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作者(英文):Su-Zhen Su
論文名稱:憂鬱症復原之自我敘說 ──走過藥物、諮商與靜心治療的歷程
論文名稱(英文):A Self-narrative of Recovery from Depression: A Journey of Healing through Medicine, Counseling and Meditation
指導教授(英文):Jian-Wei Rau
口試委員(英文):Chia-Ying Wu
Wei-Jyun Li
Yu-Ling Hsu
Nancy Lien
關鍵詞(英文):depressiondepression recoverymeditationself-narrative
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 The researcher is a depression patient. This study takes self-narrative as the research method to explore how the researcher made use of medicine, counseling and meditation to achieve the recovery of depression. This study attempts to achieve three goals: First, from reviewing the process of suffering from depression, to explore the causes of depression, so that more people can understand the physical and mental situation of patients with depression. The second is to delineate the process of recovery from depression through medicine, counseling and meditation so as to summarize the effects and impact of the three components in different stages of depression. The third is to explore the influences brough about by regular practice of meditation in the recovery period of depression. The life experience included in this study was from February 2012 to June 2018. The research materials include meditation journals, letters, and life notes. The results of this study include three points:
 First, when reviewing the life experience of depression, the researcher found that the urgent events that caused depression were only stimuli. Therefore, treatment should not be fragmented. It is necessary to trace the root causes and repair the inner trauma more comprehensively in order to achiev more essential treatment.
 Second, the treatment of depression can be divided into two periods: the onset period and the recovery period. The integration of drugs, consultation and meditation during the onset period might achieve complementary effects and recovery as soon as possible. In facing major events during the recovery period, meditation could be used to help regulate the moods and settle down the restlessness in body or mind.
 Third, the researcher summed up the modes of practicing meditation. At the same time, the researcher found that meditation yielded two functions: "returning the nature of the mind without unnecessary moving" and "illuminating the shadows and moving forward lively". These are the major positive effects of meditation for the recovery from depression.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 6
第三節 研究目的與問題 8
第四節 名詞釋義 9
第五節 研究範圍與限制 10
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 靜心的探討 13
第二節 憂鬱症的探討 32
第三節 靜心應用於憂鬱症的相關研究 44
第三章 研究方法 49
第一節 研究方法的選擇與立場 49
第二節 研究歷程與方法 60
第三節 本研究的貢獻 69
第四節 研究限制的避免與因應策略 70
第四章 身陷黑暗的風暴中 75
第一節 風暴來襲 76
第二節 用藥與諮商 88
第三節 在碰撞中追尋 113
第五章 裂縫中的陽光 125
第一節 接觸靜心 126
第二節 阿告走了 139
第三節 期刊論文事件 150
第四節 再見了,鍾老師 163
第五節 關於小孩 173
第六章 綜合省思:藥物、諮商與靜心的整合運用 181
第一節 憂鬱症病期的治療 181
第二節 憂鬱症復原期的療癒 185
第三節 靜心的真諦 188
第七章 結論與建議 191
第一節 結論 191
第二節 建議 198
參考文獻 203
中文部分 203
英文部分 212
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