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作者(英文):Yi-Ting Chen
論文名稱(英文):Estimating the farmer’s preference towards mode of environmental friendly agriculture in Yilan area
指導教授(英文):Chun-Hung Lee
口試委員(英文):Yu-Hui Chen
Chun-Lin Lee
Hsing-Sheng Tai
Shyang-Woei Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Agricultural landEcosystem serviceschoice experiment (CE)Willingness to accept (WTA)
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社會建設發展快速、產業結構的迅速轉型,市鎮規劃、都市計劃的運行下,使得土地使用方式產生轉變,首當其衝者則是農業用地。土地、環境政策的施行,使農地資源一再妥協、配合其他土地使用,導致不斷發生農地轉用為其他土地使用之情形。因此,在農地利用必須兼顧經濟效益及環境永續展之原則下,土地開發追求利益的同時也須兼顧環境保護,而土地環境是人類生活中必不可缺的資源,一旦農地環境受到難以恢復的變更,因此正視與關注農業土地問題為目前迫切所需。農地生態系服務在許多研究中被評價為保護農地生態資源之基礎,本研究利用選擇試驗法(choice experiment, CE)以農地生態系服務為基礎建立農地利用管理模式方案之隨機效用模型,考量「作物多樣化種植」、「農事耕作型態」、「田間綠帶」、「契約年限」與「農業環境給付」等項目,以宜蘭地區農民對環境友善農業政策進行探討,並利用條件羅吉特(Conditional Logit, CL)、隨機參數羅吉特(Random Parameter Logit, RPL)及潛在類別模型(Latent Class Model, LCM)等三個評估模式,推估農民對政策屬性偏好及轉型意願的補償價值。
研究結果顯示:(1)有76.3%的農民願意轉型為友善農耕,95.1%的農民認為農業環境給付金能支持友善農耕的維持,反映目前友善農耕獎勵措施的政策為農民所接受;(2) "參與農業相關課程”、 "是否願意轉型為友善農耕"及"簽訂契約與否"在「田間綠帶」及「簽約年限」具顯著差異,其中有參與過相關課程的農民對願受補償在兩項屬性中皆低於無參與的人;(3)差異性分析結果顯示,年紀較輕(30-50歲)、教育程度較高的農民具有轉型及改變耕作模式的意願、;(4)CL與RPL分析結果方向一致,進一步推估農民對各項政策屬性之願受補償,得知:農民願意接受25,138.09元轉型為有機農耕、「簽訂短期契約」的願受補償為3,333.7元、「10年契約」的願受補償為18,000元;(5) LCM將農民分為兩群「維持現況型」與「永續農耕型」,「維持現況型」的農民不偏好「作物多元化」、偏好「與政府簽訂較短的契約」,該類型農民在社會經濟背景顯示出年紀高於50歲,主要為慣型農耕者,「永續農耕型」的農民偏好「作物多樣性種植」,偏好「友善農耕」與「有機農耕」,該類型農民在社會經濟背景顯示出:年紀低於50歲、主要為友善農耕及有機能耕者;(6) 最後本研究初擬三個政策給付方案,透過評估金額加總,分別為「短期友善農耕獎勵給付」28,261(年/公頃/元)、「短期有機農耕給付」33,825(年/公頃/元)及「長期有機農耕給付」48,492(年/公頃/元)。以研究結果比對友善農耕政策施行現況,發現此研究模型在宜蘭地區是適用的。
The rapid development of social construction and the rapid transformation of industrial structure have led to the transformation of land use patterns under the operation of town planning and urban planning. The first to bear the brunt is agricultural land. The implementation of land and environmental policies has resulted in repeated compromises of farmland resources and other land use, resulting in the continuous use of agricultural land for other land use. Therefore, under the principle that both agricultural land use must take into account economic benefits and environmental sustainability, land development must also take into account environmental protection while the land environment is an indispensable resource in human life. Once the agricultural land environment is difficult to recover, Changes, so the issue of addressing and paying attention to agricultural land is urgently needed.
The farmland ecosystem service was evaluated as the basis for the protection of agricultural land ecological resources in many studies. This study used the choice experiment (CE) to establish a random utility model of the agricultural land use management model based on the farmland ecosystem service. Projects such as "Diversified Crop Planting", "Farming Farming Pattern", "Field Green Belt", "Contract Year" and "Agricultural Environment Payment", etc., discuss the environmentally friendly agricultural policies of farmers in Yilan and use the conditions of Rogit Three evaluation models, such as Conditional Logit (CL), Random Parameter Logit (RPL) and Latent Class Model (LCM), estimate the compensation value of farmers' preference for policy attributes and willingness to transform .
Research shows: (1) 76.3% of the farmers are willing to transform into friendly agriculture, and 95.1% of the farmers believe that the agricultural environment payment can support the maintenance of friendly agriculture, reflecting that the current policy of friendly agriculture incentives is acceptable to farmers; (2) There are significant differences in "involvement in agriculture-related courses", "willing to transform into friendly farming" and "signing a contract or not" in "field green belt" and "signing period", and farmers who have participated in relevant courses have lower WTA Non-participating person; (3) The results of the differential analysis show that farmers who are younger (30-50 years old) and have higher education levels have the willingness to transform and change the farming mode; (4) CL and RPL analysis results in the same direction, further estimating farmers' willingness to compensate for various policy attributes, and knowing that farmers are willing to accept 25,138.09 NT for organic farming and "signing short-term contracts" will be compensated for 3,333.7 NT. The willingness to pay the "10-year contract" is 18,000 NT; (5) LCM divides farmers into two groups of “maintenance status” and “sustainable farming”. Farmers who maintain “the status quo” do not prefer “crop diversity” and prefer to “sign a shorter contract with the government”. This type of farmer shows that he is older than 50 years old in the socio-economic background. He is mainly a conventional farming. The farmers who are “sustainable farming” prefer “crop diversity farming” and prefer “friendly agriculture” and “organic agriculture”. In the socio-economic background, farmers show that they are younger than 50 years old, mainly friendly agriculture and organic agriculture; (6) Finally, the study initially proposed three policy payment schemes, namely “short-term friendly agriculture incentive payment” 28,261 (year/ha/NT), “short-term organic agriculture payment” 33,825 (year/ha/NT) and “long-term organic agriculture payments are 48,492 (years/ha/NT). Based on the results of the study, the research results of the friendly agriculture policy were compared and found to be applicable in the Yilan area.
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究樣區及對象 3
第三節、研究目的 8
第四節、研究流程 10
第五節、名詞定義 12
第二章、文獻回顧 13
第一節、農業政策背景與相關探討 13
第二節、政策工具應用 20
第三節、農地使用形式改變背景因素 22
第四節、農地生態系服務 27
第五節、生態系服務功能補償 (Payment for Ecosystem Services, PES) 33
第六節、生態系服務功能之評估工具 41
第三章、研究設計 57
第一節、宜蘭農地管理及使用政策效用函數評估模型 57
第二節、宜蘭農地管理及使用政策屬性與水準評估組合設計 62
第三節、宜蘭農地利用管理選擇組合方案選擇集介紹 75
第四章、實證結果 77
第一節、抽樣方法 77
第二節、敘述統計:農民基本背景 79
第三節、環境友善農業多重屬性效用函數估計結果 84
第四節、農民對各政策屬性給付之差異性探討 101
第五章、結果與討論 117
第一節、結論 117
第二節、建議 121
參考文獻 125

一、 中文文獻
(一) 學位論文

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