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作者(英文):Ku-Chu Tsao
論文名稱(英文):Economic Analysis on Subcontracting, International Technology Licensing, and Process R&D
指導教授(英文):Yan-Shu Lin
口試委員(英文):Jin-Li Hu
Kuang-Cheng Wang
Ya-Po Yang
Shih-Jye Wu
Yan-Shu Lin
關鍵詞(英文):Consumer surplusWelfare analysisCost differenceBargaining powerSubcontractingTrade policyVertically related marketR&D, License
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此論文由三篇文章組合而成,分別針對代工、國際技術授權以及製程研發的政府政策以及對社會福利影響的研究。全文皆以部分均衡理論(partial equilibrium theory)為分析之基礎,並根據各章的賽局模型,以倒推方式(backward induction)逐步求解子賽局完全均衡(sub-game perfect equilibrium)。
第四章研究「市場結構與製程研發」。產業經濟的文獻在討論市場結構對廠商研發誘因的影響時,大多假設市場上所有廠商皆做研發,本章假設市場上有些廠商具有研發能力,但有些廠商則無,藉以探討市場結構對程序創新(process innovation)的影響。本章發現,當研發廠商家數增加,個別研發廠商的研發投資水準會下降,但是當不做研發的廠商家數增加時,若研發廠商的生產邊際成本夠大(小),則個別的研發投資水準會下降(上升)。另外,在福利分析中,我們發現政府開放有做研發的廠商進入市場未必能提高福利;在某些條件下,政府開放未做研發的廠商進入市場反而會增加福利。
This dissertation is composed of three articles, subcontracting, licensing, and process R&D. We examine the effects of those on government policies and social welfare. Partial equilibrium approach, sub-game perfect equilibrium, and backward induction are all applied throughout the three topics.
Chapter 2 is entitled "Subcontracting bargaining power and the trade policy". In this chapter, we consider that the split of surplus from a subcontracting deal depends on the relative bargaining powers of domestic and foreign firms. This shows that a domestic optimal export policy is a tax (subsidy) if the bargaining power of the domestic firm is sufficiently small (large). We also demonstrate that a domestic firm’s higher bargaining power increases (may decrease) domestic profit if the export policy is exogenous (endogenous). In the presence of an outsider option, the domestic optimal export policy will be threatened by the outsider option if the domestic firm’s bargaining power is sufficiently small, and thus a large bargaining power increases the optimal export tax. At the same time, the foreign firm may still subcontract to the domestic firm even if the domestic firm has a higher total marginal cost of the intermediate good than the outsider option.
Chapter 3 is entitled "On the welfare analysis of two-tier international technology licensing". This paper analyzes the impact of two-tier international technology licensing on industry profit, consumer surplus, and domestic welfare. We examine four international technology licensing regimes for the domestic government: Upstream licensing only (UL), downstream licensing only (DL), both upstream and downstream licensing (UDL), and no policy with licensing (NPL). We show that both consumer surplus and industry profits are higher under UL regime than those under DL regime. The consumer surplus is higher (lower) under UL regime than that under UDL regime when innovation size is small (large). NPL regime has the highest social welfare, UL regime has the higher social welfare than UDL regime. These results reflect that, in a two-tier licensing framework, welfare is not always better off when the domestic country allows to import more international licensing. In addition, it is shown that the results still hold in two extended discussions: A leader-follower game under UDL regime and domestic licensors.
Chapter 4 is entitled "Market structure and process R&D". In literature, while discussing the impact of market structure on firms’ R&D incentives, it is common to assume all firms invest R&D. However, on the evidence of real word, some firms do not. This chapter sets a model where a group of firms do R&D and the other group does not, and finds that when the number of R&D firms increases, the R&D investment level will decline, on the contrary, when the number of non-R&D firms increases, if the R&D firms’ production marginal costs are large enough (small), then the R&D investment level decreases (increases). On the welfare analysis, it is shown that an increase in the number of R&D firms may not be socially desirable, whereas an increase in the number of non-R&D firms may be socially desirable.
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2文章架構 4
第二章、代工談判力與最適代工出口政策 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 基本模型 11
2.3 最適貿易政策 20
2.4模型擴展 24
2.5結論 31
第三章、多層次國際技術授權的福利分析 33
3.1 前言 33
3.2 基本模型 37
3.3 授權分析 39
3.3.1 只引進上游技術政策 40
3.3.2 只引進下游技術政策 42
3.3.3 同時引進上、下游技術政策 45
3.3.4 自由放任政策 49
3.4 福利分析 50
3.4.1 消費者福利分析 50
3.4.2 產業利潤 54
3.4.3 社會福利分析 55
3.5 模型擴展 57
3.5.1 國外廠商先、後授權 57
3.5.2 國內技術授權 58
3.6 結論 59
第四章、市場結構與製程研發 61
4.1 前言 61
4.2 基本模型 64
4.3 研發投資分析 66
4.4 社會福利分析 73
4.5結論 76
第五章、總結 79

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