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作者(英文):Gordon Chih-Ming Ku
論文名稱:Constructing a Comprehensive Model of Sense of Place in the Community-Based Tourism Context: A Photo Elicitation Approach
論文名稱(英文):Constructing a Comprehensive Model of Sense of Place in the Community-Based Tourism Context: A Photo Elicitation Approach
指導教授(英文):Athena Hong Ni Mak
Emily Tsung Chiung Wu
口試委員(英文):Su Hsin Lee
Chia Kuen Cheng
Li Ju Chen
關鍵詞(英文):community-based tourismMainland Chinasense of placestakeholdersphoto elicitationphoto voice approach
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Sense of place is an important concept in the community-based tourism (CBT) context because it assists managers to deal with tourism-related impacts upon communities; however, in the existing of tourism literature, there has been a neglected in comprehending sense of place from various’ stakeholders’ perspectives. Accordingly, this study attempted to explore the components and antecedents of sense of place from three key stakeholders’ viewpoints (i.e., residents, domestic tourists, and Mainland Chinese tourists), and to construct a comprehensive model of sense of place in the CBT context.

Fu Yuan Community (FYC) is a well-known Hakka community for its successful CBT development in Rui Sui Township, which is located in southern Hualien County, Taiwan. Every year there are over 45,000 visitors that are attracted by its rich cultures, festivals and natural resources. Given its success in CBT, FYC was selected as the study site for exploring the antecedents and components of sense of place from different stakeholder groups in this study.

A qualitative research design was adopted in this study, which consisted of a two-step data collection method: photo elicitation and follow-up interviews. In the first step, the photo voice approach of the photo elicitation method was adopted. Participants were invited to take 10-15 photos of the FYC that were meaningful to them. In the second step, semi-structured interviews were used to understand how the participants interpreted and articulated the meanings of the “place” captured in their photos. Purposive and snowball sampling methods were adopted to select the participants from three stakeholder groups in the community: residents, domestic tourists, and Mainland Chinese tourists. A total of fifty-eight participants, which consisted of twelve residents, eight Fu Yuan Community Development Association members (FYCDA members), twenty-one domestic tourists, and seventeen Mainland Chinese tourists, were recruited. A total of 737 photos were collected and 696 pages of transcribed interview texts were gathered from residents (277 photos; 336 pages of text), domestic tourists (256 photos; 195 pages of text), and Mainland Chinese tourists (204 photos; 165 pages of text), respectively. To analyze the collected data, three types of coding processes were adopted, namely, open, axial, and selective coding.

Based on the findings, five critical components of sense of place in the CBT context were identified: (1) place attachment, (2) place dependence, (3) place identity, (4) place commitment, and (5) place melancholy. Furthermore, seven antecedents of sense of place were recognized: (1) personal memories, (2) requirements, (3) self-consciousness, (4) conversion, (5) vision, (6) social and environmental interaction, and (7) involvement.

The connections among the components of sense of place were identified in the CBT context, which divided the components into two main categories: emotion components (place attachment, dependence, and identity) and CBT components (place commitment and melancholy). Emotion components of sense of place in the CBT context were the major emotions towards the community. CBT components were developed by participants’ main emotions to the community that specifically revealed in the CBT context.

Additionally, according to the connections between the antecedents and the components, the antecedents can be divided into two categories: independent antecedents (personal memory, requirement, and self-consciousness) and complex antecedents (conversion, vision, social and environmental interaction, and commitment and involvement). The independent antecedents directly caused one of the emotion components of sense of place in the CBT context. The complex antecedents aroused multiple components of sense of place in the CBT context, which included the emotion and CBT components.

The different sense of place among the residents/FYCDA members and tourists were based on their dissimilar living environments, personal requirements, interactions, and behaviors. The perceptions of people-place relationship in the CBT context varied between the domestic and Mainland Chinese tourists, by political structure as well as land use policy.

Based on the antecedents and components, sense of place is a complex psychosocial structure. In particular, place commitment and melancholy were identified as vital behaviors for sustainable CBT development. Accordingly, the individuals’ sense of place can be used to design marketing strategies and tourism programs, review strengths and weaknesses regarding CBT development, and balance goals regarding environmental protection and tourism development.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Problem Statement 5
1.2.1 Different attitudes towards community between resident and tourist 5
1.2.2 An oversimplified model of sense of place 7
1.2.3 Sense of place in cross-cultural perspective 10
1.3 Purposes and Specific Objectives of the Study 12
1.4 Definition of Terms 13
1.5 Organization of the Thesis 14

Chapter2 - Literature Review 17
2.1 Community-Based Tourism 17
2.1.1 Concept of community-based tourism 17
2.1.2 Definition of community-based tourism 19
2.1.3 Application of community-based tourism 21
2.2 Related Theories of Community-Based Tourism 25
2.2.1 Stakeholder theory 26
2.2.2 Power relations theory 35
2.2.3 Ladder of citizen participation theory 38
2.2.4 Collaboration theory 40
2.2.5 Social capital theory 44
2.2.6 Social exchange theory 46
2.3 Sense of Place 49
2.3.1 Concept of sense of place 49
2.3.2 Definition of sense of place 50
2.3.3 Structure of sense of place 53
2.3.4 Antecedents of sense of place 59
2.3.5 Qualitative approach of sense of place in tourism and community 64
2.3.6 Sense of place in the CBT context 70
2.4 Conceptual Framework 75

Chapter3 - Methodology 79
3.1 Research Philosophy and Method 79
3.2 Research Design 85
3.3 Research Setting 88
3.4 Photo Elicitation 92
3.5 Data Collection 94
3.6 Data analysis 97
3.7 Trustworthiness 98
3.8 Ethical Considerations 101

Chapter4 - Findings and Discussion 103
4.1 Three Different Stakeholder Participant Profiles 103
4.2 Antecedents and Components of Sense of Place in the CBT Context 108
4.2.1 Sense of Place Components 108
4.2.2 The Relationships among the Components of Sense of Place 123
4.2.3 Emotion Components and CBT Components of Sense of Place 130
4.2.4 Antecedents of Sense of Place 132
4.2.5 Independent Antecedents and Complex Antecedents 201
4.3 Comparing a Sense of Place among Stakeholders 203
4.3.1 Sense of Place between Residents/FYCDA Members and Tourists 203
4.3.2 Sense of Place between Domestic Tourists and Mainland Chinese Tourists 208

Chapter5 - Conclusion 211
5.1 Reviewing the Research Objectives 211
5.1.1 Research Objective 1 211
5.1.2 Research Objective 2 213
5.1.3 Research Objective 3 215
5.1.4 Research Objective 4 216
5.2 Theoretical Contributions 217
5.3 Managerial Implications 220
5.4 Limitations and Future Research Directions 222

References 225
Appendix 247
Appendix A-Photo Elicitation Interview Guide 247
Appendix B-Letter of Consent 248
Appendix C-Interview Guide and Questions 249
Appendix D-The frequencies of photos and responses on sense of place components 252
Appendix E-The connections among sense of place components 253
Appendix F-The frequencies of photos and responses on sense of place antecedents 254
Appendix G-The CBT program in FYC 256

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