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作者(英文):Pei-Chieh Chiu
論文名稱(英文):Using Electroencephalograph(EEG) to Observe the Influence of Students Listening to Music on Learning Achievement - for Example to High School Student and the University’s Student
指導教授(英文):Jia-Li Hou
口試委員(英文):Chih-Chin Liang
Kuo-Hui Yeh
Ying-Ho Liu
Yao-Tang Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Reading comprehensionMemory recitationLogical problem-sovlingConcentrationElectroencephalograph(EEG)Capacity theoryMusic
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閱讀理解、記憶背誦及邏輯解題是青少年學子在學習過程必須的技巧,在注意力容量有限的前提下,本研究分別利用問卷探究年級因子干擾以瞭解目前青年學子聽音樂的習慣、感受及對其學習之影響,並採用實驗室實驗法(laboratory experiment)及利用腦波儀分析受測者的專注程度,以檢視有無聽音樂如何依不同時間區段、不同科目、不同音樂類型影響學生在作閱讀理解、記憶背誦及邏輯解題的專注程度。問卷部份共有135份問卷,實驗部份共有96位參與實驗,有效實驗樣本94份。
Students today are immersed in more and more technology products. They can watch TV, use a CD player and an Internet-connected computer at home, while they may also possess a mobile phone, a portable MP3 player or an i-pod everywhere. They can listen to music, watch video clips, surf on the Internet, do online shopping, etc. at any time whether they are at home or not. Since it is a common trend for many adolscents to have various genres of music or sounds in the background while they are concentrating on tasks such as studying, doing homework, and solving logical problems, the impact of music on learners' learning performance is an important issue for research.
Reading comprehension, memory recitation and logical problem-solving are the necessary skills for young students in the learning process. However, subject to limited attention capacity, the researcher first applied the qustionnaire survey to explore the interference of grade factor so as to understand the habits, feelings of young students while listening to music and the impacts on students’ learning. Then, laboratory experiment and Electroencephalograph (EEG) are applied to analyze the participants’ degree of concentration in their reading comprehension, memory recitation and logical problem-solving tasks to examine how the presence and the absence of music in the background affect participants’ degree of concentration in the three tasks above in accordance with different time segments, different subjects and different music genres. There were 135 valid questionnaires. 96 participants took part in the experiment and 94 valid samples were collected.
In the findings, the presence of music in the background exhibits significant differences in the participants’ degree of concentration at the reading comprehension stage, the memory recitation stage, and the logical problem-solving stage. At the listening comprehension stage, the presence of music shows positive difference, and the time and grade factor have no moderation to the difference in the degree of concentration. It's thus suitable for students to listen to foreign pop music to avoid interference of their mother tongue; during the previous 2.5 minutes at the memory memorization stage, the presence of music displays a negative difference in the beginning, and later reveals a positive difference. Both time and grade factor will have a moderation effect on the difference in the degree of concentration. Chinese popular songs hence fit students better. However, for students who tend to be distracted easily, music in the background is not suggested since their degree of concentration will reduce more easily; during the previous 1.5 minutes at the logic problem-solving stage, a negative difference is first seen and later will be followed by a positive difference in values. Time has no moderation effect on the difference in the degree of concentration. Grade factor, nevertheless, has a moderation effect on the difference in concentration. The music genres, such as Chinese pop or foreign pop are preferable.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍及對象 4
第四節 研究流程 6
第貳章 文獻回顧 11
第參章 研究設計與方法 21
第一節 研究架構與假設 21
第二節 研究變項之操作性定義與實驗設計 26
第三節 統計分析 29
第肆章 研究結果與討論 33
第一節 敘述性統計 33
第二節 聽音樂的時機場合、助益及感受 34
第三節 聽音樂習慣依年級作ANOVA分析 39
第四節 各階段專注程度綜合比較 43
第五節 聽音樂與各階段專注程度之分析 52
第六節 各調節變數對各階段專注程度差異之關聯性 57
第七節 聽音樂習慣問卷與神經資訊科學之相關性分析 77
第伍章 結論與建議 81
第一節 結論 81
第二節 貢獻 90
第三節 限制與未來方向 93
參考文獻 95
附錄一:聽音樂是否會影響讀書效果問卷 105
附錄二:國立台灣大學行為與社會研究倫理委員會審查核可證明 108
附錄三:宏智力 腦波儀核准文件 109
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