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作者:Rangsan Thepmondhri
作者(英文):Rangsan Thepmondhri
論文名稱:A Development of Thai Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Quality Assurance (QA) System
論文名稱(英文):A Development of Thai Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Quality Assurance (QA) System
指導教授(英文):Chuo-Chun Hsieh
Chih-Wen Fan
口試委員(英文):Chih-Wen Fan
Chuo-Chun Hsieh
Shu-Chen Chiang
Ching-Dar Lin
Chi-Ming Chang
關鍵詞(英文):Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingQuality Assurance SystemInternal Quality AssuranceExternal Quality Assurance
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The purpose of this research was aimed at the proposal for having a new Thai TVET QA system. Focus group discussion, interview, comparative Thai and German TVET QA system, the archival data were used with the implication of the IAD Framework as the theoretical reference to explore and investigate the phenomena and the problems of Thai TVET QA system. It was found that Thai TVET QA system by internal and external QA were in the form of the top-down “management” and the loose “monitoring” system including the diverse “interpretation” and the limited “communication”. The varied “interest” and the absence of the “influence” were also found. Those phenomena came the significant factors affecting TVET QA which were 1) changeability and transferability of people, 2) distance among the people, 3) diversity and disparity of assessment system and information, 4) limited communication, 5) varied interest, and 6) absent influence respectively. The research found those 6 factors affecting the success of TVET QA system and implementation. This research proposed the necessity for having more involvement at the policy bodies in a form of a “sub-committee” and the establishment of “institution or agency” to link between the colleges and the policy bodies. For external QA, it would be effective if the external assessment agencies would be established for networking and cooperation. In addition, there was the need for having a new TVET QA structure at the college by having the “department committee” responsible for QA at the department level.
1. Research Background and Motivation…………………………………………….1
2. Research Purpose………………………………………………………………….8
3. Problem Statements………………………………………………………………..9
4. Research Questions……………………………………………………………….12
5. Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………….14
6. Significance of the Research………………………………………………………16

LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………19
1. History and Development of Thai TVET: Perspectives and
Implications of Economics and TVET Reforms…………………………..………....19
2. Definitions and Purposes of QA and TVET QA………………………..…………40
3. The Thai TVET QA systems………………………………………………..…….71
4. The German TVET QA Systems……………………………………………..…...93
5. Research on Thai TVET QA System…………………………….………………..126
6. The Institutional Analysis and Development (AID) Framework
and Its Implications for TVET QA System
Analysis and Development…………………………………………………………..143

RESEARCH METHOD………………………………………………………...165
1. Methodology……………………………………………………………………...166
2. Participants………………………………………………………………...……...173
3. Context of Settings…………………………………………………...…………...182
4. Data Collection………………………………………………………..………….186
5. Data Analysis………………………………………………………..……………201
6. Limitation of Study………………………………………………….……………211
7. Trustworthiness…………………………………………………………………...213
8. Triangulation………………………………………………………...……………216
9. Ethics of Study……………………………………………………….…………...217

1. Positions and Eligibility of People in TVET QA System………………………….221
2. Action of People in TVET QA System………………………..…………………..228
3. A Comparison of Thailand and Germany………………………..……...…………231
4. Findings……………..………………………………………………..……………241
5. Discussion…………………………………………..……………............................250

COMMUNITY OF TVET QA…………………………………………………253
1. Interpretation of People on Information………………………………………..…..253
2. Communication of People on TVET QA…………………..……………...……….260
3. A Comparison of Thailand and Germany ……………………………...………….268
4. Findings…….………………………………………………………..…………….272
5. Discussion………………………………………..………………………………...282

IMPACT OF TVET QA………………………………………………………...285
1. Impact of Interest in TVET Q……………………………………………………..285
2. Impact of Influence in TVET QA………………………………………...………..289
3. A Comparison of Thailand and Germany ……………………………...…………294
4. Findings…………………………….………………………………..……………298
5. Discussion…………………………………………..……………………………..303

A PROPOSAL FOR THAI TVET QA……………………………………….309
1. A Proposal for TVET QA for the OVEC………………………………………….309
2. A Proposal for TVET QA for the College………………………………………....314
3. A Proposal for Internal TVET QA System ……………………………...………...316
4. A Proposal for External TVET QA System……………………………...………..318
5. A Proposal for Internal and External TVET QA System.…………...……………..323

1. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………...327
2. Recommendation……………………………………………………………….....329
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