΔSM=1.501 J/kg-k、最大相對致冷效率RCP(S)=42.06 J/kg。Sn0.6Mn0.1Ge0.3Te在低溫下表現的致冷效率使其有望在未來實際應用於磁致冷領域。
This study investigates the magnetic memory and magnetocaloric effects of Sn0.6Cr0.1Ge0.3Te (SCGT) solid solution synthesized by a sealed tube solid-state reaction.
Sn0.6Cr0.1Ge0.3Te exhibits paramagnetism at room temperature, ferromagnetism below the Curie temperature Tc=182K, and a Super Spin-Glass structure is observed below the blocking temperature TB=133K. The magnetic memory effect can be observed in the Spin-Glass state, and the change of magnetic entropy (-ΔSM) and the maximum relative cooling efficiency under various external magnetic fields are calculated. Under the external magnetic field of 60 kOe, there is a maximum magnetic entropy change -ΔSM=0.1073J/kg-k and a maximum relative cooling efficiency RCP=7.52J/kg near the Curie temperature.
Sn0.6Mn0.1Ge0.3Te exhibits paramagnetism at room temperature, and a ferromagnetic phase transition occurs at the Curie temperature Tc=27K, and the magnetism changes to ferromagnetism. There is no Spin-Glass state and magnetic memory effect at low temperature. Calculate the magnetic entropy change (-ΔSM) and the maximum relative cooling efficiency under various external magnetic fields. Under the external magnetic field of 60 kOe, there is a maximum magnetic entropy change -ΔSM=1.501 J/kg-k and a maximum relative refrigeration efficiency RCP=42.06 J/kg near the Curie temperature. The refrigeration efficiency of Sn0.6Mn0.1Ge0.3Te at low temperature makes it hopeful that it will be practically applied in the field of magnetic refrigeration in the future.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 導論與文獻回顧 1
第二章 實驗原理與方法 3
2.1磁性基礎原理 3
2.1.1磁性的產生 3
2.1.2磁性的分類 4
2.2磁熱效應 6
2.2.1等溫磁熵變及絕熱溫度變化的計算 6
2.2.2相對冷卻功率及制冷量的計算 7
2.3儀器原理 8
2.3.1熱場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(Thermal Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FE-SEM) 8
2.3.2能量分散光譜儀(Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS) 9
2.3.3拉曼光譜儀(Raman spectroscopy) 10
2.3.4 X射線繞射儀(X-ray diffractometer, XRD) 11
2.3.5 X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) 12
2.3.6超導量子干涉儀(Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices, SQUID) 13
2.4樣品製備 15
第三章 實驗數據與分析 16
3.1 SEM以及EDS量測 16
3.2 X光繞射光譜分析 20
3.3 拉曼光譜分析 23
3.4 X射線光電子能譜分析 26
3.5磁性分析 32
3.5.1磁化強度-溫度 32
3.5.2磁化強度-磁場 35
3.5.3磁熱效應(Magnetocaloric effect, MCE) 37
3.5.4磁記憶效應(Magnetic memory effect) 42
3.5.5等溫剩餘磁化(isothermal rement moment, IRM) 45
3.5.6磁矩弛豫 46
第四章 結論 47
參考文獻 49

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