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論文名稱:Improving Indonesia Migrant Worker’s Writing Recount Text Ability through Facebook
論文名稱(英文):Improving Indonesia Migrant Worker’s Writing Recount Text Ability through Facebook
指導教授(英文):Ya-Chun Shih
口試委員(英文):Ching-Dar Lin
Hsi Nancy Lien
Tai-Chien Kao
Li-teli Lee
關鍵詞(英文):QDAQualitativeWritingTeaching EnglishRecount textAction Research
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This research deals with the use of Facebook to improve Indonesian migrant workers’ ability in writing recount text. The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out whether or not and to what extent Facebook can improve the migrant workers' skills in writing recount texts, (2) To describe the ongoing migrant workers’ activities over time in the process of teaching and learning on recount text through Facebook and (3) to find out the factors that support or hinder the development of migrant workers’ skills in writing recount texts in the twelfth grade at the Package-C school. The participants are Indonesian migrant workers in the twelfth grade at the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office in Taipei. Action research was conducted in two cycles which consisted of seven meetings. Each comprises four steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. To analyze the migrant workers’ recount test, the researcher applied an inferential statistic to describe the migrant workers’ writing recount text improvement. For the qualitative data analysis (QDA), interviews and observations of the physical activities in the classroom and closed ended questions were carried out to discover the factors that support or hinder the development of migrant workers in writing recount text. The results revealed that the use of Facebook to improve Indonesian migrant workers’ abilities in writing recount text was successful. The ongoing migrant workers’ activities over time in the process of teaching and learning on recount text through Facebook were also successful. This can clearly be seen from the migrant workers’ feedback on the migrant workers’ writing recount text performance, messages to reach out to each other, and reminders and notifications of deadlines to encourage them to reach a passing grade. The factors that support the development of migrant workers’ skills in writing recount texts are: (1) practical teaching materials, (2) reflection and creativity. The factors that hinder the migrant workers’ in writing recount text are: (1) migrant workers’ negative thoughts about English, and (2) continuity, exam culture and school materials that really hinder them. It can thus be concluded that the use of Facebook contributes to the migrant workers’ skills in writing recount text.
Background of the Study 1
Purpose of the Study 5
Research Questions 6
Delimitation of the Study 6
Significance of the Study 7
Definition of terms 7
Migrant Worker 7
Package-C 8
Indonesian Economic and Trade Office in Taipei 8
Facebook 8
Recount Text 9
Organization of the Study 9
Writing 11
Teaching Writing 11
Writing Assessment 12
Recount Text 14
Facebook 15
Facebook as media 16
Action Research 16
Planning 18
Acting 18
Observing 18
Reflecting 19
Research Method and Paradigm 21
Action Research 21
Critical Theory 22
Research Design 22
Context 23
Participants 24
Migrant workers 24
Teacher as a Researcher 25
Data Collection and Instrumentation 26
Recount Test 26
Interviews 27
Observations 28
Questionnaires 28
Procedures 29
Data Analysis 29
Qualitative Data Analysis 29
Quantitative Data Analysis 30
First Cycle 36
Planning 36
Action 37
Observing 43
Reflecting 44
Second Cycle 46
Revised Planning 46
Action 47
Observing 49
Reflecting 49
Using Facebook to improve classroom activities 51
Feedback on Performance through Facebook 51
Facebook messages to reach out to each other 51
Reminders and notifications of deadlines 52
Factors that support or hinder Migrant workers’ in writing recount text 52
Factors that support migrant workers’ in writing recount text 52
Factors that hinder migrant workers’ in writing recount text 53
RQ1: To what extent can the use of Facebook improve migrant workers’ writing skills on recount text? 57
RQ2: How do the migrant workers’ activities change over time in the process of teaching and learning recount text through Facebook? 58
RQ3: What are the factors that support or hinder the development of migrant workers’ skills in writing recount texts? 60
Conclusion 63
Implications and Recommendations 64

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