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作者(英文):Chia-Ling Shen
論文名稱(英文):The Change and governance of Farmlands Landscape in Lan-Yang Plain: An Analysis of Social-Ecological System Resilience
指導教授(英文):Hsing-Sheng Tai
口試委員(英文):Ai-Ching Yen
Yue-Joe Hsia
Yu Chen Chen
Hsing-Sheng Tai
Hai-Yin Wu
Kuang-Chung Lee
關鍵詞(英文):ResilienceSocial-ecological system framework (SESF)Social network analysis (SNA)Environmental governancePaddy field landscapeFarmhouse regulationLanyang Plain
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Numerous farmhouses erected on the Lanyang Plain have deteriorated farmland landscapes and attracted much academic attention. Conventional research has tended to adopt linear, simple-factor, and steady-state analyses to predict and control system change as well as expect that uniformly applicable policies can achieve predetermined governance goals. Scholars have adopted social–ecological system and resilience analysis approaches in recent decades, claiming that system interactions include not only ecological and social systems but also interacting multilevel factors that have mutual effects. Therefore, the change of such systems features characteristics of multiple equilibria, uncertainty, and unpredictability, thereby forming a complex adaptive system. Therefore, the core of sustainable natural resource and environmental governance is understanding the interaction among multiple systems and multilevel factors and the governance arrangement and capabilities required to address and adapt to uncertainty as well as unpredictable, complex, and dynamic environments and processes.
This study adopted the resilience theory perspective and used a social–ecological system framework and social network analysis to explore how the interactive context and dynamics of multiple systems and multilevel factors affect the system changes and governance of farmland landscapes on the Lanyang Plain. The following findings were obtained: First, the analysis of multiple systems and dynamic social networks provided a comprehensive, contextualized, and dynamic view. This enabled the researchers to clarify key systems and factors as well as identify how influential actors and social relationships interact and affect the system to contribute to policy changes. Therefore, they also emphasize that the governance of the farmland SES in the Lanyang Plain should not only establish a stable and well policy system, but also have more flexible and multi-scale governance arrangements to establish adaptive capacity, and achieve sustainable governance. Second, Taiwan underwent an industrial economic transformation. In 1984, the Fallow Policy was launched, causing considerable farmland systems mainly based on paddy fields to remain fallow. In 2000, multiple factors, including amendments to the Agricultural Development Act, the key effect of National Freeway 5, local industry and environment characteristics, farmland consolidation policy that allowed farmlands to border roads and irrigation canals, farmland livelihood and market price fluctuation, and stakeholder network structures and dynamics, led to the erection of numerous farmhouses. These new farmhouses shifted systems and demonstrated that the basis of system sustainability is the maintenance of crucial ecological services. Third, due to well governance experience and proenvironmental values recognition, the local social system forms a potential governance network enabling them to self-organize to manage changes, improve the ability of social system adjustment, and mitigate system deterioration. In particular, local governments (particularly county mayors) have key roles. Their value orientations affect social network structures and development, policy adoption, and governance results. Fourth, multiple stakeholders self-organize networks in different phases to affect the key power intermediary, namely the Yilan County government. This action eventually weakens the professionality of administrative systems, deteriorates the network structure supporting sustainable governance, leads to unstable policy and governance outcomes, and increases governance difficulty. This situation highlights that local governance lacks a deliberation mechanism to trade off multiple stakeholders. Consequently, relevant decision-making is disproportionately affected by a single node of stakeholders and his value, as well as the social networking mobilization abilities of parties involved in disputes. Finally, local governance systems can positively influence central governance systems. By contrast, later-stage central governance systems have positive control functions. Local and central governance systems buffer and complement each other at different times. This mechanism demonstrates that the provision of developmental space and governance flexibility to multilevel governance systems is conducive to the development of responsive and adaptive social systems in the face of various changes and surprises.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧與探討 19
第三章 蘭陽平原農田社會生態系統之歷史背景 67
第四章 農田社會生態系統互動與結果 105
第五章 討論與建議 155
第六章 結論與研究限制 177
參考文獻 183
附錄一 訪談名單 205
附錄二 2006-2018年蘭陽平原農舍議題相關事件彙整 207
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