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作者(英文):Tung-Chou Wen
論文名稱(英文):Application of Natural Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira Leaf Extract on Hair Follicle Growth
指導教授(英文):Tzyy-Wen Chiou
口試委員(英文):Chia-Hung Lee
Horng-Jyh Harn
Ru-Ping Lee
Jung-Hsin Hsu
關鍵詞(英文):dermal papila cellsCinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehriahair growthhair growth factor
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現今社會有越來越多人有掉髮、禿頭的症狀,掉髮不僅影響外觀,也影響心理層面,故如何促進毛髮增生,已成為近年來備受矚目的課題。土肉桂具有多項生理功效,但目前科學上仍未有文獻明確指出土肉桂天然萃取物具有毛髮增生的功能。本研究中,我們通過體外和體內測定研究了土肉桂萃取物對毛髮生長的影響。實驗中以細胞存活率檢測法分析了萃取物在不同濃度下,促進大鼠觸鬚和人類真皮乳頭細胞增殖之功效,並與臨床用藥Minoxidil比較。通過定量反轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應,經土肉桂萃取物培養的人毛髮真皮乳頭細胞中,包括VEGF,KGF和TGF-β2等一些毛髮生長相關因子的基因水平會高於未處理的對照組。進一步以囓齒類動物模型來驗證土肉桂萃取物具有促進毛髮增生之成效,於脫毛的C57BL / 6小鼠模型中,經土肉桂萃取物處理組中會刺激毛髮生長,動物組織切片觀察結果,也顯示了土肉桂萃取物促進毛髮生長周期中的生長期。最後,超高效液相色譜圖分析顯示,此土肉桂萃取物主要含有肉桂醛和少量肉桂酸。本研究結果顯明了土肉桂萃取物可應用於治療脫髮之潛力。
An increasing number of people suffer from hair loss or alopecia. It affects not only the appearance but also the psychological level and their mental health. Therefore, how to make the hair follicle proliferation and hair regrowth has become a subject of great attention in recent years. The extracts from Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehria (COK) have many biological activities. However, there is no report clearly pointed out that COK extract has the benefit for the hair growth application. In this study, we explored the effect of the water extract of Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehria (COK) leaves on hair growth by in vitro and in vivo assays. Using an in vitro MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) assay, it was found that the the proliferation of rat vibrissae and human hair dermal papilla cells were significantly enhanced by the COK leaf extract treatment. As determined by quantitative real-time PCR, the mRNA levels of some hair-growth related factors including VEGF, KGF, and TGF-β2 were found higher in the cultured human hair dermal papilla cells exposed to COK leaf extract than those in the untreated control group. In the hair-depilated C57BL/6 mouse model, the stimulation of hair growth was demonstrated in the group of COK leaf extract treatment. Both photographical and histological observations revealed the promotion of the anagen phase in the hair growth cycle by the COK leaf extract in the C57BL/6 mice. Finally, the UPLC chromatogram showed that the COK extract contained mostly cinnamicaldehyde and a small amount of cinnamic acid. The results suggest that the COK leaf-extract may find use for the treatment of hair loss.
摘要 I
Abstract II
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究目的 2
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2.1 頭髮構造與成分 3
2.2 毛囊的構造與功能 4
2.3 頭髮毛囊生長週期 5
2.4 毛髮生長因子 7
2.4.1 類胰島素生長因子-1(IGF-1)的功能 7
2.4.2 血管內皮生長因子(VEGF)的功能 8
2.4.3 肝細胞生長因子(HGF)的功能 9
2.4.4 角質細胞生長因子(KGF)的功能 9
2.4.5 轉化生長因子(TGF-β)的功能 10
2.4.6 毛囊幹細胞(Hair follicle stem cell) 10
2.5 毛囊病症---雄性禿 11
2.5.1 雄性禿的治療 12
2.6 土肉桂的功效及成分 13
2.6.1 土肉桂成分分析 16
2.6.2 土肉桂生理活性及醫學應用 17
第三章、材料與方法 19
3.2.1細胞型態之觀察 20
3.2.2大鼠觸鬚真皮乳突細胞培養與繼代 21
3.2.3大鼠觸鬚真皮乳突細胞之相關基因鑑定 22
3.3 COK水萃液對大鼠毛囊真皮乳突細胞生長之影響-MTT檢測 23
3.4 COK萃取物調控大鼠毛囊真皮乳突細胞生長因子之基因表現的影響 23
3.6人類毛囊真皮乳突細胞之細胞增殖測定(MTT assay) 24
3.7 COK萃取物調控人類毛囊真皮乳突細胞生長因子之基因表現的影響 25
3.8小鼠毛髮生長的檢測 25
3.9大鼠毛髮生長實驗 26
3.10組織處理及切片染色分析 26
3.11 COK萃取物調控人類毛囊真皮乳突細胞之5α還原酶基因表現的影響 27
4.1 COK萃取物之成分分析28
4.2初代大鼠觸鬚毛囊真皮乳突細胞之細胞型態與專一性基因表現鑑定 29
4.3 MTT檢測COK萃取物對大鼠觸鬚DPC增殖的影響 30
4.4 RT-PCR檢測COK萃取液對大鼠觸鬚DPC之生長因子表現的影響 31
4.5 COK萃取物對促進大鼠毛髮生長之影響 32
4.6 COK葉萃取物對人類毛囊真皮乳突細胞增殖的影響 32
4.7 COK萃取物對人類毛囊真皮乳突細胞之生長因子基因表達的影響 33
4.8 COK萃取物促進實驗動物小鼠之毛髮生長的影響 34
4.9 小鼠皮膚毛囊組織學檢測 35
4.10土肉桂葉萃取物及其單一活性成分調控5α-還原酶基因表現 37
第五章、討論 38
第六章、結論 42
第七章、未來展望 44
第八章、參考文獻 46
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