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作者(英文):Pisuy Silan
論文名稱(英文):Cultural Heritage and the Strategic Construction of Indigenous Sovereignty: Cultural Sovereignty, Feasibility, and Performativity
指導教授(英文):P. Kerim Friedman
口試委員(英文):Su-Chen Lin
Da-Wei Kuan
Yun-Fang Chiu
Pi-Chen Liu
關鍵詞(英文):TayalGagacultural sovereigntyfeasibilityperformativitycultural heritage
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其次,本文借鑒了Alex Golub在其著作《金礦中的利維坦》(2014)中提出的「可行性」概念,探究當代泰雅族如何確立其作為一個主權實體的地位。本文主張泰雅族在19世紀下半葉的遷徙時期所採取的三種生存策略—守護祖居地、Lmuhuw(歷史吟唱)和建立關係性(遷徙出去的泰雅族人兩年一次回到祖居地認親、建立關係)—在面對現代挑戰時仍然具有相關性。這些策略在本文的兩個案例中呈現出不同的效果,反映了不同尺度的差異。在基國派教堂案例中,問題是誰能代表最小尺度的「部落」行使原住民族主權,而在Sabayan的案例中,問題則是當國家不承認族群層級的主權時,泰雅族如何在整個族群層面上彰顯其主權。

最後,這篇論文探討了在保護Sbayan和基國派老教堂的過程中觀察到的四種不同展演:Ptke(論述)、Lmuhuw(歷史吟唱)、Pssyan inlungan(把心放在一起)和Smyus(祖靈祭)。本文強調這些展演不僅用於泰雅族對其文化資產主權的要求,而且也作為建立族群內部關係和族群身份的重要手段。透過這些展演,泰雅族的行動者在族群內部以及與台灣社會更廣泛地建立關係。這些展演圍繞著帶領泰雅族遷徙的英雄領袖lkButa展開,同時lkButa也因其道德教導和智慧而受到讚揚。這些展演讓當代泰雅族能夠站在古老的歷史和祖先的餘蔭下,為了爭取對其文化資產的主權而努力。

This dissertation explores the strategic construction of Indigenous sovereignty over two cultural heritage sites, each of which is claimed by the Atayal, one of the sixteen officially recognized Indigenous ethnic groups in Taiwan. Sovereignty over one of these sites, the historic Tuba church, is contested at the local village level, while the other site, Sabayan, the sacred birthplace of the Atayal people, is claimed in the name of the ethnic group as a whole. At each of these two different scales, this thesis deploys three interpretive frames — cultural sovereignty, feasibility, and performativity — in order to better understand the means by which Indigenous sovereignty is asserted.

Firstly, Atayal claims of sovereignty over their cultural heritage do not depend solely on legal means, such as land registration. Rather, they are grounded in oral history and respect for Gaga, a term which refers to the cultural norms and values by which the Atayal live their lives. In particular, the oral history of migration serves to establish territorial rights, while the values of Gaga are appealed to in order to assert the importance of land and material objects for human relations. Importantly, it is argued that such collectivist social values are incompatible with individualistic legal discourses grounded in the concept of property rights.

Secondly, this dissertation draws
on Alex Golub's concept of “feasibility” as elaborated in Leviathan at the Gold Mine (2014), to examine how contemporary Atayal assert themselves as a sovereign entity. It argues that three survival strategies first adopted by the Atayal during the migratory era (in the 19th century) — safeguarding ancestral lands, Lmuhuw (chanting of oral history), and establishing relationships (during a biennial ritual during which Atyal return to their ancestral lands to affirm their kinship relations) — continue to be relevant in helping the Atayal face modern challenges. These strategies work very differently at each of the two case studies examined in this dissertation, each reflecting a different scale. In the case of the Tuba church, the question is who can speak for the “buluo” 部落, the smallest scale at which Indigenous sovereignty is exercised in Taiwan. In the case of the Sabayan, however, the question becomes how to assert sovereignty at the level of the entire ethnic group when the state does not recognize sovereignty at that level.

Finally, the dissertation explores four distinct types of performativity which were observed during the process of protecting Sbayan and the historic church of Tuba: Ptke (discussion), Lmuhuw (historical songs), Pssyan inlungan (bringing hearts together), and Smyus (ritual to commemorate the ancestors). It is argued that these performances serve, not only to make claims over Atyal sovereignty of their cultural heritage, but they also serve as important means for building relationships and identity within the community. Through performativity, the Atayal activists studied here are seen to be establishing relationships both within the community and between the community and the wider Taiwanese society. These performances draw on the oral history of lkButa, an ancestor hailed as a hero for his role in the historical migration of the Atayal, as well as for his moral instruction and wisdom. These four types of performativity work together to enable contemporary Atayal to stand in the shadow of their ancestors, in order to strive for sovereignty over their cultural heritage.

Moreover, preserving Indigenous cultural heritage not only involves memory, history, culture and identity, but also the restoration of sovereignty and re-assertion of traditional norms. To ensure that Iindigenous cultural heritage is meaningful in terms of Gaga, it is necessary for cultural heritage concepts to be established based on Indigenous values and to squarely face the complexities of Indigenous historical claims.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 問題緣起與意識 1
1-2 研究背景 7
1-2.1 文化資產 9
1-2.2 泰雅族 16
1-2.3 土地 27
1-2.4 部落、泰雅族與臺灣基督長老教會 33
1-3 田野地介紹 44
1-3.1 田野地一,Tuba(基國派)部落 46
1-3.2 田野地二,Msthbwan(瑞岩)部落 49
1-4 研究方法 51
1-4.1 行動者民族誌 52
1-4.2 多點民族誌 54
1-4.4 實踐社群 54
1-4.5 文本分析 57
第二章 文獻回顧:理論框架 59
2-1 文化主權 63
2-1.1 超越肯認、和解政治與文化公民權的局限 63
2-1.2 主權的歷史脈絡 67
2-1.3 文化主權 71
2-2 族群可行性(feasibility) 78
2-2.1 族群理論脈絡與思考 78
2-2.2 族群可行性與實踐 82
2-3 展演與原民性 88
2-3.1 原住民現身與原民性 88
2-3.2 展演理論 95
第三章 誰的文化資產?Gaga、文化資產和文化主權 101
3-1 法律說的,真的算嗎? 101
3-2 誰的文化資產 ? 103
3-2.1 誰的基國派老教堂? 103
3-2.2 從「泰雅族發源地聖石周邊造景計畫」引發的權屬問題 109
3-3 Gaga的流動、現代性與實踐 115
3-3.1 什麼是Gaga? 115
3-3.2 Gaga的現代性實踐 122
3-4 從Gaga與文化資產主權 129
3-4.1 Gaga中物(qqaya)主權的概念 130
3-4.2 Gaga與文化主權 132
3-5 法律之外,Gaga之內 135
第四章 誰是泰雅?部落/族群的可行性與實踐 139
4-1 泰雅,共同的起點 139
4-2 誰是基國派部落?誰是泰雅族? 141
4-2.1 誰以基國派之名? 141
4-2.2 誰是泰雅族? 144
4-3 遷徙時代的族群可行性:守護祖居地、Lmuhuw與建立關係性 151
4-3.1 領袖的規範(Gaga na Mrhuw) 151
4-3.2 Mlahan Kinholan(守護祖居地)與發源地的部落部署 156
4-3.3 Lmuhuw(歷史吟唱) 158
4-3.4 建立關係性(mah mqbaq gluw raran) 160
4-4 當代泰雅族的族群可行性與實踐 163
4-4.1 族群尺度下的原住民主權 165
4-4.2 部落尺度下的部落主權(停頓、轉向與再前進) 173
4-4.3 在結構縫隙中創造主權的當代「pinhaban」(攻守同盟) 179
4-5 讓泰雅成為可行 181
第五章 展演、現身與身份政治 185
5-1 從隱晦的儀式到閃耀的現身 185
5-2 展演作為溝通與關係性建構 188
5-2.1 內部溝通的展演 189
5-2.2 內外混合溝通的展演 196
5-2.3 外部溝通型的展演 211
5-3 圍繞在英雄始祖lkButa的展演 223
5-3.1 引領泰雅人朝向日出之地的lkButa 225
5-3.2 泰雅人共同祖先lkButa 228
5-3.3 lkButa帶出的泰雅族拓展的空間與系統 229
5-3.4 lkButa對遷徙族人的訓示和提醒 232
5-3.5 對lkButa的感恩 234
5-4 展演:族群可行性與文化主權的策略 239
第六章 結論 243
6-1祖靈的訊息 243
6-2 重新定義文化資產主權:從泰雅族的歷史、文化與Gaga出發 244
6-3 泰雅族的利維坦:跨越時空的生存部署 247
6-4 泰雅的現身與展演:爭取文化主權的反思性實踐 250
6-5 批判性文化資產:從原住民族文化主權出發的文化資產 253
6-6 未竟之事 256
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