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作者(英文):Shian-Jang Wang
論文名稱:融入科學的美感教育 ── 高中跨領域課程與教學之行動研究
論文名稱(英文):Intergrating Science into Aesthetic Education: An Action Research on Interdisciplinary Course and teaching in High Schools
指導教授(英文):Huei Lee
口試委員(英文):Jing-Wen LIN
Chia-Ling Chiang
Sung-Tao Lee
Yuh-Yao Wan
關鍵詞(英文):Aesthetic EducationInterdisciplinary CurriculumAction Research
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The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education requires schools and teachers of all levels to offer or teach interdisciplinary courses with an emphasis on integration of subjects and works at the high school level. Interdisciplinary learning in sciences is known as STEM courses or STEAM, if with the addition of arts learning. However, these courses are based on sciences with arts only marginally available in the curriculum that few curricular studies in Taiwan have even focused on integrated science courses with arts education. Currently, it is observed that students in rural areas have insufficient aesthetic experience and low scientific learning achievement and motivation. This study aimed to develop aesthetic learning courses based on scientific concept and explore students' learning in these interdisciplinary courses.
This study not only adopted qualitative approach through classroom observation, student interview, and reflection on teachers’ class notes, but also used quantitative instruments such as the performance-based assessment (Rubrics), the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT), and students' attitude towards science to evaluate their learning as an interpretative reference for the future.
The study found that the integration of science into the curriculum of aesthetic education was helpful for students' aesthetic learning, even though there was less significant improvement in their aesthetic creativity. Although it was difficult to determine the result of science learning and any improvement of their attitude toward science, students were more inclined with interest in science. It was noted that the interdisciplinary integration of aesthetic and scientific courses could motivate the interest of learning in these students of rural areas, for them to broaden both the depth and breadth of their aesthetic learning. Based on the research findings and reflection, the mode of development of “interdisciplinary aesthetic education” could provide as a practical reference for future research and teaching.
致謝 .............................. I
摘要 ............................. III
圖目錄............................. XI
表目錄 ............................XIII
第一章 緒論 ...........................1
第一節 問題背景與動機...................... 1
第二節 研究目的和問題...................... 3
第三節 名詞釋義......................... 4
第四節 研究範圍與限制......................5
第二章 文獻探討......................... 7
 第一節 美感教育........................ 7
 第二節 美感與科學.......................20
 第三節 創造力.........................29
 第四節 跨領域教學設計.....................35
第三章 研究方法.........................41
第一節 研究架構.........................41
第二節 研究設計實施與限制....................42
第三節 研究情境與參與者.....................44
第四節 教學活動設計.......................47
第五節 資料收集.........................52
第六節 資料處理與分析......................58
第七節 研究信實度與研究倫理...................63
第四章 結果與討論........................67
第一節 跨領域美感課程中的美感學習與對課程的感受.........67
第二節 跨領域美感課程中學生創造力之表現.............93
第三節 跨領域美感課程與學生科學學習之表現............109
第四節 跨領域課程教學省思....................120
第五章 結論與建議........................127
第一節 結論...........................127
第二節 建議...........................134
參考文獻 ............................137
中文部分 ............................137
西文部分 ............................144
附錄 ..............................159
附錄一 化紙乾坤教案.......................159
附錄二 鄉情化藝教案.......................165
附錄三 璞石畫教案........................173
附錄四 「化」紙乾坤單元課程後問卷................183
附錄五 鄉情「化」藝單元課程後問卷 ...............184
附錄六 「璞石畫美學」單元課程後問卷 ..............185
附錄七 評量基準表 .......................186
附錄八 對科學的態度問卷 ....................187
附錄九 研究參與及訪談同意書 ..................189
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