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作者(英文):Jung Tso
論文名稱:運用Lee Shulman教學推理與行動模式分析國小教師國語教學知識之轉化
論文名稱(英文):Implementation of Lee Shulman’s Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Model on an Elementary School Teacher’s Transformation of Chinese Language Arts Teaching
指導教授(英文):Yin-Sheue Lin
口試委員(英文):Yun-Chi Ho
Jau-Jiun Hsiao
Shiue-Ling Lee
Yu-Chun Ku
關鍵詞(英文):Pedagogical Content KnowledgePedagogical Reasoning and ActionTransformationTeaching Case(s)Practice Knowledge
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  國語科教學是奠定學生學習的基礎。然因語文教學內容龐雜,學科知識結構不確定,以工具理性驗證的原理原則,不易體察教學現場的複雜多變和解決教學問題;而攸關國小語文教學轉化的研究又付之闕如。因此,本研究以Lee Shulman「教學推理與行動模式」為視框,透過文件分析、教室觀察、晤談、教學省思等互動取向的質性研究方式,觀察四位國小教師經由教學轉化,建構學科教學知識(Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK)之歷程。研究者並以個人實踐知識輔佐教師進行轉化,藉分析十二則教學案例,建構深化的「國語教學推理與行動模式」,嘗試指出一條可循的教學途徑,作為檢核國語教學之工具。研究發現如下:
Chinese language arts is the foundation where students consolidate their learning; however, due to the complex contents of language teaching and the yet-to-be-discovered structure of subject knowledge, it is not easy to understand the complex and ever-changing nature of teaching as well as to solve teaching problems using principles and theories tested empirically; in addition to relatively less research related to teaching transformation of language at elementary-school level. In light of that, this qualitative research with an interactive approach aimed to identify and understand four elementary school teachers’ teaching transformation and their construction of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) by using Lee Shulman’s Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Model as the theoretical framework to analyze data acquired from lesson plans, classroom observation, interview, fieldnotes and student work. The researcher also provided assistance to the teachers with her own practice knowledge, and came up with 12 cases of their teaching to further facilitate the understanding of ‘pedagogical reasoning and action model for Chinese language arts teaching’ and point out an available path to evaluate the teaching of this subject. The research findings are:

I. The teaching of Chinese language arts is recursive among three stages, pre-teaching transformation of teaching materials, during-teaching transformation of teaching methods, and post-teaching reflection, of which the ‘Transformation of Teaching Materials’ is the core of pedagogical reasoning and action. All four teachers had well implemented their knowledge about the learners and were able to reflect and change her/his strategies at any time in terms of teaching. A ‘pedagogical reasoning and action model for Chinese language arts teaching’ was established in accordance with the aforementioned teaching cases.
II. The content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of students’ characteristics possessed by a teacher are extremely crucial regarding the establishment of her/his PCK. The practice knowledge does help with teaching transformation whereas the very teaching transformation must be based upon the teacher’s basic knowledge.
III. Factors, such as prior knowledge of teachers, intervention of expert teachers, teaching materials, school culture, etc. do have imprints upon the pedagogical reasoning and action of teachers.
IV. The transformation of Chinese language arts teaching must be textbook-based.
第一章 緒論
  第一節 研究動機 1
  第二節 研究目的與問題 4
  第三節 名詞釋義 5

第二章 文獻探討
  第一節 國語科閱讀理解教學 7
  第二節 教師知識的內涵及相關概念 32
  第三節 教學轉化 43
  第四節 Shulman教學推理與行動模式在國語教學之應用 51
  第五節 先備知識與理解 57

第三章 研究方法與設計
  第一節 互動取向的質性研究方法 61
  第二節 研究者背景 63
  第三節 教室經驗的探問到研究 66
  第四節 研究倫理、信實度與主觀性問題 67
  第五節 資料蒐集與分析 72
  第六節 研究設計與實施 80

第四章 個案教師教學轉化歷程分析與詮釋
  第一節 案例篩選與呈現 87
  第二節 盈芬老師的教學轉化 90
  第三節 海嵐老師的教學轉化 115
  第四節 薇安老師的教學轉化 145
  第五節 旻暉老師的教學轉化 170
  第六節 個案教師的轉化學習 192
  第七節 個案教師知識與其年齡、任教年資、年級、師培背景之相關 195

第五章 研究結果與討論
  第一節 綜合分析過程 199
  第二節 教學推理與行動歷程分析結果與討論 201
  第三節 影響教學推理與行動歷程之因素 210
  第四節 教學推理與行動對國語教學實務的啟示 222

第六章 結論、建議與省思
  第一節 結論 235
  第二節 建議 241
  第三節 研究者省思 243
  第四節 我為什麼從教學現場出發-代結語 257

  中英文書目 263

附錄一 案例發現一覽 285
附錄二 案例發現歸納一覽 287
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