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作者:Ali Mursid
作者(英文):Ali Mursid
論文名稱:Examining the Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Customer-Company Identification in Enhancing Customer Loyalty
論文名稱(英文):Examining the Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction and Customer-Company Identification in Enhancing Customer Loyalty
指導教授(英文):Cedric Hsi-Jui Wu
口試委員(英文):Sheau-Hwa Chen
Cedric Hsi-Jui Wu
Fu-Yung Kuan
Cheng I Chu
Kang-Hwa Chen
關鍵詞(英文):service encounterscompany identitycustomer-company identificationcustomer satisfactioncustomer loyalty
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The fast growth of the culinary business in Indonesia attracts this study to investigate customer behavior focused on the antecedents of customer satisfaction and customer-company identification in enhancing customer loyalty of favorite restaurants. This framework sights light on the elements of service encounters includes service employee-to-customer interaction, physical environments, and customer-to-customer interaction that affect customer satisfaction and customer-company identification. Moreover, it verifies the components of company identity consists of identity similarity, identity distinctiveness, and identity prestige affect customer satisfaction. This study performs customer trust emerging in the relationship between company identity and customer-company identification. Lastly, it verifies the effect of customer-company identification on customer satisfaction and examines both customer satisfaction and customer-company identification in accomplishing customer loyalty.
This study collected data from the customer of favorite restaurants in Semarang City, Indonesia, using purposive sampling methods. Based on the purposive sampling methods with the criteria of favorite restaurants located in the area of Semarang City, provided an excellent service and quality of foods as well as facilitated with exotic physical environments, and had a good reputation and brand in the eye of customers, this study selected ten favorites’ restaurants. Approximately 750 hundred questionnaires distributed to the respondents to fill the questionnaires measuring with a seven-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Based on the distribution of the surveys with the responds rate of respondents, 79.6% with 597 questionnaires returned. Hence, analysis data using structural equation modeling via AMOS program analyses selected of complete data 520 respondents.
The two-step approach consists of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) used in this data analysis. The results showed that two elements of the service encounter, namely service employee-to-customer interaction and customer-to-customer interaction, insignificantly affect customer satisfaction. Only physical environments significantly affect customer satisfaction. Regarding the elements of service encounters as the antecedents of customer-company identification, the results showed that two aspects of service encounters, namely service employee-to-customer interaction and customer-to-customer interaction significantly affect customer-company identification. Conversely, physical environments cannot magnificently affect customer-company identification. Concerning the relationship between company identity and customer satisfaction, the results showed that all aspects of company identity, namely identity similarity, identity distinctiveness, and identity prestige, significantly influence customer satisfaction. In addition, the role of customer trust in the relationship between company identity and customer-company identification, only valid evolving in the relationship between identity prestige and customer-company identification. The role of customer trust in both identity similarity and identity distinctiveness impacts on customer-company identification was disappeared. Finally, this study strengthens the effect of customer-company identification on customer satisfaction, and the effect of both customer satisfaction and customer-company identification on customer loyalty.
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Table of Contents v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Gap 5
1.3. Research Motivation 6
1.4. Research Questions and Purposes 8
1.5. Research Organization 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development 11
2.1. Literature Review 11
2.1.1. Service Encounters 11 Service Employee-to-Customer Interaction 14 Physical Environments 16 Customer-to-Customer Interaction 17
2.1.2. Company Identity 20 Identity Similarity 22 Identity Distinctiveness 23 Identity Prestige 24
2.1.3. Customer Trust 26
2.1.4. Customer-Company Identification 27
2.1.5. Customer Satisfaction 28
2.1.6. Customer Loyalty 31
2.1.7. The main literatures of Customer-Company Identification and Customer Satisfaction 33
2.2. Hypotheses Development 36
2.2.1. Service Employee-to-Customer Interaction and Customer Satisfaction 36
2.2.2. Physical Environments and Customer Satisfaction 37
2.2.3.Customer-to-Customer Interaction and Customer Satisfaction 39
2.2.4. Service Employee-to-Customer Interaction and Customer-Company Identification 40
2.2.5. Physical Environments and Customer-Company Identification 40
2.2.6. Customer-to-Customer Interaction and Customer-Company Identification 41
2.2.7. Identity Similarity and Customer Satisfaction 42
2.2.8. Identity Distinctiveness and Customer Satisfaction 43
2.2.9. Identity Prestige and Customer Satisfaction 44
2.2.10. The Role of Customer Trust 44
2.2.11. Customer Trust and Customer-Company Identification 45
2.2.12. The Relationship between Customer-Company Identification, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty 46

Chapter 3 Methodology 49
3.1. Theoretical framework 50
3.2. Data Collection and Sampling Strategy 50
3.2.1. Description of Population and Sample 50
3.2.2. Data Collection 51
3.3. Measurement 52
3.3.1. Measurement Scale of the Elements of Service Encounters 52
3.3.2. Measurement Scale of the Elements of Company Identity 54
3.3.3. Measurement Scale of Customer Trust 55
3.3.4. Measurement Scale of Customer - Company Identification, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty 56
3.4. Pilot Test 57
3.5. Data Analysis 58
3.5.1. Descriptive Statistics of Respondents 58
3.5.2. Common Method Variance (CMV) 58
3.5.3. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling 59
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 61
4.1. Pilot Study and Survey Analysis 61
4.2. Descriptive Analysis 65
4.3. Common Method Variance (CMV) 67
4.4. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 68
4.5. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) 71
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Discussions 75
5.1. Conclusions 75
5.2. Discussions 76
5.2.1. Service Encounters and Customer Satisfaction 77
5.2.2. Service Encounters and Customer-Company Identification 79
5.2.3. Company Identity and Customer Satisfaction 81
5.2.4. Company Identity, Customer Trust, and Customer-Company Identification 83
5.2.5.Customer-Company Identification, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty 84
5.3. Theoretical Contribution 85
5.4. Managerial Implication 87
5.5. Limitation and Recommendation for Future Research 88
References 91

List of Figure
Figure 1. Research Organization 10
Figure 2. Bhattacharya & Sen’s Research Model 34
Figure 3. Haumann, et al.’s Research Model 36
Figure 4. Theoretical Framework 50
Figure 5. Results of Structural Model 74

List of Table
Table 1. Definitions of Service Encounters 14
Table 2. Service Employee-to-Customer Interaction, Physical Environments, and Customer-to-Customer Interaction 20
Table 3. Company Identity 22
Table 4. Identity Similarity, Identity Distinctiveness, and Identity Prestige 26
Table 5. Customer Trust, Customer-Company Identification, and Customer Satisfaction 31
Table 6. Customer Loyalty 33
Table 7. Items Scale of Service Employee-to-Customer Interaction 53
Table 8. Items Scale of Physical Environments 53
Table 9. Items Scale of Customer-to-Customer Interaction 54
Table 10. Items Scale of Identity Similarity 55
Table 11. Items Scale of Identity Distinctiveness 55
Table 12. Items Scale of Identity Prestige 55
Table 13. Items Scale of Customer Trust 56
Table 14. Items Scale of Customer-Company Identification 57
Table 15. Items Scale of Customer Satisfaction 57
Table 16. Items Scale of Customer Loyalty 57
Table 17. Item Scales and Cronbach Alpha 63
Table 18. Measurement Descriptive 66
Table 19. Socio-demographics profile of Respondents 67
Table 20. Total Variance Explained 68
Table 21. The Results of CFA Model 69
Table 22. Correlation Matrix of Discriminant Validity 71
Table 23. The Results of Hypotheses Testing 73
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