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作者(英文):Wei Tien
論文名稱(英文):English Learning Structural Processes of Taiwan’s Private University Students and Their Agencies
指導教授(英文):Yih- Sheue Lin
口試委員(英文):Rei-Hsien Wang
Tsai-Wei Wang
Chih-Chia Chuang
Shiue-Ling Lee
關鍵詞(英文):English Learningprivate universitysocial classcultural capitalgender culture
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本研究針對臺灣東部私立大學(簡稱E大)進行大學生的英語學習歷程與其在大學階段能動性的探索。研究期間為 2018 年 12 月至 2020 年 6 月,以教育民族誌為研究方法,透過訪談、家訪、參與觀察,以影音檔案紀錄與轉錄逐字稿,收集相關文件、田野筆記、備忘錄、反思札記與研究日誌等,歸納資料、分析與詮釋,以法國社會學家 Bourdieu 的文化再製理論與英國教育學家 Bernstein 的語言溝通符碼、教育與階級理論為分析工具,並依照臺灣的國情與社會文化,進行本研究與建構理論。
This study aims to explore how private university students in eastern Taiwan structure and shape their English learning processes and agencies in four academic years at the university. The research was conducted over one and half years by in-depth interviews with college students and their parents, observations of their everyday life, and study habits. By using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital and Basil Bernard Bernstein’s theory of language codes, social class and education, this study analyzes ten students with different social class backgrounds, divided into working class and middle class.
The study finds both classes have their own ambiguousness and homogeneity, which may be evident in their English learning processes, by different levels of composition such as cultural capital, economic capital, social capital and symbolic capital. Moreover, the middle class, in its heterogeneity, also differentiates private university students’ English learning processes.
Different social classes have different intentional interpretations of English learning. Both classes emphasize English as a tool of successful academic achievement. However, working class parents may put in more effort during their children’s early learning stages. In contrast, middle class parents may guide and arrange their children’s English learning process, both consecutively and cautiously, starting from the early age until the late teens. Middle class parents’ high expectations of their children’s educational levels may lead to the children’s successful English learning and attaining higher social positions through international mobility.
Different classes of families may have self-controlled modes and other-factor-controlled modes in learning English. The working class’s self-controlled mode is relatively simple compared to the middle class’s, due to different amounts of capital. It also shows great differences in the individual’s agency during university years.
The study also shows that traditional gender culture still lingers in households and is passed down from generation to generation, especially in farm households, when living with grandparents in the countryside. The majority of parents value and invest in their sons’ education attainment more than their daughters’. With social progress, more and more young women receive higher education and employment in the labor market. This means mothers may even share decision making power with fathers and gain equality in the home. Parents, especially fathers, may treat their children like peers, instead of using the old authoritative hierarchy style of parenting. Parents’ rearing attitudes toward girls may not emphasize gender stereotypes as submissiveness, tenderness and obedience. Instead, their parents may encourage them to pursue their dreams and explore the world.
In addition, the study also discovered a very local and unique way of English learning in Taiwan, which has been practiced by religious organizations providing English learning opportunities, with very low tuition fees, to promote the religion’s accessibility.
Above all, the study contributes to theoretical and methodological development of research on the social, gender, cultural, and institutional policies’ contexts which may influence private university students in structuring their English learning processes and agencies in the university.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7
第三節 研究範圍與限制 12
第二章 文獻分析 13
第一節 Bourdieu 與 Bernstein 的教育與階級相關理論 13
第二節 臺灣社會階級與教育 20
第三節 英語政策與大學生能動性 32
第四節 性別文化與教育 36
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究取徑與研究場域 45
第二節 研究樣本 56
第三節 資料收集與分析 61
第四節 信賴度之檢驗 65
第五節 研究倫理 67
第六節 研究限制與困難 69
第四章 研究發現與討論 73
第一節 不同階級家庭與英語學習 73
第二節 不同階級的他控與自控學習英語模式之比較 88
第三節 私立大學生學習英語語言資本的能動性 112
第四節 性別與教養文化 129
第五章 結論 149
第一節 研究回顧 150
第二節 研究發現與反思 153
第三節 建議與展望 162
參考文獻. 172
附錄一 191

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