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作者(英文):Yi-Min Chen
論文名稱(英文):The impacts of modeling-based inquiry on the Grades 5 and 6 students’ mental models and modeling competences—An example of using route selection to integrate terrain and strata
指導教授(英文):Jing-Wen Lin
口試委員(英文):Mei-Hung Chiu
Wen-Yu Lee
Chia-Ling Chiang
關鍵詞(英文):mental modelterrainstrataspatial abilitymodeling-based inquirymodeling competencemodeling practicesnature of models
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本研究透過「十二年自然科學領域課程綱要」中學習內容的「核心概念」,以及學習表現的「探究能力」、「科學態度與本質」延伸出「心智模式」、「模型本質」和「建模實務」的研究三面向,並採用「公路選線」的議題,跨科際統整(transdisciplinary integration)「地形」和「地層」的知識,對國小高年級學童進行建模式探究教學。
本研究以兩班國小高年級學生(24位)為對象,並以「空間能力測驗」得分40為依據,40以上為「高空間能力」組(10位),低於40則是「低空間能力」組(14位)。全體學生一同接受8節,每節40分鐘,共320分鐘的「公路選線」建模式探究教學。在「心智模式」方面,研究者以「心智模式試題」及教學活動學習單分別收集學生教學前、期間與後的心智模式,以分析「公路選線」心智模式的演變。在「模型本質」方面,則於教學前、地形課程結束後、地層課程結束後和教學後,收集學生接受4次「模型本質問卷和晤談」,進行無母數Friedman考驗、Mann-Whitney U檢定,並輔以晤談資料佐證,以說明教學前中後學生,以及高、低空間能力學生「模型本質」的差異。在「建模實務」方面,則設計相關學習單收集7次學生在教學期間建模實務的演變,以Friedman檢定、Wilcoxon test檢定和Mann-Whitney U檢定考驗教學期間高年級學生/高、低空間能力學生「建模實務」的差異。所有研究工具皆經專家進行效度檢驗,建模實務進行評分者一致性信度檢驗為PA=0.97,具有相當高的信度。
There are three dimensions of the research: “ mental model (MM) ”, “ nature of model (NOM) ” and “modeling practice (MP) ” from “core concepts” of the learning content in the “ Curriculum Guidelines of 12- Year Basic Education on Science” of the learning performance. The study which adopted a transdisciplinary integration framework by “ route selection ” combining with the knowledge of “ terrain” and “ strata ” also does the modeling-based inquiry (MBI) teachings for the Grades 5 and 6 students.
The purpose of the study explored: 1.The changes of the students' MM of route selection (“ terrain” and “ strata ”) were by the MBI teaching; 2.The impacts of the students' NOM were by the MBI teaching; 3.The impacts of the MP of students' route selection (“ terrain” and “ strata ”) were by the MBI teaching; 4.The impacts of the NOM of the students between high and low spatial ability were by the BMI teaching; 5.The impacts of MP on route selection (“ terrain” and “ strata ”) for students between high and low spatial ability were by the BMI teaching.
The study took two classes of the Grades 5 and 6 students (24) as the subjects, and divided the students into a “high spatial ability” group (10) and a “low spatial ability ” group (14) according to
the score of “ Spatial Ability Test ” which was 40. All of the students participated in 8 sessions (40 minutes, 320 minutes in total ) of the BMI teaching about “ route selection ”.
In terms of “MM”, the researcher used “MM test ” and worksheets to collect students' MM among before, during and after teaching to analyze the development of the MM of “ route selection”. In terms of “NOM”, the researcher collected 4 times about “questionnaires and interviews of NOM”. Tested with Friedman test, Mann-Whitney U test, and supplemented by interview data, to illustrate the difference of the “NOM” among before, during and after teaching, and students between high and low spatial abilities. In terms of “MP”, a related study sheet was designed to collect 7 times about the development of students' MP during teaching. Friedman test, Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney U test were used to test the differences of “MP” during teaching , and students between high and low spatial abilities. All research tools were tested for validity by experts, and the score of MP were PA=0.97 which showed a high degree of reliability.
The study showed as below: 1.The MBI teaching could make the 1/4 students of “route selection ” intuitive model into a model of terrain main axis, a model of strata main axis or a model of science-like. It was easier for the students with high spatial ability to make “route selection ” intuitive model into a model of terrain main axis, a model of strata main axis or a model of science-like than the students with low spatial ability. 2.The BMI teaching could enhance students' recognition about the NOM ( “ the purpose of the models ” and “MP ”) (p = .000< .001). 3.The BMI teaching could improve students' abilities in “model selection ”, “model construction ”, “model validation ” and “model application ” in the MP of “route selection ”, but the ability of “model deployment ” would be not. It suggested that teachers could cultivate students' to connect scientific theory with life experience by models, to enhance students' “ model deployment ” ability. 4.After teaching, the students with high spatial ability had better recognition of the NOM than those with low spatial ability.5.After teaching, the students with high spatial ability performed better than those with low spatial ability in MP.
To sum up, it proposed the suggestions about the curriculum design of transdisciplinary integration. It also proposed that related research and practice of MM and modeling competence.
中文摘要 Ι
Abstract Ⅱ
目錄 Ⅳ
表次 Ⅵ
圖次 Ⅸ
第壹章 緒論01
第一節 研究背景與動機 02
第二節 研究目的與問題 06
第三節 名詞釋義 08
第四節 研究範圍與限制 10
第貳章 文獻探討 11
第一節 模型與建模 12
第二節 建模實務與模型本質 27
第三節 心智模式 45
第四節 空間能力的相關研究 55
第五節 「地形」與「地層」的相關研究 66
第參章 研究方法 83
第一節 研究架構 84
第二節 研究對象 87
第三節 教材設計 90
第四節 研究工具 97
第五節 研究流程 111
第六節 資料處理與分析 113
第肆章 研究結果 115
第一節 公路選線(「地形」與「地層」)心智模式的變化 115
第二節 建模式探究教學法對學生模型本質的影響 142
第三節 建模式探究教學法對公路選線(「地形」與「地層」)建模實務的影響 50
第四節 建模式探究教學法對不同空間能力學生模型本質之影響 157
第五節 MBI對不同空間能力學生公路選線(「地形」與「地層」)建模實務之影響 164
第六節 綜合討論 170
第伍章 結論與建議 175
第一節 結論 175
第二節 建議 177
參考文獻 179
中文部份 179
英文部分 184
附錄一 模型本質問卷 193
附錄二 「模型本質」的晤談題目 195
附錄三 心智模式試題 196
附錄四 空間能力測驗題目卷 198
附錄五 『建模式探究教學』教學活動設計---公路選線 206
附錄六 「公路選線」教學評量基準 256
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