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作者(英文):Kai-Wen Hu
論文名稱(英文):An Adaptive Flight Path and Charging Mechanism for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
指導教授(英文):Chenn-Jung Huang
口試委員(英文):Liang-Chun Chen
Ming-Chou Liu
Han-Ying Kao
Heng-Ming Chen
Chenn-Jung Huang
關鍵詞(英文):unmanned aerial vehicleelectric vehicleflight path and charging planningdata miningmachine learningoptimization
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The shift from fossil fuels to renewables is vital to combat global greenhouse effect and air pollution. Electric vehicles (EVs) will replace traditional vehicles, while unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) gain prominence. UAVs are expected to dominate goods delivery and expand to low-altitude airspace for passenger transport. Existing research suggests charging methods like renewable power supply, battery swapping, and charging stations for UAVs. However, ensuring stable power supply from renewables poses challenges due to their unpredictability. Simultaneous charging demands may cause congestion and delays. While studies propose mobile EVs with wireless charging for urgent UAV needs, current approaches oversimplify the process. Customized charging options tailored to each UAV are crucial. This work proposes an integrated approach combining flight path and charging planning for individual UAVs. It incorporates data mining, optimization, and machine learning to enhance charging efficiency and flight path optimization. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of this methodology in meeting UAV charging requirements while optimizing flight paths. Wireless charging options like decentralized laser charging and UAV-to-UAV charging have been suggested, but increasing UAV numbers may introduce delays. The integrated approach offers adaptive charging options, including battery swaps, wired charging, and electromagnetic wireless charging for routine missions. Time-critical missions can use wireless charging or solar energy under suitable weather conditions. Simulation results show reduced power grid load during peak hours, meeting charging needs, and minimizing costs. This approach benefits UAV operators, customers, and power grid operators, ensuring efficient operations. Transitioning to renewables and implementing advanced charging mechanisms, along with integrated flight path planning, is crucial for a sustainable future. The proposed approach, using data mining, optimization, and machine learning, caters to diverse operator needs while optimizing flight paths. By integrating these efforts, an environmentally friendly future can be achieved.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Organization of the dissertation 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
Chapter 3 EV-Assisted Charging Mechanism for UAV 11
3.1 Routing and charging/discharging planning for an EV 14
3.2 Flight Path and Charging Planning for a UAV 20
3.3 Charging and Discharging Management at The Roadside Unit 25
Chapter 4 Flight Path and Charging Mechanism for Internet of UAVs 29
4.1 Preplanning flight paths and charging for UAVs performing Ordinary Mission 34
4.2 Preplanning flight paths and charging for UAVs performing Time-Critical Mission 41
4.3 Real-Time Flight Route and Charging Planning for a UAV on an Ordinary Mission 49
4.4 Real-Time Flight Route and Charging Planning for a UAV on a Time-Critical Mission 52
Chapter 5 Experimental Results 56
5.1 Results of EV-Assisted Charging Mechanism for UAV 56
5.2 Results of Flight Path and Charging Mechanism for Internet of UAVs 62
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 69
6.1 Conclusion 69
6.2 Future Work 70
References 71
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