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作者(英文):Chia-Hsiang Chang
論文名稱(英文):The Medicinal Values of Botanic Products on Diabetes and Cancer Care
指導教授(英文):Ching-Feng Weng
口試委員(英文):Jian-Chy Chen
Yaw-Syan Fu
Huai-En Lu
Max K. Leong
Kao-Jean Huang
Ping-Jyun Sung
關鍵詞(英文):Dipeptidyl peptidase 4natural compoundsin silicodiabetesherbalsynergistic effectchemotherapychemoresistancechemotherapeutic drugs
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西方醫學儼然成為世界各國的醫療主流系統,儘管醫學的進步讓人的壽命延長,如抗生素使得傳染性疾病可以完全治癒,卻仍有許多無法解決的問題。如癌症治療,正規的癌症治療以手術切除、放療、化療或標靶藥物治療為主,然常伴有掉髮、噁心、 嘔吐、食慾不振、體重減輕等副作用,這些副作用帶給病患極大痛苦與不安。近年來,生活水平提高,伴隨而來的是全球人口邁入高齡化,各種不同的慢性病開始影響著生活品質;也因著資訊的普及化,對於自我健康意識的主張及養生觀念開始注重,為了更進一步改善各種慢性疾病及提高健康的品質,開始尋求更理想的醫療照護及健康維持方法,這些有別於正統西方醫學的各種療法,統稱為補充與替代醫學。此補充與替代醫學在全球各地特別是現代醫學相對發達的國家,其現況、發展與趨勢說明:1.目前現代醫學尚無法完全、有效的解決所有疾病與健康的問題;2.補充與替代醫學具有現代醫學無法替代、且可與之相輔相成的優勢和特點;3.病患的需求已不僅局限在疾病治療;對於生活品質的維持或提高、日常的養生、保健和預防更是關切,而補充與替代醫學能提供更多、更好的貢獻。
Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-4), an incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) degrading enzyme, contains two forms and it can exert various physiological functions particularly in controlling blood glucose through the action of GLP-1. In diabetic use, the DPP-4 inhibitor can block the DDP-4 to attenuate GLP-1 degradation and prolong GLP-1 its action and sensitize insulin activity for the purpose of lowering blood sugar. Nonetheless the adverse effects of DPP-4 inhibitors severely hinder their clinical applications, and notably, there is a clinical demand for novel DPP-4 inhibitors from various sources including chemical synthesis, herbs, and plants with fewer side effects. In this review article, we highlighted various strategies, namely computational biology (in silico), in vitro enzymatic and cell assays, and in vivo animal tests, for seeking natural DPP-4 inhibitors from botanic sources including herbs and plants. The pros and cons of all approaches for new inhibitor candidates or hits will be under discussion.

Traditional chemotherapy in clinics is taken into considerations due to hindrance by systemic toxicity. Currently the administration of multiple chemotherapeutic drugs with different biochemical/molecular targets, known as combination chemotherapy, has attained numerous benefits like efficacy enhancement and amelioration of adverse effects that is broadly applied in various cancer types. Additionally, seeking natural-based alternatives with less toxic become more devotion. In this article, we have reviewed that herbal extracts and isolated herbal compounds can further exhibit various clues according to its acting as (1) synergistically adjuvant therapy with cancer chemotherapeutics; (2) reducing resistance against cancer therapy; and (3) exerted chemoprotective activity to cancer therapy. Natural tumoricidal adjuvants are warned by herbal drug interaction.
致謝 I
摘要 III
補充與替代醫學 V
Table Contents XIII
Figure Contents XIV
Abbreviations XV
Chapter 1 The perceptions of natural compounds against dipeptidyl peptidase 4 in diabetes:from in silico to in vivo 1
1.1 Abstract 1
1.2 Introduction 2
1.3 Overview of DPP-4 and its biological function 3
1.3.1 Two forms of DPP-4 3
1.3.2 Biological function of soluble form DPP-4 4
1.3.3 Biological function of membrane-bound DPP-4 8
1.3.4 Role of DPP-4 in diabetes treatment 10
1.4 Methods for screening novel DPP-4 inhibitors 11
1.4.1 In silico screening of DPP-4 inhibitors 11
1.4.2 Direct test of compounds against DPP-4 14
1.4.3 Natural compounds as novel DPP-4 inhibitors 16
1.4.4 Caution of using DPP-4 inhibitors 17
1.5 Perspectives and future remark 19
1.6 References 19
Tables 45
Figures 52
Chapter 2 Natural compounds adjuvant with chemotherapeutic drugs prospectively potentiated the efficacy of therapy regimen 55
2.1 Abstract 55
2.2 Introduction 56
2.2.1 Challenge of current chemotherapy 56
2.3 Herbal compounds with synergistically enhancing efficacy of chemotherapy 58
2.3.1 Natural compounds act as a chemotherapeutic drug sensitizer 59
2.3.2 Herbal compounds reduce resistance against cancer therapy 61
2.3.3 Herbal compounds execute chemoprevention during cancer therapy 65
2.4 Injury cautiousness and future remark 67
2.5 Conclusion 70
2.6 References 71
Appendix 118
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