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作者(英文):Chiu-Ping Su
論文名稱(英文):Solo Female Travelers’ Experiences: Encounters with Male Strangers
指導教授(英文):Tsung-Chiung Wu
口試委員(英文):Janet Chang
Ching-Yu Chang
Athena Mak
Joyce Hsiu-Yen Yeh
Heng-Chang Chi
關鍵詞(英文):solo female travelsocial contactmemorable tourism experiencesstranger harassmenttourist harassment
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本論文以女性主義觀點出發,探討亞洲獨旅女性在跨文化探險中的社交動態,特別就她們與陌生男性間的互動體驗為主軸,從正反兩面的接觸,來了解陌生男女在觀光場域上,所衍生出的性別關係及其影響與意涵。本研究運用質性方法,以立意滾雪球取樣,共招募十九位台灣獨旅女性,以半結構式的深度訪談,探究她們與陌生男性在旅途中最難忘的正、負面體驗。研究結果顯示,她們的正向互動可歸納出四種情境:旅遊點滴、善意行為、友誼相伴,與情感牽連。負面的面向則以騷擾為主題,探索獨旅女性在遭遇陌生男性騷擾時的感受與反應,以及這些負面事件對獨旅女性所產生的影響。從社會文化情境的視角檢視,女性獨旅在台灣仍承受不少壓力,對已婚女性而言更是如此。獨旅女性與男性的正向互動固然增添旅遊便利與樂趣,對她們身心靈上的成長也大有助益, 意義非凡。但另一方面,旅途中的困境以及陌生男性的騷擾對她們的威脅也無所不在。然而,她們並未退縮,反而以獨旅作為對抗傳統規範的起點,透過旅行的歷練,探索世界與自我,充分展現女力與潛能。在獨旅的道路中,她們不只走出性別認同的窠臼,走出自我的極限,也影響了周遭的人。
Travel and adventures had been male-dominated, and, likewise, in leisure and tourism studies, voices from females have been obscure. Solo female travel has been on the rise globally and there is no exception in Asia. Traveling solo does not mean being alone without companions or social contact along the way; instead, many are socially active and consider it as a major goal of their trip. Nevertheless, no research has specifically centered on the description of their social world.
In light of this, the topic of the research is set on Asian solo female travel in feminist perspectives, and the qualitative approach with semi-structured in-depth interviews was adopted to unveil their social interaction on cross-cultural experiences, especially their encounters with male strangers, those in both positive and negative manners. A total of 19 Taiwanese informants were enlisted, and results present their positive encounters with male strangers in four types of situations denoting their relationships: Tidbits of Travel, Acts of Kindness, Company and Friendship, and Affective Relationships. The negative encounters focus on male stranger sexual harassment they came across; how they perceived and reacted towards the incidents and the influences caused are delineated along with the sociocultural significance embedded in the interchange. Research results also show that the Taiwanese informants may still be subject to some setbacks and constraints, the married ones in particular. However, they are not daunted away; instead, by traveling alone as the starting point of their resistance, they explore the world and themselves, through which empowerment and transformation is achieved.
This dissertation acknowledges leisure and tourism researchers’ call for more studies based on feminist perspectives and contributes to the relative scholarships by exemplifying the adventurous experiences of Asian solo females and comprehensively demonstrating the pluralities of their gender relationships with males, which is in due response to the dearth of research in this area.
謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
1.1 Research Background 3
1.1.1 Positive Encounters with Male Strangers 8
1.1.2 Negative Encounters with Male Strangers 11
1.2 Research Objectives 13
1.3 Research Scope 14
1.3.1 Definitions of Terms 15 Solo Female Travelers 15 Encounters 16 Male Strangers 16
2.1 Female Travel 19
2.1.1 Evolution of Female Travel 19
2.1.2 Feminist Perspectives 23
2.1.3 Research on Female Travel 26 Gender and Leisure Research 26 Gender and Tourism Research 29
2.1.4 Solo Female Travel 33
2.2 Asian Genders in Tourism 44
2.2.1 Asian Sociocultural Context 44
2.2.2 Asian Gender Identities 47
2.2.3 Asian Female Travelers 48
2.3 Memorable Experiences 52
2.3.1 Tourist/Tourism Experiences 52
2.3.2 Memorable Tourism Experiences 55
2.3.3 Positive and Negative Tourism Experiences 65
2.4 Social Contact for the Tourists 68
2.4.1 Three Types of Tourist Contact 70 Tourist–Tourist Interactions 70 Tourist–Local Interactions 74 Tourist–Service Provider Interactions 80
2.4.2 Cross-Cultural Interactions for the Tourists 81
2.4.3. Solo Travelers’ Social Contact 85
2.5 Tourism Encounters with Strangers 90
2.5.1 Positive Encounters with Strangers 92 Positive Tourism and Positive Encounters 92 Altruism and Kindness of Strangers 96 Women’s Romantic or Sexual Encounters 101
2.5.2 Negative Encounters with Strangers 105 Tourist Harassment 106 Harassment and Solo Female Travel 110 Stranger Harassment 112
3.1 Research Paradigm 117
3.1.1 Qualitative Research in Tourism 118
3.1.2 Feminist Influences 
3.2 Relevance of the Researcher to the Research and the Participating Informants 123
3.3 Data Collection 
3.3.1 Sampling and Participant Demographics 128
3.3.2 In-Depth Interviews and Interview Procedures 134 In-Depth Interviews 134 Interview Guide 135 Interview Procedures 139
3.4 Data Analysis 146
3.4.1 Grounded Theory Approach to Data Analysis 146
3.4.2 Data Coding Procedures 147
3.5 Research Trustworthiness 150
4.1 Solo Female Travelers’ Experiences 155
4.1.1 Motivations of Solo Female Travelers 156
4.1.2 Constraints of Solo Female Travelers 165
4.2 Encounters with Male Strangers 174
4.2.1 Positive Encounters with Male Strangers 175 Types of Positive Encounters 175 Dynamics of Solo Female Travelers’ Positive Encounters 183 Transient and Long-lasting Connections 205 Sociocultural Significance Embedded in the Encountering 209
4.2.2 Negative Encounters with Male Strangers 214 Types of Stranger Harassment 215 Perceptions and Reactions Toward Harassment 224 Influences and Safety Concerns of Solo Female Travelers 235 Sociocultural Differences as Disturbance and Confusion 242
4.3 Solo Female Travel from Feminist Perspectives 248
4.3.1 Asian Solo Female Travelers’ Plight 248 Asian Sociocultural Contexts 248 Gendered Tourism Space 252 Male’s Domination over Females Through Harassment 254
4.3.2 Resistance and Empowerment 257
5.1 Important Findings and Conclusions 264
5.1.1 Main Findings 265
5.1.2 Important Research Highlights 270 Solo Travel to the Females 270 Dynamics of Solo Female Travel in Taiwan 272 To be Solo or Not? 273 Social Contact with Stranger Males: Positive or Negative? 275
5.2 Research Contributions 276
5.3 Practical Implications 279
5.4 Research Limitations and Suggestions 281

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