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作者(英文):Yen-Nan Lin
論文名稱(英文):The Visual Behavior of College Tennis Players in Dynamic Catch ball
指導教授(英文):Ju-Han Lin
口試委員(英文):Ching-Ho Lin
Yaw-Feng Lin
Ching-Feng Weng
Chia-Yao Lee
關鍵詞(英文):gazevisual processtennis skill
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本研究目的為瞭解大專網球甲組選手,在接球時不同時期的視覺行為,內容包含接發球、抽球、截擊、殺球、吊高球、切球等,六項接球技能。研究對象為訓練10年以上之大專甲組男性網球選手,研究一接發球實驗,目的是確認凝視位置在實際球場之可行性,接發球實驗參與者7人。研究二以其他五項接球技能參與者10人。在網球場上實際擊球施測,透過眼動儀器 (Mobile Eye) 蒐集現場有意義的凝視位置,包含上半身、球拍與球體,並採用行為分析軟體 (Mangold Interact),將所得之凝視時間與次數,依據預備期、執行期及完成期,進行相依樣本二因子變異數分析。研究結果發現:一、接發球時凝視時間與次數最高的位置,分別為預備期凝視上半身,執行期凝視球拍。二、接抽球時則為預備期凝視上半身,執行期凝視球拍。三、接截擊在預備期凝視球體,執行期凝視球拍時間最長,凝視次數最高的位置,則包含球拍與球體。四、接殺球在預備期凝視球體,執行期凝視球拍時間最長,凝視次數最高的位置,則包含球拍與球體。五、接吊高球之預備期凝視球體,執行期凝視球拍與球體。六、接切球之預備期凝視上半身與球體,執行期凝視球拍與球體時間最長,凝視次數最高的位置則為球體。前述所有接球技能之完成期,凝視時間與次數最高的位置皆為球體,驗證在球場上「看球、打球」這句話。結論:當選手將球擊出後,視覺會跟著球體移動,然後專注凝視於球體或陪練員之上半身。當陪練員出現引拍動作時,六項技能皆凝視球拍。此時,為觀察擊球方式與方向的最後時機。最後,當陪練員將球體擊出後的完成期,參與者在六項技能皆為凝視球體。建議:本研究範圍涵蓋網球所有接球技能,在不同時期的視覺凝視行為,所得結果可供教學、訓練參考。
The purpose of this research is to understand the three stages of the visual behavior of tennis players from the advance college tennis group while they are performing six catching skills: the return of serve, ground stroke, volley, overhead smash, lob shot and slice. Our participants were male tennis players from the advance college tennis group who have been trained for over 10 years. In the first of two research experiments, there were 7 players participating in the experiment of returning of serve and thus we can assure that tracking the position of gaze is actually feasible in the field. As for the second experiments, there were 10 players participating in for the other five catching skills. Through the real practice in the field, we found that the positions where the players intentionally gazed at during the catch are the upper part of the body, the grip, and the ball. Meanwhile, we applied Mangold Interact to conduct repeated measured 2-way ANOVA by categorizing the duration and frequencies of the intentional gaze into three stages: preparing, performing and finishing. The results show that: (a) the positions where the longest duration and highest frequency of the gaze fell while the players were returning of serve were the upper part of the body at the preparing stage and the grip at the performing stage; (b) the positions of gaze for returning of stroke were also the upper part of the body at the preparing stage and the grip at the performing stage; (c) when the players were returning of volley, the position of gaze fell to the ball at the preparing stage. However, at the performing stage, it was the grip where the players gazed at the longest while the players gazed at both the grip and the ball the most; (d) similarly, when the players were returning of smash, the position of gaze fell to the ball at the preparing stage. As at the performing stage, it was the grip where the players gazed at the longest while the players gazed at both the grip and the ball the most (e) the position of gaze at the preparing stage of returning of lobs was the ball but both the grip and the ball at the performing stage; (f) in returning of slice, the positions of the gaze lied on the upper part of the body and the ball as well at the preparing stage; however, at the performing stage, the players gazed at the ball and the grip with the longest duration and gazed at the ball with the highest frequencies. At the finishing stage of all six skills, the position where the longest duration and the highest frequency of the gaze fell was the ball, and thus matched the old saying in the tennis field, “See the ball, hit the ball.” To sum up, after the participants hit the ball, their sight would follow the ball and then they would gaze intently at their partner’s upper part of the body or the ball. When their partner began to backswing, the participants would gaze at the grip in all six catching skills and this moment is the last chance to observe the way and the direction of hitting from their opponents. In the end, the participants gazed at the ball in every kind of skill at the finishing stage at which their partner hit the ball. Suggestion: the visual gaze behavior at different stages of all kinds of catching skills is involved in this research. Those who are engaged in related teaching or training activities can take the results into consideration.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 IV
目次 V
表次 VII
圖次 IX
第壹章 緒論
第一節 前言 1
第二節 問題背景與研究重要性 4
第三節 研究目的 6
第四節 研究問題 6
第五節 研究假設 7
第六節 研究範圍與限制 8
第七節 名詞操作性定義 9
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 網球技術介紹與相關研究 11
第二節 運動視覺與注意力相關理論 17
第三節 視覺行為基礎理論與研究 25
第四節 視覺行為應用於網球運動之相關研究 39
第五節 文獻總結 42
第参章 研究方法
第一節 研究一:接發球實驗 43
第二節 研究二:五項技能(接抽球、接截擊、接殺球、接吊高球與接切球)實驗57
第肆章 結果與討論
第一節 研究一:接發球實驗之分析與討論 70
第二節 研究二:五項技能 (接抽球、接截擊、接殺球、接吊高球與接切球)實驗之分析與討論 80
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論 131
第二節 建議 133
中文部份 134
英文部份 138
附錄一 研究一實驗參與者基本資料 151
附錄二 研究二實驗參與者基本資料 152
附錄三 研究一研究介紹實驗參與者須知與同意書 153
附錄四 研究二研究介紹實驗參與者須知與同意書 154
附錄五 人體實驗委員會核准證書 155

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